Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 596 Resurrection of Reiki

Chapter 596 Spiritual Qi Recovery ([-])

Zheng Sheng suddenly opened his eyes, and a carp jumped up stiffly. He found that he had crawled into the bronze tripod at some point, and Zheng Zhai was also unconscious at his feet.

The body of the bronze tripod is not high, and he can see the outside at a glance. He found that this bronze tripod was the bronze tripod that suppressed that evil dragon. In this case, he always felt that what he experienced just now was an illusion.

Whether it's the three-star lice eating the dragon's corpse or the burning candle-holding dragon mermaid ointment in the ground, the worshiping gods, the strange beasts that pick up the corpse, etc., it seems that they don't exist, especially looking at the intact four-dimensional beast in the tomb.

"The bronze tripod is so high, how did we climb in?" Zheng Sheng was a little puzzled. The tripod's body is not high, but the tripod's feet are nearly four meters long. More importantly, he has no impression at all.

"Wake up, wake up." Zheng Sheng squatted down and patted Zheng Zhai's face, this time it was warm and soft to the touch, not the weird texture like the hardened soil.

"Do you want water, I have it."

"Thank you." Zheng Sheng took the water and hadn't splashed it yet, when suddenly the alarm bells rang in his heart.

The two of them seemed to be the only ones in the tomb, so who was the one who handed him water?

"Splash it, why are you stunned? Didn't all the TV shows demonstrate the law that splashing water in a coma will wake you up."

Zheng Sheng turned his head stiffly and saw Wu Mingkong standing there looking at him with interest.

His mind recalled all the horrors in the underground, especially the scene where he lifted the coffin at the end. It was simply a grotesque nightmare, but he never expected that this nightmare was actually real.

"Why did you come out?" Zheng Sheng's voice was very hoarse.

"Why can't I come out? You lifted the boards of my coffin, it's not normal for me to come out." Wu Mingkong felt a little puzzled.

I understand, the co-author is the one who released this one.

"Think about it, you released me, so I want to repay you, you must fulfill my hundred wishes."

"I don't need to wish for anything, just don't bother me." Zheng Sheng didn't feel anything at first, he just felt that there was something wrong, but it's normal for him to repay his favor and fulfill his wish, but he dared not promise, just this horrible thing , who knows what consequences the wish will bring.

"Did you hear me wrong? I mean you must fulfill my hundred wishes."

Zheng Sheng finally understood what went wrong. It was he who had to fulfill the other party's one hundred wishes, not the other party's own wishes.
You call it revenge, okay?

"This." Zheng Sheng hesitantly thought about how to refuse, and Wu Mingkong spoke first.

"Originally, I planned to grant you a wish, but you kidnapped my front desk, so I have to ask you for a bride price."

front desk?What front desk?
Zheng Sheng was taken aback for a moment, how could he see the hands embracing his chest, now these hands have been covered by the red wedding dress, they are no longer as pale as before.

Grass (a kind of plant), he was co-authored by ghosts, did he abduct it?Obviously she was the one who entangled him.

"I told her earnestly that there is no future for you, and you don't even have a private house that you can enter three times. You are still a short-lived ghost who won't live long, but she thinks you are a potential stock, and short-lived ghosts are fine. When the time comes You will be a husband and wife together after death, such a virtuous wife, it is not expensive for me to ask you for a hundred wishes." Wu Mingkong was blackmailing the other party.

It's over, this is death and there is no escape.

"Then what are you going to do after you go out?" Zheng Sheng was a little desperate. He didn't want to rule the world or do a living sacrifice. This is against the law.

"Oh, yes, one thing is very important, that is, I have to change my mobile phone. The mobile phone I bought last year has already been stuck. Taiwan, and by the way, I just pulled a network cable over, every time I lie in it, the signal is not very good." Wu Mingkong said something in a rambling manner.

Zheng Sheng's three views seem to be a bit broken. Aren't you terrified, why are you pursuing this little.

"Well, aren't you a zombie? Do you want to drink blood regularly?" Zheng Sheng regretted it as soon as he finished asking. He felt that his question was a bit stupid. What if the other party became angry from embarrassment.

Wu Mingkong just stared at him like this: "Are you out of your mind? Didn't you read the profile outside? I look like this and you say I'm a zombie? I'm a majestic figure of a big boss, and I've been the role of countless legendary protagonists." If you call me a zombie, you are not insulting me, but you are insulting yourself."

"By the way, my phone is almost out of battery, when are you going back?"

Just as Wu Mingkong finished speaking, the painting style suddenly changed later, which caught Zheng Sheng off guard.

According to the introduction on the bronze tripod, this is the Heavenly Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, a supreme god in ancient times, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like a bow-headed family.

At this time, Zheng Zhai also woke up in a daze, but he was a little weird: "Brother Sheng, where is this?"

"Inside the bronze tripod." Wu Mingkong replied.

"Fuck, who are you?" Zheng Zhai said a little crap, there were only the two of them here, why did another person pop out suddenly.

"I live near here. You made such a big noise, so I came here to take a look." Wu Mingkong's vicinity refers to the underground.

Zheng Zhai didn't realize it. In fact, he never came in at all. He was replaced when he went to the tomb. The Zheng Zhai behind him was actually the ghost bride and clay figurines.

"It turned out to be like this." Zheng Zhai suddenly realized: "Brother Sheng, didn't we talk about going to the tomb? Where is this? When I got down just now, my eyes went dark, and I came here."

Zheng Sheng felt horrified, who the hell was that Zheng Zhai who walked underground with him just now?
Seeing Wu Mingkong pointing at his back, cold sweat immediately flowed down, it turned out that he was entangled by this ghost bride from the very beginning, even Zheng Zhai had been replaced without anyone noticing. .

"Well, there's nothing else here, let's go back quickly, I'm a little panicked staying in this tomb all the time, and my mobile phone is almost out of battery." Wu Mingkong urged Zheng Sheng.

Zheng Sheng nodded expressionlessly. Indeed, there is really nothing good here. The scariest thing is about to follow him, and you have lived in this tomb for many years. Now you say In a panic?In fact, the point is that your phone is about to run out of battery, right?

"How do you know there is nothing good here?" Zheng Zhai was a little puzzled.

"I see, you can tell when you stand up and take a look. You can sell this bronze tripod for some money, but do you dare to sell it? This thing is an old cultural relic. You pull out the tripod in the morning and contact the buyer at noon. Buyers and sellers go in together at night, maybe you can be sentenced to ten or eight years on the spot."

"What's more, you pulled it out. It weighs at least a thousand catties. The movement and time of pulling it out are enough for you to jump back and forth in the detention center dozens of times."

Hearing Wu Mingkong's words, Zheng Sheng was a good guy in his heart on the spot, and he knew the law as co-author.

Zheng Zhai felt that what Wu Mingkong said seemed to make sense. Following Wu Mingkong's line of thinking, it was indeed the case. If you touch a jade ring, you can say that it is ancestral, but your ancestral inheritance is a bronze of a thousand catties. The tripod was just passed down from the tomb, so it is really easy to go in and be sentenced to ten or eight years.

"That's right. Since there is nothing, let's go out quickly. I didn't feel the panic when you didn't say it just now, but I also feel the same way when you say it." Zheng Zhai also urged, since it is not beneficial, then hurry up go out.

Zheng Sheng really wants to say that your panic is not because of the environment, but because the person standing next to you is too scary.

"Okay, then let's go first, will you go?" Wu Mingkong put the phone back in his pocket and glanced at Zheng Sheng.


Zheng Sheng jumped out of the bronze tripod first, followed by Zheng Zhai and Wu Mingkong.

"Run!" Zheng Sheng's yell almost scared Zheng Zhai into the urine. Although he didn't know why he ran, Zheng Zhai followed closely.

Concentrating all his attention and running wildly, Zheng Sheng led Zheng Zhai straight out of the tomb. He suspected that there was a reason why Wu Mingkong kept asking him to take him away with him.

According to the judgment, Wu Mingkong might not be able to leave the tomb, so he kept emphasizing that he would go back with him, and he could leave only if someone took him away.

Taking advantage of Zheng Zhai's jumping out, he quickly sealed the entrance of the tomb.

And Zheng Zhai was startled when he saw this scene and wanted to stop Zheng Sheng: "Brother Sheng, what are you doing, are you crazy? There are people down here."

He just wanted to touch some jade rings to earn some extra money. Zheng Sheng is killing people and breaking the law.

"When we went down, there were only two of us, and there was no one around here. Where do you think this person came from?" Zheng Sheng said in shock.

Zheng Zhai looked around, and suddenly came to his senses, let alone people, there were no trees around here, which made Zheng Zhai tremble all over: "Then what was that thing just now?"

These words are all with vibrato, which is very distinctive.

"What do you think, give me the tools quickly, and I'll weld this on." Zheng Sheng said hastily.

"Here, do you want me to help you?" Wu Mingkong handed the welding machine to Zheng Sheng from his backpack, and Zheng Sheng started welding on his own, while Zheng Zhai dared not speak at all.

"No need, give me the sunglasses." Zheng Sheng said without turning his head.

"Here, by the way, do you want to draw a talisman? After all, the bottom is so scary. I have a good talisman here, and I have cinnabar to draw on it." Wu Mingkong handed the sunglasses to Zheng Sheng and asked casually.

"When did you learn these things, kid? It's fine. Let's draw together." Zheng Sheng thought Zheng Zhai was talking, but suddenly felt someone pulling him.

Seeing it, Zheng Zhai pointed at him with a frightened face, which made him a little puzzled.

Turning his head, he saw Wu Mingkong was taking out a bag of cinnabar water from his backpack.

The cold air rushed directly to his forehead from the soles of his feet, Wu Mingkong was not sealed in the tomb by him, why did this come out.

"Here, let me tell you, my cinnabar is the best. I picked it out from the general's mouth. If it wasn't for my speed, the general would have melted." Wu Mingkong looked at the cinnabar with some doubts after turning the cinnabar into water. Zheng Sheng: "Look at what I do, work."

"Aren't you unable to come out?" Zheng Sheng's voice trembled a little.

"Why can't I come out, you're kidding me, I can't come out with my mobile phone, clothes, where can I buy mutton hot pot?"

"Then why do you have to ask us to take you out? You can come out by yourself, why do you want us to take you out?" Zheng Sheng realized that Wu Mingkong seemed quite reasonable, but he was so scared that he didn't know what to do. It's just a measure.

"You're not talking nonsense. My ID card has been expired for more than 3000 years. The last time I went to reapply, I was almost caught by the other party as a mental patient. Finally, my receptionist saw a gift and gained a relative. Of course I'm going to come out and stare at you." Wu Mingkong took out a wooden sign that looked very old, and then said confidently.

The two couldn't help being silent. There was a lot of information here, especially Zheng Zhai: "Brother Sheng, why did he ask you for a bride price?"

Zheng Sheng really wanted to say that the dowry is the key point?
The point is that the person in front of you has lived for more than 3000 years, okay? Why can't you grasp the point.

Zheng Sheng didn't dare to complain about these words, but smiled reluctantly: "I'll talk about this later, I'll talk about it later."

It can't be said that he was entangled by a female ghost, how embarrassing he is.

"That is to say, you have no malicious intentions?" Zheng Sheng asked cautiously.

Wu Mingkong had black lines on his face: "If I want to be malicious, you two are standing guard outside now."

Zheng Sheng naturally understood what Wu Mingkong meant, he had seen the two giant corpses standing guard outside.

"Understood, I misunderstood." But there must be no misunderstanding, maybe Wu Mingkong really asked the two of them to go down to stand guard.

"OK, where do you put your two cars?"

"That." Zheng Zhai also understood that this person is not easy, so he hugged his thigh quickly, maybe the curse in his family who would not survive the age of 30 depends on this person.

If Zheng Zhai's mind is active, Zheng Sheng didn't even think about it.

Zheng Zhai opened the rear door for Wu Mingkong in a doggy manner, and Wu Mingkong was very satisfied: "Young man is not bad."

"Thank you for your compliment, big man, there is one thing I don't know if I should say it or not." Zheng Zhai followed him into the back seat, rubbed his hands and asked with a smile.

"The curse of your family?" Wu Mingkong naturally understood.

"Yes, sir, do you see?"

Just as Zheng Sheng started the car, he also pricked up his ears to listen. He also wondered if Wu Mingkong could solve it.

"It's easy to solve. You can see that the curse on Zheng Sheng's body has been solved by his wife. It's very easy. It can be solved with a snap, but this method may not be suitable for you. After all, I am the only one at the front desk, and I was abducted by Zheng Sheng. gone."

Wu Mingkong's words couldn't help but make Zheng Sheng's ears shudder. In the rearview mirror, he saw the ghost bride lying behind him as if blowing cold air towards his ears.

"Understood, understood, then there is no other way." Zheng Zhai also vaguely felt that something happened to Zheng Sheng, but it was definitely not a good thing.

"Yes, after Zheng Sheng and his wife's child is born, bring it here and give you some boy's urine to wipe it off. This is the best solution. It's not impossible for me to take action, but you have to know one thing. Misfortunes depend on blessings. It’s easy for me to erase it, but you might be hit by a car the next day after erasing it, isn’t that even worse?”

"Only when the eldest nephew is born, let your family members solve it by themselves. This is called self-help, and there will be no sequelae."

Wu Mingkong's words made sense at first glance, but Zheng Sheng's face turned green, especially the way Zheng Zhai looked at him, the hot feeling made him feel uncomfortable.

Also, after Wu Mingkong finished speaking, the ghostly hands holding him seemed to tighten even more.

"Thank you for your advice, big brother. I can wait, isn't it just a year?" Zheng Zhai's words made Zheng Sheng feel that he might suffer.

"One year? Who are you underestimating? As long as Zheng Sheng is diligent, one month is enough. Let me tell you, let him drink a drop of this stuff every time you eat with him. I guarantee that within more than a month, you The whole clan lifted the curse." Wu Mingkong mysteriously took out a transparent glass tube, which was filled with a pink liquid, which made people feel ambiguous at first sight.

"Could it be that this thing is." Stuffing the glass tube into his arms, Zheng Zhai's tone was very meaningful.

"That's right, it's what you're thinking of. Remember to eat it before meals, and the night snack and afternoon tea count as well." Wu Mingkong said it was what you thought of.

"Then is this thing good for your health? If my eldest nephew doesn't come out, something goes wrong first, will it be bad?" Zheng Zhai was still a little worried.

"Don't worry, the products I produced are designed to be easy to use, and the things here are good."

"Brother, don't worry, starting today, you can just ask what you want, as long as I can do it, I will go through fire and water to get it done for you, but there is a small problem, if Brother Sheng has some left over, can I use it here. After Zheng Zhai patted his chest to confirm the ticket, he lowered his head and asked Wu Mingkong this relatively private question in a low voice.

"You can also use it. Drink a drop before exercising. Remember to find a few more, otherwise it is easy to kill people."

"Alright, thank you sir."

Zheng Sheng was driving ahead, listening to the conversation between the two, he couldn't help but get black lines, especially for Wu Mingkong, why did it feel so out of character, it was not at all like the emperor Donghuang Taiyi who ruled thousands of gods at the bottom of the mausoleum .

On the contrary, it's a bit like the funny guy next door to him.

Wu Mingkong and Zheng Zhai were chatting happily. People like Zheng Zhai seem to have a rich night life, and they can do all kinds of tricks.

"Your car is second-hand." Wu Mingkong said suddenly.

"It should be, I don't know, brother Sheng rented a car from a car rental company." Zheng Zhai didn't know why Wu Mingkong asked such a question suddenly, but he answered honestly.

"It's no wonder, let me just say, I've got one more person along the way, I thought my front desk was the co-pilot's seat."

After Wu Mingkong finished speaking, the two of them took a closer look. At some point, a woman with a disheveled head sat on the co-pilot. She couldn't see her face clearly and was covered by her hair, but she was really brave.

The ghost bride lying on Zheng Sheng's back is already showing her teeth and claws. It's just unreasonable for her to come over and snatch people without eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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