Chapter 485

Facts have proved that it is very simple to shrink the kingdom of Jindan, and the general steps are a little simpler than stuffing an elephant in the refrigerator.

After all, it takes three steps to stuff the elephant into the refrigerator, but it only takes one step to shrink the Golden Elixir Kingdom, directly shrinking it.

It is more troublesome to grow a person on the reduced golden core.

The order of Wu Mingkong's golden elixirs is a bit messy. The normal order is that a golden elixir grows in the human body, but Wu Mingkong is the person who grows on the golden elixir.

It's not like there is a person growing on the golden core, all of Wu Mingkong's body is in the Kingdom of God, otherwise Wu Mingkong would really be a ball if there is no growing person on the golden core.

"Then my situation is not a bit of puff pastry."

Normal inner alchemy, the golden alchemy in the human body.

Wu Mingkong's inner alchemy, the golden alchemy is the best among the people, the kind that is very nonsense.

When someone beat Wu Mingkong to death and found that there were actually a lot of Wu Mingkong in his body, would he have a nervous breakdown?

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it has nothing to do with Wu Mingkong, the important thing now is to restore the body shape, because Wu Mingkong swallowed three galaxies, which resulted in a hole left in all three galaxies.

Moreover, this void is still changing, and there is a high probability that the laws of the universe are undergoing natural repairs.

The Portable Empire has been completed, but Wu Mingkong has not given up on the original huge size. This size is actually good, at least it is convenient when eating.

Although the Kingdom of the Golden Core God is also very large, this is a relatively core part, so naturally it cannot be exposed to the outside, and needs to be covered with a layer of skin.

That is to say, the newborn has a huge body shape.

Wu Mingkong is very confident about the defensive power of the Golden Core God Kingdom, but there may be something unscientific in the universe on the technological side. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to directly reset the Golden Core God Kingdom to zero?

It would be better to use the previous mode, at least he can't be killed, and with the backing of the Jindan Kingdom, a new student, he is not afraid of anything at all.

It seems that there is no change in the policy, but in fact Wu Mingkong's portable empire has been completed, and the peace of heaven and earth has also been completed.

And more importantly, he was able to bring Da Zhou into the dungeon.

Even the qualitative change of space technology made him fully able to shrink the newborn body that can span three galaxies to a normal human size.

That is to say, Wu Mingkong actually has two bodies spanning three galaxies, and a kingdom of gods spanning three galaxies. Rounding things up, he can be regarded as a person with three bodies.

This time it grows very quickly. With previous experience, he estimated that it only takes one day to become a thing that fills three galaxies. At that time, with this huge body as the starting point, the Devouring the surrounding galaxies, as long as he completely devours the entire universe, he will probably be able to complete the portable universe.

The premise is that he was not killed before that.

The devoured galaxies will be incorporated into the Golden Core God Kingdom and become part of the Great Zhou Empire.

Now it is time to devour the galaxy and wait for the arrival of the cosmic civilization that locked on the original planet A[-]Y[-]. After the processing is completed, Wu Mingkong can start the strategy of Yuling Realm.

But before that, Wu Mingkong had to plan the next step of the Great Zhou Empire.

Wu Mingkong already had a draft for the next step plan, which was called the Great Zhou Shenchao Plan.

The whole country is soaring, and all the people are gods.

It is impossible to become an immortal, let alone a subject of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even he has struggled to become an immortal, it is easier to conceive a god, otherwise why is it called the Great Zhou God Dynasty instead of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty.

It is much easier to become a god, Wu Mingkong. Under normal circumstances, for example, a god wizard can create gods in the kingdom of God, and there are also divine edicts of incense and fire, and more powerful magic weapons such as the list of gods.

Wu Mingkong can now transform the subjects of the Great Zhou into gods, but Wu Mingkong didn't act immediately, he felt that the gods created by the god wizards were still flawed.

He also needs Xianghuo Dao as a new support.

He wants to become the Heavenly Emperor, although his current status is no different from this Heavenly Emperor, in fact he is more like the Heavenly Dao of the Golden Core God Kingdom.

He needs the ability of the innate authority of the divine edict of the Incense Dao, and the gods created by the gods and wizards also have this ability, but they are relatively weaker and more inclined to faith.

What Wu Mingkong needs are those innate gods who master the rules in the Xianxia system, the kind of gods who don't need beliefs, the great gods who won't be bound.

For example, the Emperor of Heaven, is it not the Emperor of Heaven if no one believes in Him?
This is the difference from the god shaman. Although the god shaman does not need faith, he still has to rely on faith to transform into divine power to maintain the kingdom of God. It is just that the god shaman's belief does not come from ordinary people, but from the gods he created. Every god is a fanatical follower of the god-wizard.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to maintain a kingdom of God by transforming the magical power of gods and wizards into divine power. plug-in.

This comparison makes the lord wizard and lair wizard who belong to the legion wizard stand out. They do not consume so much energy. Whether it is a floating city or a breeding nest, there will be no result that the wizard will be sucked into a mummy by the legion foundation. .

At most, the floating city will land or the breeding nest will die, but the kingdom of God is in the body of the god wizard. If the divine power cannot keep up, it will directly swallow the god wizard, and the kingdom of God will collapse after the god wizard dies.

But relatively speaking, the benefits of the god wizard are more obvious. The kingdom of God is in the body, and it is better to carry it with you. The floating city is better, at least it can move, but it is huge. This breeding nest is a pit. It is also necessary to transplant the breeding nest to a large monster, but the breeding nest generally does not move.

In this way, the goal is much bigger.

This is gain and loss, nothing is perfect in the world, unless he cheats, just like Wu Mingkong.

"I'll put Planet A, Seven, B, and Three here first, otherwise it will be a bit embarrassing if the cosmic civilization can't be found. Isn't it for nothing that I waited so long?" Wu Mingkong said, and gradually a huge body split out. The planet is roughly similar in appearance to planet A, III, B and VII.

Fortunately, Wu Mingkong released it fast enough. The Heidou Zerg over there almost suspected that there was something wrong with the cave beast. Why did this planet disappear from time to time? No matter how you look at it, something is wrong.

In the end, it stabilized, which made the Heidou Zerg feel relieved. If it was gone, wouldn't it really be a waste of time to run for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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