Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 505 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 505 Night Talking Ghost Fox ([-])
The pear seller also got a pear. At that time, he saw that the impoverished Taoist was juggling, so he couldn't help but also went to see it. He was so fascinated by it that he forgot about the pear stand.

When he came back to his senses, he found that everything in his car was gone.

"The way of the demon, the way of the demon." The pear seller was so angry that he understood that the pear was not grown, it was clearly stolen from him by using a demon method.

He hurriedly chased in the direction where the shabby Taoist left, but it was only a corner, but he didn't see the Taoist, only a handlebar was thrown at the corner.

Take a closer look, isn't this the handlebar on his cart.

At that time, the pear seller was sitting on the ground, with a cloudy face, silently picked up the handlebar and left.

Where the shabby Taoist cut down was a pear tree, it was clearly the handlebar of his cart.

When everyone found out about this, they couldn't help laughing, they all laughed at the pear seller for being stingy, if he had given a pear to that shabby Taoist at that time, how could he have ended up in such a mess.

It is indeed comfortable to stand on the high ground of morality.

"The old man in front, wait for me, are you afraid of me if you walk so fast?" Li Xu dragged Yan Chixia to walk slowly all the way.

Although it looked slow, the speed was not slow at all. All kinds of scenes on the street kept receding in Yan Chixia's eyes, which looked extremely dazzling.

The shabby Taoist walked forward, ignoring Li Xu's yelling.

"Old Daoist, you are quite ignorant. I will eat a pear from you, and plan to treat you to a drink. Why are you running away?"

Li Xu's words made the poor Taoist couldn't help spitting, whoever believed this had clearly seen through his tricks.

It's just that the shabby Taoist suddenly felt a tightening on his shoulders, and at some point, Li Xu's hand was already on the shabby Taoist's shoulder.

"Old man, why are you running away? I don't look like a bad guy either."

The three of them chased and fled, and they left Qixia Town and arrived in the wilderness without knowing it.

"You young man, do you really want to treat me to a drink with the old Taoist?" Now that he was caught, the shabby Taoist climbed along the pole and said.

"False, you are involved in unlicensed spellcasting and theft, and disrupted the regional economic order, in violation of the laws of the Great Zhou. Now I officially notify you that you have been arrested. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say will be brought to court. Evidence." Li Xu spat out.

The shabby Taoist understands casting spells without a license, stealing, breaking the law and being arrested.

He has never heard of the crime of casting spells without a license since he was a child, and now the Dayou Dynasty has to prove it for casting spells?
That's not right, just now he was talking about Da Zhou Lu, why did the dynasty change again or something, he didn't have any news at all.

"Do you still need to prove the spell in the law of the Great Zhou?" Yan Chixia couldn't help asking.

"It's also false. His Majesty Da Zhou Lu has been compiling it for half a year. Half a year ago, he wrote the three words Da Zhou Lu in the legal code, and it is still these three words." Li Xu answered Yan Chixia's question.

Good guy, let's not talk about what the Great Zhou Law is, isn't your current law a bit too much.

"This poor man, you slipped your mouth." The shabby Taoist couldn't help reminding him that his identity was involved, so he didn't dare to call him a young man, so he replaced him with the poor man.

"It's okay, there are no outsiders here, by the way, what is your surname?" Mr. Li Xu asked for his name.

"I have been practicing Taoism for a long time, and I have forgotten the name of the lay people. I only remember that my surname is Wang, and everyone calls me Wang Laodao." Wang Laodao was grabbed by the shoulders, unable to break free, he could only answer honestly.

"Wang Laodao, very good, you remember the illegal things I said just now." Li Xu was going to frame him for the truth.

"Master, you are not authentic. You just said that the Dazhou law was not made up. How can I accuse me of this crime?" How could Wang Laodao admit it, this crime is like a joke, I really think he is stupid.

"Fine, but it's always true that you stole other people's pears."

Wang Laodao had nothing to refute Li Xu's words, and it was indeed him who did this dishonestly.

"I admit it to the old man, but the poor man, the pear seller must have a problem." Wang Laodao also saw that there was something wrong with the pears sold by the pear seller, so he went to make a fuss.

After the pear seller became angry, he followed him to find out.

"I know, but who told you to run away? I thought you were going to flee in fear of crime, so I followed." Li Xu had a good reason, but Wang Laodao was full of shit. He has been wandering the world for so long. It was the first time I met someone with such an abnormal brain circuit.

"Master, you have missed a big deal. The pear tastes sweet and delicious, but this one..."

"Feed with human souls, and use human corpses as fat, right? I know that." Li Xu immediately clicked on it.

Yan Chixia's face was green, because the pear he ate just now was raised by such a thing, it must be disgusting.

"Then you still"

"Why are you in such a hurry, this person is online as soon as he sees it, and we can't wait for the other party to come online and catch them all at once. Brother Yan, don't be disgusting, that pear was spent by Wang Laodao, and the human soul inside was sent to death by him. Let's eat it The pears are normal pears." Li Xu explained.

"But it's also made of human corpses." Yan Chixia still couldn't accept it.

"The rice is also used as fat for the food. Don't you enjoy eating it." Saying this, not only Yan Chixia's face turned green, but Wang Laodao's face was also a little abnormal. Although we all know this, but you said it Is it a little bad.

"Since the messenger knows, why don't you let me go, and I will redeem my sins and go with the messenger to deal with the pear seller?" Wang Laodao tried to fool.

Wang Laodao passed a bluff, another performance, and another persuasion, very good, the dice girl is strong, and three big successes came out.

Li Xu let go, at this moment Wang Laodao suddenly moved.

He threw a rope into the sky, and the rope seemed to be hanging in the sky, and he jumped up with a jab.

Climbing the rope to the Heavenly Palace with one hand is extremely familiar. It seems that he is often chased by people on weekdays.

Wang Laodao is also a person of true Taoism, climbing the rope up to the Heavenly Palace with one hand is really going to the Heavenly Court, and then he comes down from other places in the Heavenly Court, so the position of the descending is naturally different, so he escaped.

But here Li Xu was dumbfounded watching this scene, good guy, this is not life-threatening.

This Da Sima is leading the army to conduct an in-depth investigation in the Heavenly Court. If you go directly to the army, you will be sent directly to the door.

It's better to fall into his hands, but if you fall into the hands of Da Sima, then you won't be able to come back if you don't squeeze out the last bit of oil and water from you.

So Li Xu very kindly reminded Da Sima, saying that someone jumped up, and he hoped to treat him well, and finally leave his breath to send him down, he is still useful.

Da Sima expressed his reassurance that the courier has arrived and is in his hand, so he must leave a message for you.

(End of this chapter)

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