Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 420 Reorganization of the underlying logic

Chapter 420 Reorganization of the underlying logic

Facts have proved that aliens are really hungry. When Wu Mingkong opened the black box, he saw the echinoderm standing on his head boredly. From this situation, Wu Mingkong had a black line all over his head.

Then he stuffed the black box back into the corner. Since he didn't starve to death, let's put it there for another two days. Let's talk about it after the group of virtual intelligent beings on hand are gone.

Wu Ming took another step towards completely destroying the underlying logic of virtual intelligent life with the royal power granted by heaven.

Go directly from the Octahedron Mang.

Even the server octahedron where the virtual intelligent life resides is the incarnation of Wu Mingkong, so there is no need to be careful, just get started.

To be honest, the speed of this kind of internal injection is still very fast, it is just a matter of thought, and this group of virtual intelligent beings will completely become idiots.

Amnesia was bad enough, but Wu Mingkong used it too far, not only cleared the other party's memory, but almost ruined the other party.

The chaotic virtual intelligent life showed a trace of chaos in the octahedron formed by Wu Mingkong's right hand, and the collapse of the underlying logic caused all the virtual intelligent life to collapse.

Fortunately, the royal power directly took over, so that this collapse was terminated, and a new underlying logic was being restructured.

"It seems to be going well, but I don't know how to program." He can still rely on the power of the king for the underlying logic. Although one may belong to metaphysics and the other to science, the essence is the same. Restructuring of thinking.

It's just that the construction of thinking is not perfect because of the nature of the king's power.

Because the thinking construction of Wang Quantiantian only focuses on loyalty, and Wu Mingkong did not modify the rest. What he needs is a loyal subordinate with independent self, not a robot that will only wait for Wu Mingkong's order.

So this group of fictitious intelligent life loyalty was built, and it stopped collapsing. It is in good condition now, but it has become a vegetative state.

"Forget it, first upload the data of this thing to Siwei Internet Cafe, and see if anyone can do something big for me." He has already analyzed the data of this group of virtual intelligent life, otherwise he would not dare to use the royal power In the past, Tianshou Mang used to, and if something happened, it would be a group of death, and if one was not careful, the species might become extinct. This kind of careful research made Wu Mingkong very painful.

After the data has been formed, Wu Mingkong doesn't have to worry about the follow-up. With this data, Da Zhou will make a big leap in long-distance leaps and even space technology.

With these data alone, Wu Mingkong has a lot of improvement plans for the space affinity ability on his body, and the use of space will be more diversified by then, although he has not used it much.

But at least in terms of teleportation, he still uses it very often. In the case of not meeting a big boss, the ability of teleportation is still very useful. It is very convenient whether it is a sneak attack or a frame-up.

Let alone teleporting if you meet a big boss, the world-suppressing supernatural powers can't handle it, so reopening the dungeon is justified.

At present, those big bosses Wu Mingkong has met don't bother to do anything to him, and they are all very kind-hearted. They reward him with a 500-year suppression package without saying anything.

Originally, he wanted to make the long-distance jump first, and he could only let the subjects of the Great Zhou go on battleships, and upgrade his own space affinity. The azimuth upgrade is no less than a minor surgery after combing the middle points of all the devoured planets.

So Wu Mingkong planned to use the method of patching, and gradually replace it after a small individual has completed its own transformation.

This method of replacement has the least impact, but it may take a little longer, otherwise who will really operate on other incarnations?

Incarnate into a planet and come by yourself, grow two arms to open a scoop of a planet in the universe and then start to move the knife inside?

Although the feasibility is very high, it feels unreliable no matter how you hear it.

Thinking about it this way, Wu Mingkong found that he seemed to have no way to be a salted fish at all. Not to mention how to maximize the use of this group of virtual intelligent beings who have become vegetative, let alone the spiritual translation ability of the echinoderm cosmic spirit. Only halfway through the research, just thinking about this stuff gives me a headache.

That echinoderm likes to brag, but there are just a few words that come and go, Wu Mingkong's head gets dizzy, and he has heard several hints that the other party should change the word to brag.

It's a pity that this kind of echinoderm didn't understand Wu Mingkong's hint at all, and Wu Mingkong felt that even if this guy understood, he probably wouldn't have any other words. Wu Mingkong had seen the memory of the other party.

"Why is it a dungeon system? Why isn't it an add-on system?" Wu Mingkong couldn't help but sighed.

Wu Mingkong couldn't help but compare other people's systems. They either have beautiful elves, or they can interact with each other, and they can be exchanged for anything.

He also wants to level up by killing monsters, and he doesn't need to use his brain.

If Wu Mingkong obtained this kind of system, he would definitely engage in the breeding industry immediately, and he would become a god just sitting at home butchering pigs.

Although his dungeon system is also very powerful, but he can only play dungeons, because his strength has risen too fast. Thinking about the first few dungeons, he basically lost things when he killed monsters. It's all gone, and the rewards are deducted from time to time because the server crashes when playing a copy.

He couldn't even upgrade his skills. So far he had seen "Three Treasures Forging" and Heizi could use skill points to upgrade, and "Sambo Forging" was covered by the non-upgradable inner alchemy.

Even the most basic backpack is a scam, it can only be taken out, it cannot be stored in, and there are still two cheating things in it, Wu Mingkong has not dared to touch it.

"Get out the spiritual translation first, otherwise it would be impolite to always rely on soul searching when meeting people in the future, but there are still some flaws in this spiritual translation, and they can't understand what these virtual intelligent beings are saying."

This has to be understood. The premise of spirit translation is that the other party has spirit. If you let the spirit of the universe communicate with a bread machine, a ghost can be communicated.

Don't say you understand it, if the bread machine can speak, it will be regarded as a master.

Who has nothing to make the bread machine perfect? ​​Wu Mingkong is not so free, so you can't let you chat with the other party while baking bread, how many mature slices of bread are you going to eat today?

You want to chat, but the bread machine doesn’t necessarily want to chat with you. Maybe the other party still thinks of me every time they spray bread slices.

(End of this chapter)

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