Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 457 Meditation Method of Level 9 True Spirit Wizard

Chapter 457 The Meditation Method of the Ninth-Level True Spirit Sorcerer
"A meditation method, no, no, it's not a pure meditation method, but also mixed with other things."

Wu Mingkong carefully extracted the information contained in it and began to analyze it.

"A circle formed by ten original particles, 22 paths, three pillars and four stages."

Wu Mingkong fit the four kinds of weird graphs formed into the world tree.

He always felt that something was not quite right, especially the familiarity.

After he compared the data in his memory, he remembered something familiar: "It's actually the Kabbalah tree of life."

However, Wu Mingkong didn't care why the Kabbalah Tree of Life from his previous life appeared here. Anyway, even the White Lotus Sect and the Yellow Turban Bandit, two perennial villain forces, have one more Kabbalah Tree of Life. It's strange.

The dungeon system, the magical version of Shushan, the Pinxixi version of Yandi, and the low-profile version of the Foundation have all come out, and Wu Mingkong has long been used to it.

Wu Mingkong suspected that if he hadn't crushed Edward who fell unconscious with him in the wizarding world, maybe he would still be able to see the chip flow wizard.

""The Meditation Method of the Tree of Life" can directly reach the meditation method of the ninth-level true spirit wizard, and its intention is slightly inferior to that of inner alchemy."

Why is it slightly inferior to Neidanshu? Because Wu Mingkong can understand it, it is slightly inferior to it.

"No, not one, but two meditations, which complement each other. One is the Kabbalah tree of life, and the other is the opposite Kabbalah tree of life."

"World Wizard? To achieve the world by yourself, you must have the blood of the World Tree, with the "Tree of Life Meditation Method." Wu Mingkong seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"No, the follow-up computation is a bit heavy."

When Wu Mingkong analyzed it to the seventh-level world wizard, he began to feel a little dizzy. This thing is simply not something that ordinary people can use. The pre-requisites are stuck, and it needs the blood of the world tree.

He doesn't even know which wizard made it, but he can be sure that it should also be a ninth-level true spirit wizard, but how it is spread out is very meaningful.

As a ninth-level true spirit wizard, Wu Mingkong couldn't imagine what kind of power he possessed. Even the eighth-level Xiri wizard couldn't resist him, so he gave up his imagination.

However, although wizards in this world are good, Wu Mingkong has no intention of converting god wizards to practice.

The god wizard on hand is not the original version, but his own god wizard. It is not a god wizard in essence, but the practice method "The Essentials of Truth" that he practiced.

But even though he didn't have the idea of ​​switching to cultivation, he could learn from it. It's rare to come across a thing that is slightly inferior to inner alchemy, and it's the kind he can understand. Not better.

"It's a good thing, but it's actually a scam. If I hadn't cheated on it, even if I have the blood of the World Tree, I might not be able to pass it on to the "Tree of Life Meditation Ideas."

The inheritance conditions of "Tree of Life Meditation" are extremely strict. The first is the blood concentration. Only when the blood concentration of the World Tree is above 50.00%, can a part of it be unlocked.

But it's fine if it's just that, after all, as long as the wizard's strength increases, there are still certain ways to stimulate the concentration of his own blood.

But there is another condition to pass on to the "Tree of Life Meditation Method", that is, before possessing magic power.

That is to say, unless the blood concentration of the World Tree is above 50.00% before becoming a wizard, it can be passed on to the "Tree of Life Meditation".

That's why Wu Mingkong said that this thing is actually a pit.

"No wonder, Shelley couldn't comprehend "The Tree of Life Meditation" later because she refined the magic power with "Fairy Meditation" and the condition was missing." Wu Mingkong suddenly realized that although he was not as strong as now at the beginning, but It is still possible to stimulate blood vessels to increase concentration, after all, Shelley has repeatedly practiced for him.

Wu Mingkong also found a good thing, that is the world membrane.

As a tall wizard species of world wizards, "The Tree of Life Meditation Method" explained in detail the composition of the structure of the world's fetal membrane.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Wu Mingkong can be sure from the words that the price paid by world wizards to become a sixth-level morning star wizard is much higher than that of god wizards.

World wizards need a world origin as an alternative world membrane.

In other words, a world wizard needs a world to be promoted from a fifth-level wizard to a sixth-level morning star wizard.

"The resources needed for something that is remarkable at first glance must be great." This is only a sixth-level world wizard.

Level seven is even more extreme. This time, ten cores of the world are needed to satisfy the ten prime particles. This is the core of the world.

And the remaining eighth and ninth level Wu Mingkong has not had time to analyze, but just for these things, Wu Mingkong will not touch the wizard category of world wizard.

It's not a question of whether it costs money, but Wu Mingkong simply can't afford this thing. Except for those with great luck, Wu Mingkong can't imagine anyone who can become a world wizard under such harsh conditions.

But if Wu Mingkong had obtained the inheritance of the world's wizards from the very beginning, he would definitely plunge into it, for no other reason, it is too tempting.

And with the dungeon system, he is also sure, but now that he has obtained the inheritance of the world's wizards, it can only be said to be of reference value, and he will not practice in cultivation. His own system is fully mature.

Even if it was earlier, before he became a god wizard when he emptied his wizard level, he might replace the god wizard category with a world wizard.

But it is completely impossible now, not because of the trouble of re-clearing the wizard level, but because it is no longer necessary, just add the places he needs in the world wizard to his own system.

"Although it's a good thing, it still takes a lot of time to understand it thoroughly." Wu Mingkong was a little puzzled. This thing can only be said to be studied in the next copy.

In reality, the cost of research time is too large to be cost-effective.

But now it's not suitable to enter the dungeon. He has already set the goal of the next dungeon as a big battle. If he wants to go in, at least he has to wait for the avatars of many planets to return and merge before starting.

"Your Majesty, the Chihua Realm has been cleaned up." Zhuge Yi in the thinking network reported the latest situation to Wu Mingkong.

So fast?Wu Mingkong didn't expect that the Chihuajie was cleaned up. Although the progress was reported to the thinking network every day, Wu Mingkong didn't take a closer look, only knowing that the progress was rapid.

"The next step is for you to decide on your own." Wu Mingkong directly delegated the power to them to solve it themselves, otherwise it would be useless for them.

(End of this chapter)

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