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Chapter 284 Qianlong Leaping, Who Is The True King

Chapter 284 Qianlong Leaping, Who Is The True King (33)
Liang Yue woke up suddenly from the boat, looking around in confusion.

"Where am I? Shouldn't I be working overtime in the company?"

Before he could finish thinking, a surge of memories flooded into his mind, causing him to have a splitting headache.

After his severe headache subsided, his eyes became even more confused.

"Am I time-traveling? Or have I time-traveled to the era of war and chaos in the last years of Dayong?" After sorting out his memories, Liang Yue couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Although it is said that the last years of Dayong were very glorious in the history books, they could not cover up the cruelty of the war years.

"At this time, the Yellow Turban Bandits had just quelled the rebellion, and Wei Nian might have been dismissed as well, and Shangyuan Village, where I am now, had just been massacred by the Yellow Turban Bandits. The original body escaped by hiding in the cellar with his sister and childhood sweethearts, and then went out. When I was looking for food, I was bitten by a poisonous snake and died, and I came across."

At this time, Liang Yue also felt a trace of discontent in his heart: "Since I have inherited your name, from today onwards, I will be Yuan Yu and Yuan Yude."

But after Liang Yue finished speaking, he felt relieved.

After he changed his name and surname to completely inherit Yuan Gui's name, he couldn't help but feel relieved. At the same time, strangely, Goldfinger also arrived in the account.

The strongest emperor system has been activated

Name: Yuan Gui, courtesy name Yude

Commander: 1
Interior: 1
Reputation: 0
Wealth: 0
Power: none
Do you want to open the novice gift pack?

Yuan Yu was overjoyed: "Senior Traveler, you are sincerely not lying to me, open the novice gift bag."

Obtain ordinary soldier amulet (100 people) × 1, random talent recruitment order × 1
Two light spots appeared in Yuan Gui's mind, and how to use the ordinary soldier talisman and random talent recruitment order automatically appeared in his mind.

"Brother, wake up, are you alright?" This was Yuan Gui's younger sister, Yuan Zhen, who was picked up and adopted by his father from outside instead of his own.

The appearance is white and beautiful, and the country is all over the city.

"Yuan Zhen, I didn't expect my sister to be the queen of Wu Teng, the founding emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty. Then in history, I must have died." Yuan Gui muttered to himself.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Yuan Zhen couldn't help but ask with wide eyes curiously.

"Your brother must be thinking about something indecent." Another female voice sounded, and Yuan Gui knew that it was his childhood sweetheart Lu Ling.

"My Miss Lu, stop talking nonsense." Yuan Gui couldn't help touching his nose with a wry smile.

Looking at Lu Ling's tall and heroic figure, Yuan Gui felt that this original body was really extraordinary, and he also remembered that this Lu Ling would be the only female general under Dongjun Wuzhao's hands in the future.

According to historical records, the reason why Emperor Xia Ying was able to rule the world in the last years of Dayong, when the princes rose together and the warlords were divided, was inseparable from his elder brother Wu Zhao, the future Dongjun.

Although Dongjun has no purpose, it is considered exhaustive. The reason why Dongjun has no purpose is not recorded in the official history, but it is recorded in the unofficial history.

According to the rumors, Emperor Xia Ying was originally reincarnated as a black dragon, but because of the jealousy of the sky, his eyes were burned by the great sun.

But Dongjun was unfamiliar with the double pupil, so he took off the double pupil to make up the eyes of Emperor Xia Ying's black dragon, and made up for the shortcomings, and finally made Emperor Xia Ying Wu Teng rule the world.

That's why Wu Zhao was named Dongjun, the sun god.

"Okay, drink some water. You've been asleep for a day. Fortunately, you brought some food back, otherwise we'd all be starving." Lu Ling handed over a bowl of water, rarely showing a sad face.

Yuan Gui took the water with a flickering expression and drank it in one gulp.

If he didn't want to work hard, he just had to wait for the development of history. His sister married Wu Teng, and he would also be a relative of the Great Xia Dynasty in the future, but he was not reconciled.

Especially with the golden finger of the strongest emperor system, how could he be willing to succumb to others.

"Emperor Xia Ying and Dong Jun should still be preparing for the imperial examination. This is my opportunity. The Yellow Turban Rebellion has been settled, so the next step is the eunuch's chaos in power. If it is used properly, it may be possible to buy a county. make."

Yuan Gui didn't dare to think about the official position of prefect. Not only is the official position expensive, but the power in a county is too complicated for him to handle.

A county is the most suitable place, and he can also choose Xiahu County, the land of Longxing of Emperor Xia Ying, which must be in chaos now.

As long as he uses the ordinary soldier talisman (100 people), he can get a hundred soldiers. With military power in hand, Xiahu County will definitely be in his hands.

The only more difficult thing is that he has no money to buy officials.

"Maybe it just fell on the random talent recruitment order, and I don't know who can be recruited for me." Yuan Gui couldn't help thinking.

"Idiot, why are you so dazed?" Lu Lingying couldn't help but groaned coquettishly.

Yuan Gui smiled wryly again: "I'm thinking about our future, we can't stay like this in the future."

The three couldn't help but fell silent.

"I'm going to Yongdu." After a long silence, Yuan Gui finally made up his mind.

This can't help but startled Yuan Zhen and Lu Ling. They thought Yuan Gui just wanted to do business or take the imperial examination, but they didn't expect to go to Yongdu.

Now that the yellow turban thieves are raging outside, where can we go?

The two of them are not Yuan Gui, the time traveler, how would they know this.

"Why don't you just wait a little longer." Judging from Yuan Gui's expression, Lu Ling knew that she couldn't persuade her.

"Don't worry, I'll be ready to go." Yuan Gui was naturally full of confidence.

He felt that it was a stupid idea for him to worry about money before. With a hundred soldiers, he still couldn't get a single one to buy the county magistrate?

Lu Ling and Yuan Zhen nodded worriedly.

"I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back." Yuan Gui went straight out without waiting for the two to answer.

When he went out, he naturally had to use up the ordinary soldier talisman (100 people) and the random talent recruitment order, otherwise he would not dare to go to Yongdu alone.

"Use ordinary soldiers and soldiers (100 people)."

Please create a faction first.

Yuan Gui frowned at the system's prompt: "Create an influence."

After the faction is created, please name the faction.

"Liang." Yuan Gui was silent for a while, and finally used his last name from his previous life as the power name.

Force: Liang
Wen Chen: None
Generals: None
Soldiers: none
Seeing that there are three more columns under the last line of forces on the panel, Yuan Gui couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Use ordinary soldiers and soldiers (100 people)."

As the light spot of the ordinary soldier talisman (100 people) in his mind burst, a hundred soldiers appeared in front of Yuan Gui out of thin air.

"Goldfinger is awesome, it can be born out of thin air, what about the random talent recruitment order." Yuan Gui thought to himself, and immediately used the random talent recruitment order.

"I've met my lord." A handsome, rather thin scribe appeared suddenly and saluted Yuan Gui.

(End of this chapter)

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