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Chapter 519 Night Chapter Ghost Fox

Chapter 519 Night Talk Ghost Fox (28)

"This, is it really the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Wu Mingkong couldn't believe it. As he dug deeper and solved the mystery of the Six Paths of Reincarnation bit by bit, he could unearth a lot.

The six reincarnations are not as simple as Wu Mingkong imagined, they seem to be the core of the world, and there are thousands of prime ministers.

When Wu Mingkong lifted the outermost layer of samsara, what Wu Mingkong saw was countless intertwined rules, and these rules constituted the entire world.

Whether it is life or death, rain or fog, or even the relationship between heaven, earth and human beings, the way of the world is presented in it.

Looking at the countless intertwined rules, Wu Mingkong couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of non-existent saliva. This thing is too tempting, and he finally knows the foundation of these immortals and Buddhas.

Although the immortal Buddha's foundation is not in the six samsaras, he imitated the six samsaras and took root in the heaven. These auras are proof.

The so-called aura of Xianfo is like an edited program, using these programs, you can do all kinds of things in the computer in the world.

The rules in the Six Paths of Reincarnation are the codes edited into programs. The programs use aura to embed the underlying rules of the world to operate, which is to turn the whole world into an existence similar to Wuming Kong Shenguo.

Even worse, even stronger than the Kingdom of God. After all, the authority of each god and Buddha comes from a world, not from himself like Wu Mingkong.

Gods and Buddhas don't have to worry about relying on their thighs, but Wu Mingkong relies on his own love to generate electricity, so the gap is naturally large.

But now, Wu Mingkong has obtained the programming method of the program by relying on the aura of the Heavenly Lord Du Xianshang in the northeast, and with the code of the programming program in front of him, he can use this to imitate a system that is completely different but has similar gods and Buddhas system.

This is the real treasure, and Wu Mingkong finally knew the source of the key word Fengshen at that time.

It is precisely because of the rule-filled aggregate of the Six Paths of Reincarnation that these gods and Buddhas can stand above the ground without relying on incense. They themselves are the embodiment of rules, relying on the world and not others.

And more importantly, these gods and Buddhas are well-managed, not only did not make the world lose money, but brought profits, making the world continue to grow, turning it from a borrower to a collaborator.

The gods and Buddhas have gained strength in this way, and the world has become stronger and stronger with the help of the gods and Buddhas. This is an extremely perfect virtuous circle.

During the reign of gods and Buddhas, all kinds of spells derived from this continued to flow to the world, such as a series of incredible spells such as divine strikes, descending spirits, divination, and asking strategies, like a hundred flowers blooming.

For example, "Scattering Beans into Soldiers", if the gods and Buddhas are present, then this spell is not turning beans into yellow turban warriors interlaced with illusions and puppets, but real heavenly soldiers or ghost soldiers.

And the Liu Ding Liujia, it is naturally a ray of soul that will invite the gods down, not the pure illusion of today.

But correspondingly, spells in the age of gods and Buddhas were also extremely cumbersome and harsh. For example, nowadays, the demons on the evil side dare to use the spells of Liu Ding Liu Jia because they are illusions.

But if in the era of gods and Buddhas, those evil ways and evil ways dare to attract Liu Ding Liujia, let alone hacking the enemy to death, first cut down the evil ways and evil ways that attracted themselves.

At that time, the difference between good and evil was extremely severe. A wicked person may be unrestrained in life. After death, he would be better off in the halls of Yama. After being punished, he would enter the animal realm. Go in the way of the beast.

Wu Mingkong stroked the intertwined rules in the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The rigor of these rules opened Wu Mingkong's eyes, but this is also a matter of course. If it is not rigorous, how can it support the operation of a world.

"These rules must exist in the Kingdom of God." Wu Mingkong glanced at the Kingdom of God, and indeed there are, but Wu Mingkong dare not interfere at will.

Because the foundation of Wu Mingkong's legion evolved from the core of the world, coupled with the crystal wall of the kingdom of God as the source of the world, Wu Mingkong's golden elixir kingdom has complete rules.

It's just that Wu Mingkong doesn't know how to use it yet, as long as he knows how to use it, it won't be far to make the Golden Core God Kingdom truly a world.

Most importantly, after seeing the interlaced rules in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Wu Mingkong always felt that something was wrong with the rules in his Golden Core Divine Kingdom.

It was as if there was some incongruity in the originally neat place, which was not as smooth as the interlaced rules in the Six Paths of Samsara.

In this regard, Wu Mingkong also has speculations, it is likely that the composition of the Golden Core God Kingdom is too complicated.

The core of the world comes from the world of wizards, the crystal wall transformed by the world membrane comes from Daqian Fengyun, and most of the filling of the kingdom of God comes from the real world and the world of red flowers, which leads to the characteristics of the four worlds in the kingdom of Jindan.

This sense of incongruity should also be caused by the conflicts between the rules of the four worlds, but fortunately Wu Mingkong is strong enough to turn these conflicts into incongruities, and Wu Mingkong needs to sort them out later.

It's just that it's more troublesome to sort out, and Wu Mingkong is a bit at a loss for this. First of all, he needs to study the interlaced rules in the Six Paths of Samsara, and then he may have some clues.

"The follow-up of the world wizard may be helpful to me." Wu Mingkong couldn't help but think that if the world wizard wants to become a seventh-level Huiyue wizard, he needs ten world cores to meet ten original particle points, so the follow-up eighth-level Xiri wizard must also deal with it This is a means of differentiating properties between the cores of the world.

It's a pity that Wu Mingkong's research on world wizards only stopped at the seventh-level Huiyue wizards, and the eighth-level Xiri wizards have not made much progress. After all, Wu Mingkong originally valued the world wizards' technology to create world membranes.

I originally planned to take it slowly, but now it seems that I can't slow it down. I will directly give up some of the less important projects and let some incarnations give priority to researching this one.

With Wu Mingkong's multi-line development model, coupled with the assistance of a group of Dazhou subjects, as long as they are willing to divert a certain amount of resources, the progress is still very fast.

Not only that, but some of the information in the "Guide to Faith Analysis" he obtained was also very helpful. Wu Mingkong really underestimated this book.

Just getting deeper and deeper, Wu Mingkong always feels that there are more and more mysteries in the dungeon world this time, especially why the gods and Buddhas gave up such a wonderful world and fled in a hurry. There is a danger of life and death, with the world as the background, why can't we fight for it.

(End of this chapter)

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