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Chapter 578 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 578 Martial Arts Contest (37)

"Don't you know?" Wu Lin asked back.

Where Wu Mingkong went, how could Wu Lin know.

"You don't want to talk?"

"I do not know."

"Then can I ask you something?"


Between the question and the answer, Wu Lin directly refused, but Wu Lin refused, but Wu Kuangtu didn't stop, but said to himself: "Can I trouble you to die? For the sake of the world."

Su Wei's expression changed, and she realized that Wu Kuangtu's purpose in coming from the border of Mobei was not to save people, but the last insurance.

"Why should I die for the so-called common people in the world? I owe them?" Wu Lin was naturally unwilling. The so-called common people in the world wanted his life a second ago. Why should he risk his life for the so-called world now? common people?

"You don't owe them anything, but you owe me." Wu Kuangtu said directly.

Wu Lin was silent for a while, and then said sonorously: "No, I don't owe you, what I owe you has been paid back long ago, what you want is not me, but the bone of the god of war, since you have already taken the bone of the god of war, then take it Coming down is just part of the deal."

He immediately denied Wu Kuang's statement that the father and son who had never met before were only for the Martial God bone that was born on his body.

Maybe not at first, but ever since he dug up the bones of the god of war and threw him to the countryside, and never met him once, in Wu Lin's eyes, this is already a deal.

This statement is well-founded, and Wu Kuangtu didn't know how to refute it for a while. He really wanted to say that it was not enough, but he couldn't say it for some reason.

"What else do you have to say?" Wu Lin asked, feeling like he had his answer.

"No, I'll kill you when I find a reason." Wu Kuangtu shook his head, he didn't know what to say.

If it were another person, he would definitely crush him to death right away, but the person standing in front of him is his heir, his own son, even if he has never met, there is still a thread in his heart that strangles him.

"You don't need to look for it anymore, let's give up the small self to become the big one, give up the small family to take care of everyone, what do you think of this reason." Wu Lin found a reason for him, and he decided to make a clean break. If this drags on, who knows it will be delayed? What happened.

Su Wei, on the other hand, looked at the foolish expression. He didn't expect Wu Lin to say that. They have let you go. Isn't this courting death?

Suddenly feeling cold on his hands, it turned out that Wu Lin had slipped Su Zhi's ring into her.

"Isn't the reason enough? The righteousness can't be replaced by another one. The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. The father wants the son to die, and the son has to die. How about using the reason of unfilial piety." Wu Lin put down the nine-section stick, and said in a tone full of persecution.

Wu Kuangtu stopped in his tracks and looked back at Wu Lin who was provoking him.

"Before my elder brother left, he gave me a "Life-Saving Secret Technique". I tried it and it was very effective. I think this secret technique can save me once, and it will definitely save me a second time."

Huang Tian's magic power circulated in Wu Lin's body, and his back wriggled unevenly. A Taiping True Dragon transformed by Huang Tian's magic power clung to his spine.

"Life-saving secret technique?" Wu Kuangtu's tone was very strange.

After Su Wei put the ring on, she was so full of shit, your brain is not really broken, right? The situation just now was obviously luck, and the person came for Wei Feng that day, how could it be you Big brother Wu Mingkong's "Life-Saving Secret Art" is credited.

"Brother, save me~~"

This voice was extremely loud and clear, Wu Kuangtu couldn't help but smile, very innocent.

"My fate depends on my brother~~"

Just shouting like that, Su Wei couldn't bear to look directly at her.

Because nothing happened, it was purely a second-degree illness.

"You trust your elder brother very much, but unfortunately, he is not here."

Wu Kuangtu's hand penetrated the five-element talisman array easily, and pinched Wu Lin's neck.

The terrifying sense of suffocation flooded Wu Lin's senses, but Wu Lin just smiled, thundering out of the palm of his hand, matched with the martial arts of "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth", and headed towards Wu Kuangtu's chest.

Wu Kuangtu was not in a hurry, he folded his hand, and he pinched the thunder in the palm of his hand, and forcibly held Wu Lin's "Five Elements of Heaven and Earth".

"Martial skills are good, but it's a pity that the strength is too poor." Wu Kuangtu commented.

The five-element talisman array on his body shattered, and the five ghosts moved and activated. Wu Lin, who was pinched by the neck, disappeared in the hands of Wu Kuangtu in an instant, but Wu Kuangtu didn't rush, turned his body three points upside down, and stepped a little , the whole person punched out as if shifting shape.

As soon as Wu Lin appeared, he saw Wu Kuangtu's fist coming towards his face. It must be too late to hide, but he wasn't going to hide either.

Wu Kuangtu punched Wu Lin, but Wu Lin was like a piece of shredded paper.

Substitute Talisman, a very useful talisman for death, but it is very dangerous to use, mainly not passive, but active, only after you use it, the Substitute Talisman will be activated.

"Not bad ability, but unfortunately it's just a small skill." Wu Kuangtu raised his hand sideways and punched again.

For Wu Kuangtu, whether it is true energy or the so-called sword will, they are just means.

For martial arts, he has returned to the basics, and his knowledge of the field of martial arts is already at the level of a grand master.

In his eyes, Wu Lin's tricks are really just small tricks. No matter how fancy you use it, if you beat him to death with one punch, it's nothing.

Wu Lin's figure appeared, and just at the moment when the stand-in talisman took effect, the five-element talisman array was rebuilt by him, and Wu Kuangtu's punch fell through again.

He moved again.

It's just that Wu Kuangtu's aura has been locked on him, no matter how he moves, he can't get rid of it.

After picking up the Nine-section Staff with one hand and stuffing a handful of Huiyuan Pills into his mouth, Wu Lin already knew that he couldn't beat Wu Kuangzi, and he couldn't even escape.

Don't look at the current fights with Wu Kuangtu, but in fact, as long as he gets a punch, his life is guaranteed.

More importantly, Wu Kuangtu didn't use his full strength. Judging from various performances, Wu Kuangtu seemed to be playing with him.

"The gap, you should know it too, if it goes on like this, it's just a waste of time, are you willing?" Wu Kuangtu grabbed Wu Lin with his hands, and his true energy directly destroyed the five-element talisman circle around him Lose.

"Guess whether I'm willing or not." How could Wu Lin be willing?

Just as Wu Kuangtu was about to speak, he suddenly put down Wu Lin and blocked it with his hand. He shattered a long sword of crystal clear ice crystals, and the shattered ice crystals fell to the ground and melted into ice water seeping into the soil. middle.

Wu Kuangtu looked meaningfully at the direction from which the long sword was flying.

"I thought you wouldn't make a move."

(End of this chapter)

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