Chapter 5 Medicine
Medicine: He has a strong learning ability and comprehension for medical skills and medicines. (Belonging to one of the 72 techniques of Earth Sha)

Wu Mingkong looked at the introduction of the medical skills in the skill column, and he always felt that it was a bit unreal to explode him with a 72 Earth Sha skill at the beginning, even though it was only a completely auxiliary skill.

"It can't be regarded as completely auxiliary. Many things require medical knowledge, such as this "Three Treasures Forging". Wu Mingkong is now completely sure that there must be something missing in this "Three Treasures Forging", but it may not be important.

Fortunately, he didn't back out immediately, glanced at the books on the bookcase, and then looked at his panel.

Contract Summoning - Fine Dog and "Three Treasures Forging" can be upgraded with 1 skill point from the treasure chest, but medicine cannot.

However, he was not in a hurry. He still had a guess now. Since the medical skills can provide the ability to learn medical skills and medicine, why not try it here.

He took out a medical book from the bookcase, glanced at the cover, there were some words he didn't know, but he could fully understand the meaning of these words.

""Seven Absolute Prescriptions for Febrile Diseases"? I haven't heard of it." Wu Mingkong opened the "Seven Absolute Prescriptions for Febrile Diseases" directly. But like jumping elves, they look wonderful.

Moreover, according to the records in the medical books, he only needs to think about it briefly, and he can understand it. Even if there are no punctuation marks in this ancient medical book, he can judge by himself how to punctuate the sentence.

After reading "Seven Absolute Prescriptions for Febrile Diseases", he closed the book, closed his eyes, and reorganized it. Wu Mingkong found that although he had no basic knowledge of medicine, he had thoroughly understood the book. But once he went beyond the scope of this febrile disease, his eyes were also darkened.

Then he picked up a book that looked like the Book of Songs from the table. He could understand the words, but it was boring and tasteless.

"It seems that this medicine skill is more than a hundred times stronger than "Three Treasures Forging". "Three Treasures Forging" has an upper limit, but this medicine skill has no upper limit at all, so the real reward this time is actually this medicine skill. It's just an added bonus."

Wu Mingkong is very confident that as long as he reads the books in this bookcase, he can sort out a copy of "Three Treasures Forging".

It's no wonder that there is no explanation for "Three Treasures Forging", unlike the contract summons - fine dog and medicine that will have explanations when clicked, this "Three Treasures Forging" cannot be clicked at all.

Afterwards, Wu Mingkong took out another copy of "A Thousand Herbs" and started reading.

Time passed bit by bit, and the medical books on the bookcase were also decreasing one by one. Wu Mingkong didn't feel the passage of time at all.

When he raised his head again, he found that there was only one book left on the bookcase, and the puppy didn't run around like a husky, but just squatted quietly in the corner and watched Wu Mingkong read one by one. Write medical books.

When Wu Mingkong picked up the last medical book, it was called "Three Treasures".

The main purpose is to restore the three treasures of essence, energy and spirit.

When he saw the "Three Treasures", Wu Mingkong laughed out loud. In fact, after reading those medical books, he already knew what was missing in the "Three Treasures Training", the part about medicine training was missing.

It's just that he has been reading books before, and he didn't have the heart to deduce it, and this medicine training is not very important, it just speeds up the training of "Three Treasures Training".

And this part of the medicine refining is in the "Three Jewels".

After opening the "Three Treasures" and briefly going through it, Wu Mingkong reviewed it once in his mind, and then he thoroughly understood the "Three Treasures".

"This "Three Treasures" really saved me a lot of time. Not only are there experimental records, but also various extensions to "Three Treasures Forging", and even gave me inspiration for revision." Wu Mingkong stretched his waist, looked With a mountain of medical books.

"Finally finished watching..." As soon as the words came out, the whole person was stunned.

He found something wrong: "I read so many books, why don't I feel hungry or sleepy."

That's right, it would be impossible to read so many medical books that piled up like a mountain in a month, but he didn't feel anything wrong when he was addicted to them, and he was even in good spirits now.

On the small stove in the corner of the hut, the medicine stove that had been burning since he killed the pharmacist was still burning, and no one added charcoal to the medicine stove during this period.

"Could it be that everything in this dungeon is constant?" Wu Mingkong looked at the corpse of the pharmacist on the ground again, and it was still lying on the ground without decay.

Although I don't know how long it has been, Wu Mingkong can be sure that it has been at least a month, but the corpse has not rotted, which shows that this dungeon is completely in a constant state.

"That's really great, Gouzi, let's go outside to gather medicine with me." Wu Mingkong called the fine dog and walked out of the hut.

He is going to start practicing "Three Treasures Training", and now that he has the part of medicine refining, he must make good use of it. If he returns to reality, then he will find another medicine with the same medicinal properties to practice "Sambo Training". Trouble, there are no such medicinal materials in reality.

As for the medicinal materials needed for the "Sambo forging" medicine refinement, there happened to be in this medicine garden, and they were grown on a large scale.

Wu Mingkong stepped out of the hut, only to find that the bodies of the boy collecting medicine and the boy smashing medicine had disappeared, and then he immediately turned to look inside the hut, only to see a white light flashing in the hut after the fine dog came out, and the body of the pharmacist also disappeared. And the medical books he read also returned to the bookcase, and the original mess became tidy again.

"Refresh?" Wu Mingkong discovered another mechanism, and this mechanism made Wu Mingkong's eyes shine.

"If it can be refreshed, then it doesn't mean that the medicine in this medicine garden is endless." In order to test whether this idea is true, he directly picked a bunch of medicinal materials needed for the "Sambo Exercise" medicine refining, and took a careful The dog entered the hut, and then saw a white light flashing outside the house, and the emptied medicine garden was immediately filled with medicinal materials, and they were exactly the same as the medicinal materials he picked.

"The most precious thing in the dungeon is not the dropped thing, but the dungeon itself."

Wu Mingkong put all the medicinal materials into the medicine stove, simmered slowly on low heat, added half a spoonful of water, and said with a long breath.

While he was boiling the medicine, he began to practice the matching breathing method in "Sambo Forging". Wu Mingkong had to admit that although the dropped "Sanbao Forging" lacked the medicine refining part, the breathing method and three movements were based on Wu Ming From the current perspective, Kong is impeccable, maybe the dungeon system has been optimized.

(End of this chapter)

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