Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 503 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 503 Night Talk Ghost Fox ([-])
"Rules? Laws?"

Wu Mingkong sensed a trace of similarities with the gods from the aura of the Saint Tianzun of Du Xianshang in the northeast. This aura is like a combination of divinity, priesthood, and godhead.

And following this aura, Wu Mingkong could vaguely influence Yan Luodian.

Probably the lack is too serious, not only can't find the Jiulun Palace of Du Xianshang Sheng Tianzun in the northeast, but even the Yan Luo Palace can only be influenced, not controlled.

But this is enough, such a long distance can still affect the Hall of Yama, and if you enter the Hall of Yama, you can also control the Hall of Yama to a certain extent.

Otherwise, how could Zhang Zhongzhi judge a ghost? He would have been swallowed alive by the group of ghosts in the underworld long ago, and this aura could protect Zhang Zhongzhi's soul to a certain extent. Otherwise, he would have been blown away by the dark wind so easily go.

The soul in this picture is only at the level of an ordinary person.

"Embed the entire system into the bottom layer of the world to operate, and then master various rules, and even formulate them." Wu Mingkong discovered that the gods and Buddhas in the dungeon world this time are very different from those gods hunted by gods and wizards.

More importantly, it is not sticking to the incense of belief, it is more like enfeoffment.

The emperor of heaven canonized the gods and enlightened all beings.

Regarding the incense of faith, the attitude of the gods and Buddhas is whether you like it or not, I don't lack your incense.

What they receive is the salary of the Emperor of Heaven, and what they do is more like work, unlike gods, they show miracles to attract believers mainly to spread their faith and strengthen themselves.

Like the gods and Buddhas here showing miracles, more attention is paid to sincerity. If your sincerity has touched the gods and Buddhas, then they will help you. If it is not pleasing to the eye, it is useless to burn incense every day, and nothing outside the scope of work will be ignored. .

And the scope of their work is naturally divided by that aura, and it can even be expanded at will.

For example, in the Northeast, the Heavenly Lord Du Xianshang, this is probably because Emperor Qinghua of the Eastern Pole was too busy to turn into the Heavenly Lord Taiyi to save Kuku to help, but this Heavenly Lord Taiyi Saved Ku was arranged to the underworld, and found that he was also too busy, So the Heavenly Venerable of the Ten Directions Rescuing Kuku was transformed to act as the Pluto of the Ten Temples.

Wu Mingkong never imagined that there would be such a talent, who would have the same idea as himself, and if he couldn't do it all by himself, he would ask a few more of himself to help.

Ten is not enough for one hundred, and one hundred is not enough for one hundred thousand. As long as the number increases, everything will be easy to handle.

The only thing Wu Mingkong can't figure out is why he should put on the skin of a polytheism, and directly attribute his great power to himself as a monotheism.

However, with Wu Mingkong's in-depth understanding, he gradually discovered why polytheism was used.

Because I can't bear it, I have to divide the authority.

Only then did Wu Mingkong know why there were plural Plutos of the Ten Temples of the Underworld, and even a series of gods whose priesthoods seemed to overlap each other, such as Emperor Dongyue and Emperor Fengdu.

Not only is it the case of the underworld, basically every priesthood will be held by multiple gods, and even the wider the priesthood, the more gods will be in charge.

For example, there are too many land lords, heavenly soldiers, ghost officials and errants. One reason is that the workload is heavy, so the number is large, and the other reason is that these priesthoods are too heavy. There must be enough gods to bear it.

"Looking at it this way, there seems to be something there." Wu Mingkong realized that although this is not a belief in God, the principle is somewhat mixed.

It's a pity that the Saint Tianzun of Duxian in the northeast is too incomplete, only the ability to influence the Yan Luodian is left, otherwise Wu Mingkong can see more.

"But since there is one, does that mean there are more?" Wu Mingkong couldn't help thinking.

Only one incomplete sample can't satisfy Wu Mingkong's next arrangement, he needs more samples.

Wu Mingkong guessed that Zhuge Yi and the others saw the aura between Zhang Zhongzhi's brows and thought of the ability to enter the underworld to judge ghosts, so they escorted him to show Wu Mingkong. It's safer to do it yourself.

Uploading the data of the aura of the Heavenly Lord of the Immortal Du in the Northeast to his mind, Wu Mingkong was ready to let all the crowd work together.

Although the Northeast Du Xian Shang Sheng Tian Zun is incomplete, but one is complete.

That is the run mode.

Finding the aura of other gods and Buddhas is a matter of time, but if Wu Mingkong can decipher this mode of operation, maybe he can directly improve his own gods and Buddhas without learning from the gods and Buddhas in this dungeon world.

More importantly, if Wu Mingkong can really master this kind of operation mode embedded in the bottom of the world, then the Kingdom of the Golden Core God may really become the world.

After all, the original body of the Golden Core God Kingdom is the core of the world. The core of a world contains the rules of one world, plus the red flower world and the real world, that has the rules of three worlds.

The only embarrassing thing is that Wu Mingkong has not yet been able to develop these rules, and after these rules are completely perfected, his golden elixir kingdom may become the world.

And this time, the operation mode of gods and Buddhas in the dungeon world gave Wu Mingkong an opportunity to develop these rules, and even this operation mode included the ability to perfect the rules.

How could the world allow a parasite to inhabit itself if there is no benefit?
Obviously, the gods and the world are mutually supportive, the gods give the world growth, and the world gives the gods strength.

Of course, these are just Wu Mingkong's guesses, but judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case.

"If this is the case, then it will be interesting to download copies later."

Wu Mingkong looked at this bit of aura in his hand, embedded in the operation of the bottom of the world, this is not just this kind of usage.

What if Wu Mingkong took the opportunity to modify the laws at the bottom of the world, and even more ruthlessly devoured the laws of the world to complement his golden elixir kingdom.

As long as he can have this kind of authority, how could Wu Mingkong really come back from the treasure mountain?

"However, there is still a problem, that is, who on earth has the ability to create such a wonderful model. If it is really successful, it may not be impossible to become the Dao of Heaven and control the world. Yes." As long as all the rules of the world are under control, then this person behind the monotheism disguised as polytheism may really be able to control the world, but it is definitely not successful.

Otherwise, how could the dungeon world become like this this time, and how could this world be left in the other party's pocket.

So it is very likely that the other party not only failed, but was also frightened by something and fled hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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