Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 697 The Dao of Immortals

Chapter 697 Immortal Way (32)
"Yaoshou, these two people have started to fit together, what the hell is this!!!"

Wu Mingkong was full of shit, he never expected that things would turn so suddenly that he was caught off guard.

Today is the day when Cheng Die and Wu Yi broke through the Yuanshen stage. It was not so fast at first, but Wu Mingkong felt that the progress was slow, so a new batch of natural materials and earth treasures was added, so it will be faster now. .

But the facts were beyond Wu Mingkong's expectation. According to the data originally obtained by Wu Mingkong, the souls of the two people will not merge because of the Yuanshen stage, but will superimpose and strengthen each other, because the souls and Yuanshen stage in the Yuanshen stage and Yuanshen stage. After the infants fused with each other to become primordial spirits, the souls of the two would be different, and this difference was life-saving, so that the two of them would never fuse together thinking that their souls were the same.

However, all the data are normal, only the final result is wrong.

Of course, it is not the case to think about these things at present, but the issue of stop loss should be considered.

Wu Mingkong didn't know what would happen after the two merged, but it was definitely not what he wanted to see, after all, he hadn't researched the secret between the two.

The souls of the two, or the souls that have been promoted to Yuanshen, are beginning to penetrate into each other like glue, it looks like two balls of ink and water are constantly blending.

The ink is polluting the clear water, and the clear water is also constantly diluting the ink. The two colors are constantly intersecting in each other's body and drawing closer at the same time.

In Wu Mingkong's eyes, pieces of data kept appearing, which he grasped and summed up. There is no way to solve this situation now.

"This is not right. In Wu Yi's memory, both of them have reached the Mahayana period, and there is no such situation, but why does this happen in this life? The kung fu is still a supernatural power, and it is because I took out the two of them. Coordinates?" Wu Mingkong was a little puzzled.

The only difference between these three people and their previous lives is their martial arts and supernatural powers and the coordinates that were taken out.

"It can't be because of the coordinates." In the previous life, there must have been space coordinates in Cheng Die's body, but Wu Yi had no time coordinates.

"Could it be that this space coordinate is not only a bomb, but also a barrier used to prevent the fusion of the same soul in the twin mirror world?"

Wu Mingkong felt that he seemed to have done a stupid thing, but he just didn't regret it.

Because it's too late to regret.

Watching the two groups continue to merge with the primordial spirit, it seems to have come to an end.

Probably because the Yuanshen stage has been consolidated, Wu Mingkong then wants to know which body this thing will enter, and from this aspect, it can be seen who has the upper hand.

Basically, whoever enters the body wins. Of course, there is a third possibility, that is, two people become one. From Wu Mingkong's point of view, this third possibility is the most likely.

The black and white primordial spirit did not enter any body, but instead wriggled continuously in the air, as if forming a human form. Generally speaking, the last step of the primordial spirit is shaping. The appearance of the soul.

But the breakthrough of these two people is quite strange. Whether it is Jindan or Nascent Soul, they are very different from orthodox practitioners. They all formed pills outside the body and transformed babies outside the body. The idea is that the primordial spirit will return to the body to shape it.

But things once again caught Wu Mingkong by surprise. The fused primordial spirit did not enter any body, but absorbed two bodies that had lost their souls to supplement themselves.

That's right, this primordial spirit doesn't care about these two bodies at all, but wants to reshape a body of his own.

"This is really a bitter hatred of pressing the gold thread every year to make wedding clothes for others." Wu Mingkong's expression was a little dignified.

Wu Mingkong finally understood that this was the synthesis of a third person from two people, not only swallowing these two people, but also inheriting the other party's Taoism and supernatural powers, Wu Mingkong can be said to have suffered a great loss.

In the training room, a woman was formed from the primordial spirit, and she also absorbed the bodies of the two to create a new body.

Between the eyebrows of this beautiful woman, just like Cheng Die and Wu Yi, she wrapped a piece of clothes leisurely and stretched her waist: "Thank you Xianjun for protecting the law, the little girl Dieyi is very grateful."

"Dieyi, Dieyi, you really dare to think. Cheng Die and Wu Yi each take one word, but your appearance ruined my business." Wu Mingkong pushed the door open, with a hint of unkindness in his tone.

This has to be good, Cheng Die loses, Wu Yi loses, Wu Mingkong loses, but Die Yi wins.

"Forgive me, this is not something that a little girl can control. Now that it's done, I hope Xianjun will let me go." Dieyi's tone has a unique tone after the fusion of two people, and the abandoned house has a trace of illness. Delicately charming.

But Wu Mingkong didn't like this, and his tone was extremely cold: "Sorry, these two people have already sold themselves to me, and the follow-up experiment has not been completed, so they can't leave. Even if the two become one person, the experiment must continue."

This Dieyi looks ugly, but thinks beautifully. After eating so much resources, she pats her ass and wants to leave?
"Xianjun's words are wrong. It is Cheng Die and Wu Yi who promised you. What does it have to do with me, Die Yi? I am not the two of them." Die Yi retorted Wu Mingkong with a hint of coquettishness.

"It seems that the two personalities of Cheng Die and Wu Yi have disappeared. You are a new personality, but I don't know if you have inherited their memories?" Wu Mingkong just ignored Die Yi's words, although two changed into one, But the research value is still there.

His words are also very straightforward, you have no choice but to cooperate with his research.

But Die Yi didn't think so. She felt that she was an independent individual from Cheng Die and Wu Yi, and there was absolutely no need to abide by the agreement between them and Wu Mingkong.

"Sorry, this is personal privacy, I have the right to privacy."

So far, Dieyi still doesn't understand the seriousness of the matter, and still thinks that Wu Mingkong is a kind person.

Although Wu Mingkong is not a good person, in fact, as long as you abide by Wu Mingkong's rules, Wu Mingkong is still very generous with rewards.

"You don't know what to do." Wu Mingkong sighed. To be honest, he hated others taking advantage of him.

Dieyi heard: "Xianjun, this is your fault. It is not I, Dieyi, who promised you. It is not good for you to take advantage of a weak woman like me."

"Have you ever heard of the words "father's debt and son's repayment?"

"Did Xianjun recognize that I am the continuation of Cheng Die and Wu Yi? But I think I have nothing to do with them." This means that Wu Mingkong's words are not recognized at all.

"What you think, it's just what you think, what does it have to do with me?" Wu Mingkong said after thinking about it.

Wu Mingkong is reasonable, but generally he talks about his own fallacies. What does your reasoning have to do with his fallacies?
"Xianjun is so pressing every step of the way, don't blame the little girl for being cruel."

A cold light flashed in Dieyi's eyes, and with a touch in her hand, pieces of white butterflies fluttered, trying to land on Wu Mingkong's body.

These white butterflies are the supernatural powers fused by Taisu Divine Light and Xingyun Baisha, possessing the ability of time and space. If the white butterflies land on the body, the two supernatural powers of the universe and time will erupt inside and outside for a while, Turning it into nothingness and dissipating it is extremely domineering.

"Interesting, it's not only the fusion of human beings, but also the fusion of supernatural powers." In Wu Mingkong's eyes, Guixu continued to circulate, and he could see the real situation in the opponent's body at a glance. The magical powers of the Yuanying stage, Yuanying stage, and even Yuanshen stage are all fused together.

This is simply nonsense. The supernatural powers are not like Cheng Die and Wu Yi's souls are exactly the same, and they can be easily fused. There are too many things involved.

If it is the fusion of Cheng Die and Wu Yi, it still belongs to ink and Qingshui, at least bring water.

But the fusion of supernatural powers is different. It is equivalent to the fusion of a piece of metal and a piece of grass. Not only are the two irrelevant, but there is no possibility of fusion at all.

Those white butterflies were about to land on Wu Mingkong's body, but they suddenly scattered into groups of spots and finally disappeared.

"If you don't cooperate, I will have a headache too. Since you broke the contract first, don't blame me for not obeying the rules."

As soon as Wu Mingkong finished speaking, Dieyi only felt that her whole body was imprisoned by an invisible barrier. She was quite disdainful about this, but as soon as the disdain climbed onto her face, she froze, because she found that her Nine Heavens Escape Light The supernatural power has actually failed. The nine-day light-escaping supernatural power is a kind of light-escaping supernatural power that is a fusion of Cheng Die's Yuanying period's Nine Shadows and Wu Yi's Yuanying period's Wanli Duguang, and it is also contaminated with time and space. However, But he couldn't escape Wu Mingkong's shackles at all.

As for the life-and-death accompanying magical power of the two Jindan stage, because of the fusion of the two life-and-death accompanying magical powers, it has become a nine-death return soul, that is to say, they must kill each other nine times at the same time, otherwise the other party will be able to reappear in the next second. resurrection.

An attack, a resurrection, and an escape, coupled with the protective ability of the Taishang Bodyguard Qingguang in the Yuanshen stage, Dieyi in front of him can be said to be the protagonist in the Taoist Journey to the East, or even like the protagonist.

With such luxurious supernatural powers, only Linglong, who was opened up by Wu Mingkong, can match.

"To be honest, you may not have read the memories of Cheng Die and Wu Yi completely. The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and you are talking about people like you." But if you simply go through it once, you dare not do this Talk to Wu Mingkong.

Cheng Die's impression of Wu Mingkong may be that of a good old man, but Wu Yi definitely won't. She is a reborn person, so she naturally knows how strong Qingtian God Emperor is, and being able to defeat Qingtian God Emperor Wu Mingkong, that strength is in her heart There must be many.

In this way, Wu Mingkong guessed that Dieyi did have the memory of the two of them, but before she had time to see it, she wanted to get rid of the life of the experimental product and pursue her own freedom.

Wu Mingkong doesn't know how this thought came about, but it's definitely not the idea of ​​Cheng Die and Wu Yi. Those two people lived in Taiyi Immortal Mountain like a happy person, Wu Mingkong drove them away and they didn't want to leave. will go.

After imprisoning him casually, Wu Mingkong directly pulled out Die Yi's soul. The originally black and white soul has now completely changed into Die Yi's appearance, which can be regarded as human.

"The fusion is so perfect and interesting. There is no self-memory. With the memory of two people, a character with completely different thinking is born. How did this happen?" Wu Mingkong was curious.

Die Yi watched in horror as Wu Mingkong continued to dissect her soul. This kind of person watched herself being dissected, observed the internal structure, and even took out her memory to comment on her, and even asked her What do you think about this.

What opinion can she have, the only opinion is that you let her go quickly.

Wu Mingkong heard Dieyi's heartfelt voice, but he didn't take it seriously. To be honest, he still liked Cheng Die and Wu Yi better. At least these two were very cooperative with Wu Mingkong's experiment. They were very honest in answering questions.

Wu Mingkong felt that it was too difficult to serve Die Yi, who was fused together. He had to do everything by himself, and even refused to ask her to help hand over the scalpel when he was dissecting her. It's too bad.

Therefore, Wu Mingkong's attitude towards her was also very bad.

"So, after the fusion, is it simply becoming another person, completely losing the magical state of the original soul?" Wu Mingkong frowned.

This seems to greatly reduce the value of Wu Mingkong's research.

Although it comes with supplementary abilities such as fusion of supernatural powers, increased potential, stronger aptitude, and purer soul, Wu Mingkong doesn't like these things at all, and he can manufacture them in batches if he wants them.

"If it doesn't work, just put the two coordinates back into her body and see if there will be any backhands."

Wu Mingkong thought frantically, after all, the world coordinates are useless, and the time coordinates seem to be of little use because the time deflectors don't take the bait.

There is still a connection between the three worthless things, so Wu Mingkong can only give it a try and see if he can collide with a new spark.

Maybe this behavior is a little bit desperate, and Wu Mingkong himself knows it, but it doesn't matter anymore, since he is idle anyway.

Then, under Die Yi's terrified eyes, Wu Mingkong started his own stop loss plan.

Wu Mingkong was busy here, and Zhao Xia from Kunyu Mountain was not idle.

Lifting a war hammer, the entire Kunyu Mountain was covered in blood and flesh. It looked as if it had been coated with tomato sauce. Even the Nine Heavens Evil Resisting God Shuttle was smashed into pieces scattered on the ground. The fragments looked like they had been smashed by a huge force.

"Anti-week alliance? Our family remembers that you seem to be the third, or maybe the fourth, but nothing good will happen." Zhao Xia looked at Immortal Qianyang whose shoulder blade was smashed by him, with a tone of voice With a trace of disdain.

"Eunuch?" Immortal Qianyang was a little shocked.

Zhao Xia smiled and didn't care at all: "I used to want to serve His Majesty, but I didn't have that chance. I'm just a little eunuch in the imperial dining room. Fortunately, Your Majesty favored us, so our family has this status."

The previous sentence can still be recalled. When Zhao Xia mentioned Wu Mingkong, the kind of frenzy that was visible to the naked eye made Qianyang Xianjun shudder.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I'm a fanatic of His Majesty, so please forgive me." Zhao Xia replied in a gentle manner.

"What?" Immortal Qianyang didn't expect Zhao Xia to be like a psychopath, disdainful for a while, fanatical for a while, and now he is so gentle and refined.

But before he could react, a bad wind hit his ear, and a heavy hammer hit his ear, his whole body was blown away by this huge force, and a large piece of his cheek collapsed.

Zhao Xia's strength is very strong, even if he didn't show any supernatural powers, he has something unmatched by Immortal Qianyang and even the entire Anti-Zhou Alliance.

His speed is fast and his strength is great. These are just pure physical abilities, without any supernatural powers or spells.

Zhao Xia's speed was so fast that the Xiaoyaoxians in the True Fairyland could not react. Among the nearly twenty True Fairylanders dispatched this time, they were basically knocked down by Zhao Xia with a hammer before they could react. Harvesting the entire Anti-Zhou alliance with the power to headshot the real fairyland with one hammer is no easier than cutting leeks.

You have to bend over to cut leeks, and you don't need to hammer a real fairyland fairy to death.

The real fairyland can't bear it, let alone other practitioners. At the same time that Zhao Xia hit the Nine Heavens Evil God Shuttle with a hammer from Kunyu Mountain, except for a few body-refining streams of the fairyland and true practitioners. Outside of fairyland, no one survived.

Immortal Qianyang smashed a huge hole in the ground. His body was fine, but his whole head lost its normal shape at all because of Zhao Xia's hammer, but he was still alive.

It seems that he won't be able to live for long. Although his primordial spirit has transformed into a fairy soul, even if his body dies, it's okay, but in fact, Zhao Xia's strength has exceeded the imagination of Immortal Qianyang. Strength not only destroyed their bodies, but even their immortal souls were shattered.

All the real fairyland people who were smashed to death by Zhao Xia's hammer could not imagine that pure strength could have such terrifying power.

That is to say, Xianjun Qianyang was lucky before, and escaped a hammer, but it was not uncomfortable. His shoulder blade was smashed by Zhao Xia's hammer. It was exactly like this, Zhao Xia would chat with him a few words, which was regarded as a reaction to him. recognized.

Or how to say that there were nearly twenty real fairylands, and he was the only one hiding in the past. Such a comparison, of course, seemed a bit special.

Now that he was hit head-on with a hammer, Zhao Xia felt that he was worth it.

Zhao Xia jumped down the deep pit, looked at Immortal Qianyang who was still twitching and was about to ascend to heaven, squatted down and said: "Go well, there are not many people who can withstand our family's three hammers before dying , you are one, and the remaining scattered anti-zhou alliances are dealt with by that self-proclaimed barefoot doctor Li Xu, he has nothing to say, and guarantees that the death of those under your hands will not be painful at all."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the other party understood or not, Zhao Xia raised the hammer and smashed it down.

A loud noise sounded from the bottom of the deep pit, and then Zhao Xia climbed up the deep pit alone, preparing to go back to Kunyu Mountain to continue the rehabilitation training for Lingmai.

(End of this chapter)

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