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Chapter 580 Martial Arts Contest

Chapter 580 Martial Arts Contest (39)

When everything returned to silence, Shen Zhengchu's body suddenly let out heavy gasps.

"I hid. I didn't expect the heavenly beings to come down, and they turned into such a terrifying appearance. Fortunately, I separated a trace of my soul back then, otherwise I would have ended up like this."

Regarding this, Shen Zhengchu had lingering fears. He never expected this to happen. On the one hand, he split the soul to allow the other party to bear the breath of the Tianmen brand, and on the other hand, he used the soul of Wei Feng as a resource, and waited for Wei Feng's strength to increase. After harvesting, harvest it.

That's why he took Wei Feng with him and supported him everywhere, otherwise, how could Wei Feng be promoted to be a silver seal catcher so quickly.

"Unexpectedly, even martial madmen came here, but the strength of this martial madman is comparable to tenth-rank seeking. After the ancient immortals cut the Tianmen, there were no warriors above ninth rank in the world. Martial madmen were able to walk out of themselves. It's a terrible talent to avoid this restriction in a certain way." Shen Zhengchu couldn't help but be terrified.

As far as Wu Kuangtu's talent is concerned, if he was in the past, he might be another ancient immortal.

Shen Zhengchu naturally knew about the Ancient Immortal Slashing the Heavenly Clan, he was a martial artist of the tenth rank before, as for why Wei Feng's soul was a ninth rank psychic?

Naturally, it was because of Shen Zhengchu's handwriting. If Wei Feng had the same memory as him, then who is the soul, and once Wei Feng became stronger, wouldn't it be that he would turn against the guest.

He wanted to harvest leeks, not be an overthrown slave owner.

"And that heavenly man, what he revealed is really terrifying. I didn't expect there to be a terrifying existence in Tianmen. Fortunately, I escaped quickly."

Shen Zhengchu looked at the place where the distorted souls were originally, there was nothing there now, and those distorted souls had all turned into nothingness.

Where is only one piece of human skin left.

"I don't know where this human skin came from. There is no such thing in Tianmen." Picking up the human skin that looked like an exile, Shen Zhengchu was a little puzzled.

"Maybe it's related to that Wu Mingkong."

Shen Zhengchu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, what is the situation with the brothers of the Wu family? Wu Mingkong, the boss of the Wu family, just with a name alone made those heavenly beings go crazy with fear, and started to kill without distinction, and even in the end after he regained his sanity because of devouring Wei Feng, he died. want to die.

You know, warriors who become celestial beings are all afraid of death. Even if they became inhuman and ghost in Tianmen, all celestial beings did not want to die, otherwise they would not become celestial beings, but now they have turned into death. It was liberation, and being alive was like torture, which made Shen Zhengchu extremely horrified.

What's even more frightening is that the heavens and humans have been fused into one body by some kind of force. When he saw it for the first time, he almost couldn't help turning around and running away, especially when the heavens and humans devoured Wei Feng, he even wanted to Immediately get out of the state of suspended animation and turn around to flee.

Because at that moment, he heard Wei Feng's terrifying wails and screams. From the painful cries, Shen Zhengchu knew that it was not the newborn celestial reason that suppressed those crazy twisted souls, but those twisted The soul is torturing Wei Feng, that's why the reason of heaven and man has the upper hand. Once Wei Feng's tortured soul dissipates, those distorted souls will tear apart the reason of heaven and man.

And Wu Lin, the second child of the martial arts family, is simply terrifying in strength. After he is fully prepared, he can even deal with the ninth-rank psychic. If the seventh-rank true meaning dies, he can live with the eighth-rank martial arts.

If it hadn't been for some secret techniques left in Wei Feng's memory back then, Wei Feng would have died under Wu Lin's thunder, which is simply astonishing.

This Wu Lin is only the strength of the second rank Zhou Tian.

"I don't know what kind of kungfu this Wulin is practicing, it's so mysterious."

He also wanted Wu Lin's skills, but he knew how much he was, he could be greedy, but he had to live to enjoy it.

Self-knowledge is important.

"I'm afraid Zhenwusi won't be able to go back. He has to find a good family to reincarnate, and he has to reschedule the soul division." Shen Zhengchu was very satisfied with Wei Feng's role this time.

This time, thanks to Wei Feng, he first revealed his ability to see the soul, and then he directly became the target of Wu Lin, and then blocked him because of the aura of the Tianmen brand. up.

"I don't think it will work. You broke my experimental product, and you have to pay me back." Wu Mingkong's voice sounded from behind Shen Zhengchu.

"Who are you?" Shen Zhengchu narrowed his eyes, his whole body was tense, he didn't realize that there was someone standing behind him at all.

"Didn't you mention my name just now, why didn't you know?"

Wu Mingkong didn't know when, squatting at the place where the twisted soul melted, he kept stirring the air with his hands, as if he was pulling something out of the air.

"Wu Mingkong?" Shen Zhengchu said in a somewhat uncertain tone.

Wu Mingkong nodded: "Yes, it was me. It's a pity that this group of people died before the treatment was completed. What a waste."

The words were very plain, but Shen Zhengchu couldn't help but feel a chill from the soles of his feet to his forehead. Wu Mingkong was the one who tortured those celestial beings into such a ghostly state.

It is said to be treatment, but judging from the situation of the group of celestial beings, it must be torture.

"It's treatment, not torture. Those gods who are neither humans nor ghosts have twisted their minds to the extreme. If they don't treat them, they will be crippled. In order to make them unite and love each other, I took great pains to knead them together. Together, I ended up with a bunch of stupid things making mistakes for me." Wu Mingkong couldn't help sighing.

Shen Zhengchu couldn't help swallowing. In his eyes, Wu Mingkong was just an ordinary person, but how could any ordinary person not even notice him.

The last one was a Wu Kuangzi who was already compared to the tenth-rank Taoist. He was not stupid. If he really wanted to treat Wu Mingkong as an ordinary person, then he might as well stop turning around and hit him to death with a piece of tofu.

More importantly, he found that Wu Mingkong was really vicious. What happened to heaven and man? They were all egoists, and Wu Mingkong kneaded them into one, and asked them to work together.

But judging from the fact that his sanity is almost gone, Wu Mingkong's treatment is still very effective. Although all the distorted souls are cursing and resenting each other, it is just a stubborn mouth, and the body is still very honest.

Probably because of the subconscious instinct that has been healed by Wu Mingkong.

"That's right, I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good. Since it's nothing serious, I'll take a step ahead. Things are busy in Zhenwu Division, so I won't accompany you any longer. You are busy, you are busy." Shen Zhengchu forcibly suppressed his heart. The abnormal state, and then very reluctantly finished speaking, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Come back, do you not understand people's words or do you think I'm easy to bully? I told you that you killed my patient, and you want to leave without compensation?" Wu Mingkong's tone was very calm.

Shen Zhengchu was so calm that he didn't dare to breathe loudly, and he was very crap in his heart. Didn't you just say that you were an experimental product, why did you become a patient now? What's more, it wasn't him who killed him, it was Wu Kuangzi who killed him , What are you asking me to pay for?

This persimmon is really picky and soft.

"This has nothing to do with me, you patient was killed by a madman." Shen Zhengchu could only bite the bullet and say a word of Wu Mingkong's slander, if it was confirmed, then he would be out of luck.

"Isn't someone running away, not to mention that Wu Kuangzi is still useful to me." Wu Mingkong said very bluntly, seeing what he meant, he wanted to confirm the slander.

This pot of Shen Zhengchu is determined, and what Wu Mingkong said, even Jesus can't keep it.

Shen Zhengchu didn't expect Wu Mingkong to be so upright and shameless. You must know that even Wu Kuangzi would have shame if he had a face.

"Look, we have to be reasonable, I think"

Shen Zhengchu didn't finish his sentence, the zhenqi in his whole body circulated crazily, his lightness kung fu was used to the extreme, his whole body turned into a phantom, and he ran desperately towards the distance without looking back.

Galloping all the way, but found that Wu Mingkong didn't move at all, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In such a short period of time, he had unknowingly rushed several miles, and was about to leave, but what surprised him was that he turned back to the other side for some reason, and saw Wu Mingkong squatting on the ground. Not far ahead of him.

And to his dismay, he discovered that he had run back, he had been running forward, but he hadn't run out.

"Are you back? If you don't run two more laps, maybe you can crack my Klein bottle." Wu Mingkong is naturally not afraid that he will run away, and he wants to run out of his palm with his little ability. Don't even think about it.

Shen Zhengchu gritted his teeth and turned to leave. He felt that Wu Mingkong was trying to scare him.

But every time he ran wildly thinking he was going to leave, he unknowingly turned back to the opposite side where he left before, as if he had been going around in a circle.

"How about it, have you circled enough?" Wu Mingkong's hand stirring the air suddenly sank into it, as if he had reached into an invisible hole, and he could only lift his hand.

But he saw a large group of twisted souls being lifted out of the invisible hole by him.

Shen Zhengchu naturally recognized what it was, it was clearly the heavenly being killed by Wu Kuangtu, it was exactly the same, exactly the same.

This incident impacted Shen Zhengchu's three views. He never expected that Wu Mingkong could actually resurrect the dead celestial beings.

Of course, this is in Shen Zhengchu's eyes. Wu Mingkong's place is not a resurrection, it can only be regarded as a re-enactment at best.

He is looking for the remnant existence of heaven and man here, and gradually restores this existence. This thing looks similar to resurrection, but it is actually different.

The person or thing reproduced by him can only be regarded as another person who is exactly the same. This involves idealism, and Wu Mingkong can't tell whether the person or thing reproduced by him is the original product or a person with exactly the same production date, formula and stripes. A new article of the cord.

"Tired? Sit down when you're tired. You didn't mean to reason with me just now, or I'll start talking first, and then you can judge whether it's reasonable or not?" Wu Mingkong kneaded a large group of distorted souls into a weird slimy substance.

Shen Zhengchu could only nod helplessly at this moment: "Please."

In this situation, you have to listen if you don't listen. Judging from the situation, Wu Mingkong should also be a reasonable person.

This evaluation is still very pertinent. Wu Mingkong is very reasonable. Generally speaking, Wu Mingkong will not use physics if he can use fallacies to persuade the other party. Unless he does not listen to Wu Mingkong's fallacies, Wu Mingkong will use physics to persuade.

"Success, then I'll tell you why you want to compensate me. You see, this Wei Feng is your ghost, right?" Wu Mingkong explained the correct conditions as soon as he came up.

Shen Zhengchu nodded, that's right, he didn't ask Wu Mingkong why he knew that Wei Feng was his soul-splitting, with Wu Mingkong's strength, it must be normal to want to know.

"You are an escaped celestial being, that's right."

There was nothing wrong with these words, Shen Zhengchu nodded again.

"It's not wrong that Tianmen wants to chase and kill you, the fleeing Tianmen."

It made sense, although Shen Zhengchu didn't want to admit it, but it was true, it was his own mistake.

"Then you are Wei Feng, and Wei Feng is equivalent to a fleeing celestial being. Then my patient, as a regular celestial being in Tianmen, will chase and kill Wei Feng on behalf of Tianmen. Damn, you can't deny that."

The two facts in Wu Mingkong's words made Shen Zhengchu feel a little strange, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but Wu Mingkong didn't give him this chance.

"So my patient was killed by Wu Kuangtu because he cleaned up the gate of Tianmen. You split Weifeng and caused this result. Should you also be held responsible?"

There is some truth in the front, but it becomes absurd directly in the back.

This co-author only allows state officials to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps, because they have to pay for killing people in self-defense, which is simply ridiculous.

"That's not right, we have to figure it out, people were killed by martial madmen, what does it have to do with me, Shen Zhengchu." Of course, Shen Zhengchu would refute, otherwise he would not only have directly buckled down a big pot.

Hearing Shen Zhengchu's rebuttal, the twisted soul in Wu Mingkong's hands couldn't help shaking, as if recalling some kind of fear that had penetrated into the soul in the past, it seemed that they had also refuted it at the beginning, but the consequences made them fearful now, and they couldn't even Suppressed trembling.

"But he died because of Wei Feng." Wu Mingkong focused on Wei Feng.

"Wei Feng is Wei Feng, I am me, I am Shen Zhengchu, and I am not Wei Feng. The split soul is another person completely. What does he have to do with me?"

Shen Zhengchu felt that he had great advantages, as long as he could persuade Wu Mingkong to separate himself from Weifeng, everything would be easy to handle together.

"No, no matter how split, the soul is the same, you two should be regarded as one person." Wu Mingkong tried to make Shen Zhengchu feel that his words were correct.

But Shen Zhengchu was very stubborn. Not only did he not agree with Wu Mingkong's fallacies, but he wanted to refute and point out the untenable parts of Wu Mingkong's fallacies.

"We are separate individuals, not..." Shen Zhengchu immediately opened his mouth and continued to refute Wu Mingkong's untenable fallacy with eloquence.

Listening to Shen Zhengchu's various remarks, Wu Mingkong felt that what he said was very reasonable, which made Wu Mingkong feel that his words were not good enough, and he couldn't speak well of him at all, which was a bit embarrassing.

So Wu Mingkong decided to give him a tough one.

This is definitely not Wu Mingkong using physical persuasion because he can't talk to the other party. Wu Mingkong is not such a narrow-minded person. His mind is very broad and boundless. All the subjects of the Great Zhou Empire think so.

"It's over." Wu Mingkong looked at Shen Zhengchu calmly, and the atmosphere couldn't help but freeze instantly.

It was a real physical freeze, the whole space was frozen, Shen Zhengchu stretched his neck and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't make a sound.

"You are so annoying. I am telling you the truth not to let you refute me, but to ask you to say that you are right, give me a step down, and I will let you release some when I do it." Water, we can live with face, not what you told me, I don’t know how to refute you, how can you not be beaten to death with your smooth talk.” Wu Mingkong simply hates iron but not steel, this talk is so Li Suo, why don't you have any vision at all.

He made it clear that he was going to put the blame on him, but he was still so stubborn, he didn't give Wu Mingkong any face at all, just because of his eyesight, he didn't know how he climbed up to the commander of Zhen Wusi Does it depend on strength?

Especially after listening to Shen Zhengchu's rebuttals, Wu Mingkong didn't think it was right after listening to them. If he asked him to continue, maybe he could really be persuaded by him in another hundred thousand years. In order to prevent this from happening, Wu Mingkong could only bear the pain and shamelessly use physics in advance.

Shen Zhengchu was suffering in his heart, could he not know what happened to Wu Mingkong?

But he could only do it this way, if he really followed Wu Mingkong's train of thought, wouldn't he be dead, and he was not stupid, so he knew that such a rebuttal would definitely offend Wu Mingkong.

But if this is not refuted, then the slander has been confirmed and the blame has been laid, wouldn't life be worse than death.

You know, it would be good if it fell into the hands of an existence that even heaven and man wanted to die. Now look at it, Wu Mingkong dragged out people who died that day and flogged their corpses again. It is conceivable that if he admits What will be the consequences.

So he can't admit it, and if he doesn't admit it, he can persuade the other party and take a chance.

If he admits this, he really can only find Wu Kuangtu to kill him, and he might be dragged out and tortured again if he is killed. Heaven and man are suffering from this situation.

"Forget it, I told you so much that you don't miss me at all. It's really a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart." Wu Mingkong couldn't help mumbling, and he kneaded the heaven and man into a ball It was stuffed into Shen Zhengchu's chest.

He only felt the coldness in his chest, and countless venom rushed from his chest to his forehead. His whole body was stiffened by this venom, and even his mind was dizzy and unable to think.

"Still the same, complete yourself, your heart disease will be treated successfully, otherwise you can only stay in the ward."

Wu Mingkong's voice caused the distorted soul in Shen Zhengchu's body to start restless, and amidst the restlessness, Shen Zhengchu's thinking froze, and he lost consciousness instantly and became unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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