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Chapter 564 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 564 Martial Arts Contest (23)

"Sister Huang, is it worth it for you to do this?" Da Cang Emperor Mu Yuan asked with some doubts while holding a cup of tea.

The eldest princess Mu Yun looked at the information in her hand without raising her head: "Why is it not worth it?"

Everyone thought it was the Emperor Da Cang who stopped the eldest princess, but who knew that it was actually the opposite.

"Tiger poison does not eat its offspring."

Mu Yun put down the book in her hand and stared at Mu Yuan: "Your character is really not suitable to be an emperor."

"Yeah, who knew that I would be in the top position if I was so muddleheaded." Mu Yuan said with a wry smile. Although he is a majestic emperor who speaks one word in the court, in fact most of the things are done by Mu Yun and Queen Ye Mei. Manipulating, he is more like an incompetent and stupid king, just dawdling like this every day.

"Sister Huang, why don't you let people bring Ming Kong and Lin'er back? You also dug out the bones of the god of war and the blood of Qingtian. Why do you need them to die? They are also your sons. I'll go to Brother Wu to persuade them." .” Empress Ye Mei also put down the approval document in her hand and said.

"It's too late. They won't die. The Martial God's Bone and Qingtian Blood will never be able to match Sheng'er. If Sheng'er can't fully match before Sheng'er's ninth-grade power, then he will not be able to use the Cang Dynasty to swing the Canghuang Sword to break through the Tianmen. Once the Tianmen The group of ghosts in the house broke out, and the world will never have peace." Mu Yun shook her head and refused, and even if she agreed, Wu Kuangfu would not agree.

Back then, Xiao Ran didn't know who gave the order to kill the brothers of the Wu family. He only knew that it was from the palace. No one would have thought that it would be from the eldest princess Mu Yun.

"Tianmen, Tianmen. Tianmen, what else do you see in your eyes other than Tianmen?" Mu Yuan couldn't help shouting loudly.

Everyone said that he was better than this strong woman, but no one knew that it was actually Mu Yun who gave him up.

Because Mu Yun knew that she was not in the right position, even if she ascended the throne as the empress, she would not be able to wield the Heavenly Sword, neither would she, nor would her heirs.

"There are also all beings in the world."

"So you let your son, my nephew, die?" Mu Yuan felt that Mu Yun was scary, he had never thought that Mu Yun would be so cold-blooded.

"Only the bone of the god of war, the blood of the blue sky, and the support of the Cang dynasty can swing the Canghuang sword to break through the gate of heaven. Sheng'er is the best choice, no matter his background or aptitude."

Mu Yuan didn't speak, just looked at this scene coldly, didn't say anything, just felt that this couple is really scary, they would do this for the sake of the so-called world.

"It seems that I'm really not suitable to be an emperor." After Mu Yuan threw down such a sentence, he left on his own. Anyway, he is not needed, so it's better to find a place to relax.

Empress Ye Mei also smiled helplessly. She knew that for this matter, Mu Yuan and Mu Yun had been at odds with each other, and even Prince Mu Sheng was implicated, which caused Mu Sheng to hold grudges against the two brothers of the Wu family, including Mu Yun. and Mu Yuan's deliberate alienation.

Mu Yuan and Mu Yun are sisters and brothers, and they don't have a deep relationship like the royal family. Before Mu Yun took the throne, it was Mu Yuan who supported him behind him. Who knows that the world is impermanent.

"Let all the commanders of the imperial army go together, strive for a one-time kill, and release the news, keep an eye on the two brothers for me, and release them as soon as they are found." Mu Yun put down the information in her hand.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Empress Yemei couldn't help but smiled wryly, it seemed that she had to bear the blame again.

Outside, no one would believe that it was Mu Yun who wanted to kill the brothers of the Wu family. It can only be said that she, Ye Mei, would do so cruelly because of the Martial God bone on her son.

"Sister Huang, why don't you stop, you don't know if this method is true or not, just do it like this, if it is false, wouldn't it be." Ye Mei couldn't help persuading, who knows that the so-called Martial God Bone and Qingtian Blood And whether the so-called Canghuang Sword can break through the Heavenly Gate, not to mention the support of the Cang Dynasty, how can it be supported, relying on the status of the prince?
Then why not use the status of emperor, isn't it better?
"It's true." Mu Yun's tone softened, but she only replied three words lightly.

She didn't want to either, the poison of a tiger doesn't eat its offspring, but for the sake of the world, she could only bear the pain, and the Wu family brothers would definitely make it a little more grand for the festivals.

Wu Mingkong and Wu Lin expressed their regret.

Not only from the imperial palace, but also from the Xuanjia Army, a group of troops came from the frontier, and the three leaders were none other than the ninth-rank martial arts masters.

A more terrifying storm is forming.

Wu Mingkong didn't care at all, he was doing it inside Tianmen.

"You dare to be called a celestial being even if you grow up like you. I have to change your image. Not to mention the coming of a true immortal, at least you can't look like an ancient god. This is really detrimental to the name celestial being."

Wu Mingkong kneaded all the celestial beings into a ball little by little with his hands, and was beaten into dough by him, and was pulled and shaped from time to time.

"Tentacle monster? No, it's too ghostly."

"Cthulhu? No way, it's easy to offend people." Wu Mingkong remembered that there seemed to be a customer service in the dungeon system who looked like a green-skinned dead man.

"Birdman, pinch one like Lei Zhenzi? No way, this is no longer a heavenly man, this is really a birdman."

"It's still in human form."

Wu Mingkong's craftsmanship is still very good, and the accuracy is very high. Just like this, all the celestial beings were stuffed into the same body by Wu Mingkong, with a temperament like a fairy, showing the appearance of a celestial being. In front of Wu Mingkong.

Especially the fluttering white clothes and outstanding aura, he looks like a fairy at first glance.

The only regret is that under this layer of skin are full of distorted souls, and they are all of the mentally ill type, plus Wu Mingkong’s torture during this period, no, it’s treatment, after Wu Mingkong’s treatment It finally got better.

They no longer think of themselves as a single individual, but split personalities, who are constantly gnawing at each other and resenting everything every day.

"Perfect, the treatment is very successful, let's take two steps."

The completed celestial man has not yet adapted to his new body, he took a step after hearing Wu Mingkong's words, and fell to the ground.

The reason is simple, all the celestial beings are fighting for control of this body and will not work together.

Seeing this, Wu Mingkong's face darkened: "It seems that you still need treatment."

These words can't help but make the body of the gods and humans tremble. This movement is very uniform, which shows that all the gods and humans have this idea.

"Wait, let's cooperate right away"


"My lord, please forgive me!!!"


All of a sudden, voices erupted from the body of Heaven and Man, all of them were terrified to the extreme. They didn't want to experience Wu Mingkong's treatment again.

"It's late." Wu Mingkong's two words made all the heavenly beings fall into an abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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