Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 600 Resurrection of Reiki

Chapter 600 Spiritual Qi Recovery ([-])

Wu Mingkong looked at the exquisite dishes one after another, not to mention the taste, but judging from the presentation and style of the dishes, it was really just the appearance, not the taste.

"Your lonely boat in the river is boiled vegetables?" Wu Mingkong couldn't help asking.

A waiter next to him nodded: "That's right, this is our special dish. The above-mentioned high-quality spring water is paired with sea salt, and the vegetables in the countryside that have not been treated with pesticides can be completely cooked through water This green vegetable can better display its original crisp taste."

Hearing the waiter speak clearly and logically, Wu Mingkong used a fork to pick up a single vegetable on the delicate plate: "So you charge 880 for a boiled vegetable?"

That's right, just one, not a plate, the rest are all decorated.

Wu Mingkong stuffed the vegetables into his mouth and chewed them, and swallowed them in two mouthfuls. Are the vegetables crisp?

Isn't this talking nonsense with Wu Mingkong, as long as the green vegetables grow a little bigger, they will taste the same when they are blanched in water, but Wu Mingkong has not tasted any taste.

"Isn't this just ordinary boiled vegetables without adding salt?" Wu Mingkong felt that he had been fooled. With this 880, you should have something special anyway.

"Sir, what we put in is sea salt from the Antarctic ice layer. The taste may not be strong, but the minerals contained in it are definitely nearly ten thousand times richer than ordinary sea salt." The waiter seems to have already had a way to deal with it. Talking about boiled vegetables, but jumped on the salt and blew another wave.

"Let's not mention whether there is sea salt in the Antarctic ice layer, can you tell me where your conclusion that the minerals are nearly ten thousand times higher comes from?"

"According to research by foreign agencies."

Understood.Another fooled one.

"Don't go abroad for now, I'll try the fried rice with eggs before you continue to blow it." Wu Mingkong brought over a bowl of fried rice with eggs, which was so exquisite and small that it was only one-third the size of his palm. He was looking for chopsticks, but this Apart from the knives and forks on the table, there are some weird tableware that I don’t know how to use.

He took a spoon casually, hollowed out the egg fried rice with one spoon, stuffed it in his mouth and chewed.

"Your egg fried rice is steamed right now, and you put too much water in it." Wu Mingkong only took two bites, and the rice was gone.

"Sir, the rice we use is from"

"Understood. It's foreign rice again." Wu Mingkong had a black line.

Zheng Bai's face was full of embarrassment, it seemed that the car had overturned, and it was serious, and from his side, Wu Mingkong seemed very dissatisfied, and this matter was not easy to handle.

"Come on, boss, try their special steak."

Wu Mingkong recalled the name for a while, and Shen Ke didn't know which foreign country imported the steak. Just such a plate is worth 99 yuan. This is the steak of the Bull Demon King, otherwise it would be so expensive?
He put a fork on the steak and stuffed it all into his mouth to chew.

"I think, you may have paid a lot of IQ taxes, that's all? You can eat better than this at any restaurant on the roadside for five hundred and eight hundred." Wu Mingkong swallowed the steak, and the taste was just the same. , They learn the so-called civilized etiquette abroad, and they are basically medium-rare, saying that this way can give full play to the original texture of beef.

As soon as Wu Mingkong said these words, the waiter's expression turned ugly.

"Sir, you can question my service, but you can't question our dishes, our chef is"

"Is it a top chef hired from abroad who came back from further study? No wonder you can't cook fried rice with eggs. I think your chefs may not be suitable for the industry of chefs." Wu Mingkong is not used to people. Others may come here to eat. It's more about talking about business or receiving customers, and more about the environment.

Wu Mingkong is different, he just wants to eat, you make such a ghostly look and tell him to guarantee the original flavor of the ingredients, then why don't you serve the food directly, wouldn't it be better to guarantee it without cooking it?
"Do you have a business license and a sanitation license, can you show me?" Wu Mingkong felt that it must be unusual for such a ruthless shop to dare to do so.

"Sir, this is our internal secret. I am very sorry that I cannot provide it to you."

Wu Mingkong drew out a law and regulation from his mobile phone: "Come on, read this article, this thing is not a secret, it must be posted when doing business, you will not have it."

"Mr. Zheng, you are also our regular customer. Could it be that you came here on a special trip to criticize us today?" The waiter looked at Zheng Bai and ignored Wu Mingkong's words at all, but directly ignored Wu Mingkong and asked him directly.

Hearing the waiter's words, Zheng Bai's face turned ugly, and he paid the IQ tax as soon as he paid it, so he took it as a lesson, but the waiter's words were obviously a sign of a big shop bullying customers.

"Call your manager over here." Zheng Bai said in a deep voice.

The waiter was a little displeased. In his eyes, Wu Mingkong must be criticizing, but he still agreed honestly: "Yes, Mr. Zheng."

"Boss, today's meal was my mistake, forgive me, forgive me." Zheng Bai turned his head and said to Wu Mingkong apologetically.

Wu Mingkong didn't care either: "It's okay, I don't mind, I'll eat something else then."

He definitely didn't come here to eat these crap, he was ashamed to bring out the dishes after they were cooked like this, he really brought out the raw materials to ensure the original taste.

Looking at the things under the manor, Wu Mingkong resisted the urge to lick his lips. He didn't know whether the taste of this thing was soft like ice cream or explosive like popping candy.

But the taste is definitely okay.

"Mr. Zheng, is there anything unsatisfactory about this meal?" The manager was wearing a straight suit and looked like a western-style nobleman. A model of civilization.

"It's nothing, let's pay the bill." Zheng Bai handed out a card from his wallet to the manager, and then said: "The quality of your waiters here needs to be well trained. I invite distinguished guests to eat at your place, and what I eat is service. , but what about you?"

"Do you think it's appropriate to argue with my distinguished guest?"

"Mr. Zheng, I don't think there is a problem with our service. Each of our waiters has received the most advanced maid training from the world and received a complete education in Western civilization. This is probably the reason why your distinguished guests are too mean. "The manager replied slowly, they have no shortage of guests, even Zheng Bai.

After all, the price of the food here is too high for ordinary people to come here to eat. With Zheng Bai's wealth, he can only come here a few times a year.

Zheng Bo couldn't believe this, you are all so vigorous, are you really not afraid of losing customers and not having fat sheep come to pay the IQ tax?

"Well, yes, they operate without a license, they don't have a sanitation permit, and they deliberately kill customers. Can you believe it? Yes, the address is correct. Come quickly."

Just as Wu Mingkong hung up the phone, the manager looked at Wu Mingkong with an ugly face and said sharply, "Who did you call just now?"

"Industry and commerce, sanitation, market price, taxation, and several relatively large newspapers and periodicals, some TV reporters, and various self-media." Wu Mingkong babbled out a long paragraph.

Wu Mingkong did it by hand, even the brothers of the Zheng family are lying, how are you so proficient, how many times have you done it?

"Why do you do this, what right do you have to do this?" The manager finally understood that the other party was really here to criticize, otherwise how could this thing be done so terribly.

"If you have no problem, I'm afraid they will investigate something." Wu Mingkong spread his hands, indicating that you bit me.

Wu Mingkong found that he has more and more potential to be a master now, as long as he learns a little more, he will be the most handsome boy on the construction site by then.

"Okay, okay, okay, you wait for me, this is not a joke, let's see if you can get out of the manor today." The manager said to several people gloomily.

"You have heard this, right? I think you should hurry up, otherwise news of the disappearance of the chairman of the Zheng Group will be reported." Wu Mingkong put the phone on the table, and a voice came from inside. There was a voice: "Don't worry, we have sent the nearest police officers to ensure your safety."

"Okay, then please hurry up." Wu Mingkong hung up the phone after speaking, and looked at the manager: "You probably can't realize what you said, now is a society ruled by law."

The manager's face was full of shit, when did you call the police.

The brothers of the Zheng family are even more damned, this manor will definitely be hurt by your actions. What you have done is really terrific.

It's just that the manager's hysteria did not appear as expected, but his face became more gloomy, and he looked at the few people with bloodthirsty eyes: "Well, do you think a mobile phone without a signal can make a call?"

Zheng Bai was startled, and took out his mobile phone on the spot, only to find that there was no signal in the mobile phone.

"No, but who told you that I was calling a living person and not a person, then there is no need for a signal."

Wu Mingkong's words directly caused a wave of bipolar reversal.

There was a scarlet light in the manager's eyes, and two slender canine teeth grew out of his mouth: "You are provoking an elegant western-style nobleman, do you understand?"

"I understand, but do you have any other abilities besides elongated teeth and red eyes?" Wu Mingkong asked seriously.

Wu Mingkong doesn't know other abilities, but he can be sure that this elegant western-style nobleman must not see ghosts, otherwise how dare he be so arrogant, there is a ghost bride lying on Zheng Sheng's back, and the other party's small physique must not be able to hold it The ghost bride made a move.

The manager looked disdainful, and he rushed towards Wu Mingkong directly. It seems that his physical fitness has indeed increased to a certain extent, but it is still within the range of ordinary people.

Before rushing over, countless strands of hair rushed out from Zheng Sheng's back, directly binding the whole person into a pupa.

It's not that the ghost bride is flattering Wu Mingkong, but it's really too late when Wu Mingkong makes a move.

The waiter looked at this scene in shock. He didn't expect that the manager who had been blessed by the true ancestor and became a noble blood could die so simply and neatly. This is simply impossible.

A large piece of blood flowed out from the cracks in the hair. The blood did not emit a bloody smell, but an unpleasant rotten smell, and it was not normal red, but black like oil, thick and Accompanied by small pieces of particles.

"You dare to kill the manager. He has become a blood clan blessed by the true ancestor. You are finished, you are finished." The waiter's eyes were full of killing intent, and he turned and ran away.

It wasn't that he wanted to report, but because the walls in the room began to vibrate and fall off, there was no need for him to report, because revenge had already come.

A bone hand directly hangs down the wall, exposing the structure inside the wall.

There is no steel and concrete inside, but corpses exuding a rotten smell. Some of them have already become white bones, some are highly decomposed, and some even just entered.

In this scene, what kind of private vegetable manor is it? It is a devil's den.

Before the waiter ran out of the room, he was grabbed by a highly rotten arm and dragged into the wall. After screaming in horror, howling in pain and some kind of horrifying creaking sound, the blood flowed from the arm. Flowing out of the hole left in the arm.

Wu Mingkong was also amazed at this, he didn't know how the house was built, but the things filled inside could really bear the weight of the whole house?

As for the bones and rotting corpses inside?

Wu Mingkong was not afraid when he was alive, let alone dead.

What's more, when he grows up like that, in the undead system of the Great Zhou Empire, it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, even a bit outdated. Wu Mingkong released the Great Zhou subjects of the undead system under his command, and guaranteed to make this group of things Refresh a wave of three views, one-handed ultra-cleaning and rebirth skills are full, and immediately send away a set of three companies that are also undead.

Once again, ghosts and others all order virtual mechanical systems. The first is the Gundam Ship Saber, and the zombies are more biotechnology combined with high-intensity bombs. When you shake your hands, it is a duet of corpse explosions. Exploding together with metaphysics, the enemy must have an effect. Get up and continue to fry, making sure to make the other party doubt life.

Of course, not all the Great Zhou subjects of the undead system are so weird, at least their necromancers are relatively orthodox, they generally specialize in evoking undead, and then cast a lot of things on these undead, such as virtual wisdom, bones, etc. After the auxiliary spells of activation and bone transformation, a series of equipment such as high-frequency vibration spears, nuclear-powered rune armor, and psionic long-range cannons are issued one by one, and then play the legion.

These necromancers didn't use any fancy necromancer dragons and the like, they used the lowest-level skeleton soldiers. After all, they brought a space necromancer army with them when they went out, and artificial bones were very cheap materials. Any necromancer can pull out a bunch of them.

It may be embarrassing when configuring equipment, after all, the number is a bit large.

"Boss, do you think we can still be saved?" Zheng Zhai looked at the falling wall and the skeletons and carrion bodies inside, he felt that he hadn't had the excitement of the past two days in the past 20 years.

"I'm fine, it's hard for you and Zheng Bai to talk about it." Wu Mingkong thought for a while, and said very rigorously.

Zheng Sheng heard that Wu Mingkong didn't mention his name. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it would be beneficial to have a ghost bride behind his back. At least when this happens, he also has a backer, so he doesn't have to worry about being caught by Ying Nian. die young.

"Boss, hurry up and come out with all your magical powers, old man, they're out." Zheng Zhai couldn't help but yelled as he watched a skeleton break free from the wall.

"Don't worry, I'll be here right away." As soon as Wu Mingkong finished speaking, he heard a huge roar coming from far and near.

And this roar seems to be accompanied by some kind of incomprehensible Buddhist scriptures.

Wu Mingkong couldn't help twitching his eyes, he naturally understood what the sound was, it was clearly the DJ version of the Great Compassion Mantra, and based on the sound quality, Wu Mingkong also judged that it was a paid version.

A skeleton wearing cassock, hanging several strings of prayer beads of different sizes, and several rounds of merit wheels behind him, rode a motorcycle shining with Buddha's light and smashed directly into the room where Wu Mingkong was.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." Monk Miaofa put his hands together and bowed to Wu Mingkong after getting off the motorcycle, and the merit wheel behind him burst out with Buddha light of merit and virtue. Black smoke visible to the naked eye came out, and the bones continued to melt as if corroded by something.

Monk Miaofa's Majesty Wan An is just like Amitabha Buddha, don't look at him wearing cassock with a merit wheel on his back, he doesn't believe in Buddha, he believes in Wu Mingkong.

In addition to His Majesty Wan'an, there are His Majesty's Blessing and Your Majesty's Rescue, which signify the three strengths of this enemy. The first one can be easily killed in seconds, the second one needs to be taken seriously, and the third one is to directly beat the crowd.

"Find out that thing down there for me, it's already here, I can't make a trip in vain, I'm going to make a pot of blood."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, little monk, I promise to let Maoxuewang take the blame." Monk Miaofa rode on the motorcycle, and the sound of the Great Compassion Mantra on the car stereo became louder, and accompanied by this sound, the sky filled with Buddha light filled the entire manor .

Other things are fine, that is, after Monk Miaofa practiced the "White Bone Buddha Image", there was only a skeleton left in his whole body, which seemed a bit inconsistent with his temperament.

"Boss, can ghosts be monks?" Zheng Sheng asked, looking at Monk Miaofa who was leaving on a motorcycle.

"He is a virtuous and eminent monk who has cultivated the appearance of bones. What ghosts, haven't you seen the pure Buddha light and merit?" Wu Mingkong retorted. "Buddha Phase" was practiced in this convenient way. As for the merits and virtues, it was wholesaled by Wu Mingkong here, but it cannot be denied that he is really a great virtuous monk.

Of course, there were also people who questioned it, but those who questioned Monk Miaofa were overthrown by him on the spot, and no one questioned the authenticity of Monk Miaofa's identity as a great virtuous monk afterwards.

"Really? Zheng Zhai is a little skeptical. This doesn't look like a great virtuous monk.

(End of this chapter)

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