Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 501 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 501 Night Talking Ghost Fox ([-])

Grandma Dryad watched herself helplessly being put into a flower pot, and then transported to the palace along the back basket.

Watching Li Jinzhong holding her flowerpot, he chose a place and placed it on the table.

Next to her is the old Heishan demon who is used as a paperweight, and she can be sure that it is really the old Heishan demon.

Relying on the introverted demonic aura and the mixed ghost aura, this kind of Taoism can't help but make her feel palpitations, but at this moment, she is as motionless as a stone.

Looking from a distance, Cihang Pudu, who was soaked in the glass jar, was constantly twisting his body, looking extremely painful.

There is also a painted wall not far away, which is clearly the celestial bliss of the blissful monk. Inside, there are pavilions, towers and pavilions, countless celestial maidens, and even guarded by gods and men. In the center of the painting wall, the blissful monk sits cross-legged, I was beating the wooden fish and reading the scriptures, and I didn't dare to make any oversteps, as if I was really a painting.

Look again, at the south corner, a lifelike small city is placed there like a sand table, and there are three large characters of Furong City written on the gate of the city. It was photographed and put aside as a decoration.

Seeing this situation, the dryad's grandma became more and more frightened, whether it was the transformed skin ghost, the man in the ear who lived in the ear, or even the former corpse king with the pearl in his mouth, one by one... They didn't dare to move and acted as decorations.

Afraid of being noticed that something happened.

What frightened the tree demon's grandmother even more was that so many demons, monsters, and sprites gathered together, but they didn't even leak out any evil spirits.

It's not that they restrained themselves well, but that all the evil spirits in their bodies were suppressed by the Great Zhou Emperor.

The only thing I'm dissatisfied with is that it's a bit unfair that these demons and ghosts should be used as decorations, but that fox can be used as a pet.

"It's not bad, he brought his own little brother." Wu Mingkong glanced at the potted plant of the dryad's grandmother, with a bunch of wandering ghosts underneath, and Nie Xiaoqian was also there, and they were all stuffed back.

"Your Majesty, don't you worry about Li Xu's efficiency?" Li Jinzhong said.

"No, it's a good thing he didn't go to the underworld, otherwise the underworld would be completely bare." Wu Mingkong is naturally true, but Li Xu specializes in researching aura viruses. If he goes to the underworld, he might have to mutate something Aura virus is coming.

"Even if Li Xu doesn't go, the underworld will still be bare."


Wu Mingkong thought for a while, it seemed that it didn't matter whether he went or not, anyway, basically he was almost ruined by misfortune.

"Here in the world, work and production must be resumed as soon as possible. At this level, it is even more tasteless than chicken ribs, but no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, it is still meat." Wu Mingkong really looked down on the Great You Dynasty, whose population base was so small No, it's basically all bad things.

Even the cultivation system is hard to describe. Wu Mingkong doesn't know how to describe it. Most of them are similar to gods, but this one has completely lost its effect because of the disappearance of gods and Buddhas. Even if gods are recruited, they must be demons and ghosts.

The rest is completely martial arts, although it is useful to a certain extent, but this kind of extreme thing Wu Mingkong has returned to school, but basically it is not used.

He is really a salted fish now. When the subjects of the Great Zhou Dynasty are released, all kinds of information resources are continuously fed back. He doesn't even need to do the copy, just lie down and wait for the customs clearance.

The premise is that there are no extra problems.

"It has been arranged, Your Majesty."

There is no need for Wu Mingkong to ask about these things, they have already been arranged properly.

"What do you think of those disappeared gods and Buddhas?" Wu Mingkong asked, stroking the fox's head.

"According to the data compiled by the Sangong and Jiuqing, these gods and Buddhas left voluntarily, and they left in a hurry, as if their lives would be in danger if they didn't leave. They left in a hurry before they even had time to tidy up their belongings." Li Jinzhong replied said a word.

"Isn't it just running away? Is there something that will scare these gods and Buddhas so much that they don't even have time to clean up? There is no news in the memory of those ten thousand-year-old demon emperors. It seems that this happened suddenly." Wu Ming What Kong hates the most is this secretive ancient secret.

Moreover, this kind of ancient secrets is also accompanied by some weird things like outages, so you have to check it yourself, or you just want to check it and there is no place to check it.

It's simply not something humans can do.

"It's still under investigation, but there should be results soon. Da Sikong has gone deep into the underworld, and Da Sima is also digging deep into the heavens. Da Situ is also visiting various sects and sects in order to find out something from the classics. Clue."

Wu Mingkong nodded, there was really nothing he could do about it, he could only take a step forward and take a look.

"The god and Buddha left too hastily, so there was no news for a while."

"Incense Fire Dao, do you have any information on this piece?" Wu Mingkong couldn't help asking.

"There is one point, the pardon of the emperor in the records, as well as the examination of the city god and the ascension of merits and virtues. The most important point is the family inheritance. For example, the Yellow River Shuijun, Da Situ is ready to visit him, but he doesn't know this. It is true that the Yellow River Water Monarch has the status of a god, but he has to enjoy the incense of the world." Li Jinzhong said in a rambling manner.

"Check it out, what is the process of the emperor's pardon, and whether the god who is pardoned is true." Wu Mingkong still pays more attention to this point, and Wu Mingkong can't see the rest of the test of the city god, the history of calamity, and family inheritance. Sir, what is the use of these things.

"It has been investigated, but there are some discrepancies. It is true that the emperor pardoned, but it still needs to be subject to the emperor's case. But generally speaking, as long as you are not guilty of crimes against the sky or want to pardon some people who can be with the great god. All the gods who are equal to you will agree. The Dayou Dynasty also pardoned several gods, all of whom were senior generals and famous officials. However, when the Dayou Dynasty was established, the gods and Buddhas had already left, and the pardon was just an empty slogan. There is no pardon at all."

It's normal to pardon a veteran general and a famous official, basically they want to send people to the heaven, so that they can handle things in the future, so the god position pardoned is basically just right, but it can help yourself .

Every dynasty and every generation not only stuffs people into the heaven, but also into the underworld, the most is a certain general or a certain judge, one is a ghost general, and the other is a ghost.

Basically, there are people inside who are easy to handle. Of course, the Dayou Dynasty is more unlucky, because the gods and Buddhas have left, and the pardon of ghosts and gods is a lonely pardon, which is not only useless, but also a waste of national strength.

"That is to say, the pardon of the emperor is actually the pardon of the emperor of heaven. It has nothing to do with the emperor of the world. It is purely for the sake of the dynasty of the world that he agrees to the other party to send people to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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