Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 701 The Dao of Immortals

Chapter 701 Immortal Way (36)
In the boundless void, a huge flesh and blood squirmed and intertwined, watching the two fused worlds in front of him in a malicious way.

The liquid light continuously penetrated into the world, and the dark doom began to volatilize like a fusion agent.

The fiery consciousness and a constantly struggling immortal mingled with each other, turning into one person in the two worlds regardless of each other.

The scale-like rings of the years emitted a faint light covering everything, Wu Mingkong watched silently, opened his indescribable giant mouth, waiting to harvest the final fruit.

When the light dissipated, Wu Mingkong saw a huge world in front of him. Flowing light and catastrophe spread continuously, and a majestic consciousness awoke from it.

Wu Mingkong didn't know what it was that woke him up, but it didn't prevent him from eating the other person into his stomach.

Two behemoths collided in the boundless void, and countless weird limbs protruded from Wu Mingkong's body, accompanied by the blooming Guixu one after another, continuously turning the world full of light and calamity toward Stuff it into your own body.

"You want to eat me?"

That world resisted instinctively, and asked in a doubtful tone.

"I'm hungry."

Wu Mingkong was also very sincere, he really wanted to eat him, and while responding, the flesh and blood became more and more twisted and ferocious, tearing off a large part of the world's body fiercely.

"I hate you."

The world has the memory of Immortal Sun and Moon, but it didn't react at first. After Wu Mingkong showed amazing malice, the world also began to resist.

The calamity and the streamer kept annihilating Wu Mingkong's approaching flesh and blood, and the terrifying high temperature swept over Wu Mingkong's wriggling body.

At first, Wu Mingkong's body would still be scorched black due to the high temperature, but as time passed, Wu Mingkong had gradually adapted to the temperature, and even began to absorb high temperature as energy.

The black catastrophe is even more unbearable. Although the heaven and earth catastrophe has undergone transformation due to the catastrophe artificially synthesized by Wu Mingkong, and the fusion of two worlds has brought about a qualitative change, no matter how it changes, it is still within Wu Mingkong's food range. Inside.

Only the streamer composed of fiery consciousness and liquid light is the real main force. Every time it falls on Wu Mingkong's body, a large piece of flesh and blood will be splashed.

It's a pity that the gap is still huge, so big that even if the dense streamers fell on Wu Mingkong's huge body, covering the entire skin, and tearing Wu Mingkong's body to pieces, it was just a skin trauma, or even fell The damage was not as fast as Wu Mingkong recovered.

Bang! ! !
The world spat out a ray of light, which was so tiny that compared with the two behemoths, it was like dust, but it was this ray of light that directly penetrated Wu Mingkong's body, causing the greatest damage.

Those are the scales called annual rings.

Wu Mingkong let the scale penetrate his body and flew towards the boundless void.

This is not a good thing. Ever since Immortal Sun Moon was cheated, Wu Mingkong kept this scale at a respectful distance. Even if this scale has magical powers, no matter how magical it is, it must have a purpose.

The pierced wound on the body healed in an instant, even if the scale pierced through Wu Mingkong's body and even opened a gap in the world inside his body, it was just a tiny wound.

Restoration is just a matter of a moment.

Wu Mingkong is very greedy, but he is not greedy, mainly because he knows what can and cannot be greedy, and he knows it well.

This scale called the annual ring of time is not something that he can covet at first glance. In Wu Mingkong's eyes, that scale may be more valuable than the world after the fusion of two twin mirror worlds, but Wu Mingkong knows that this It's not something he can get his hands on, who knows if it's some bad taste of some big guys.

Click click
There was a continuous sound of chewing, and Wu Mingkong opened his mouth and bit off most of the world, and the flesh and blood in the front of his body swelled up, as if he had stuffed his mouth.

The world wants to escape, but Wu Mingkong has blocked time and space, without the scales of the Kurong growth ring, the opponent is basically a shackle.

Although I don't know why the other party uses the Kurong tree ring as a one-time weapon just to give Wu Mingkong a shot, but Wu Mingkong doesn't care about this, his body is constantly liberated by him, originally it was only the same size, but now Wu Mingkong is It was enough to crush him.

"The third stage, hahaha."

A huge shadow covered the half-bitten world. Before he could react, the two behemoths in the boundless void were left with only a wriggling flesh and blood. The expansion spread throughout the boundless void.


After a scalp-numbing chewing sound, it ended with a swallow, bringing everything back to calm.

Except for the piece of scale called Kurong growth ring being grabbed by a young child's little hand, there was a half muffled murmur, there was no extra sound.

"I have to return it quickly, if found out, that guy will have to speak ill of me behind my back."

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the copy: Immortal Way]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the item: "Detailed Explanation of Parallel World Theory"]

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining a copy: Alien Paradise]


"Damn it, I'm full, this stuff is really big enough, I almost vomited."

Wu Mingkong burped, this super big gift package is really top-notch, I haven't enjoyed the double happiness for a long time.

Looking at the settlement of the dungeon system, there is nothing but a book and a dungeon. It is estimated that the server crashed too badly this time, and even the skill points were not given away.

"Forget it, I won't complain to you this time." Wu Mingkong felt that although he didn't give away skill points this time, he couldn't upgrade Heizi, but at least he was full.

So, he feels better.

"It is almost time to continue to deduce the fourth stage. There is already a first draft before, and it is almost enough."

While entering the third stage, his inner alchemy has also broken through to the first stage of Shangguan, the ten-month child-raising, which means that he can now say that he is in the Nascent Soul stage.

Although there is no Nascent Soul, the breakthrough is really a breakthrough, it looks like a breakthrough in loneliness, but he really broke through.

Not only the inner alchemy, but also the level of the world wizard has been upgraded to three levels, it is really difficult.

He casually took out the "Detailed Explanation of the Theory of Parallel Worlds" and flipped through it. Actually, it wasn't too much of a surprise that he could give such a book to Wu Mingkong. The mirror world, commonly known as the parallel world.

While reading the book, he gnawed at the universe of the real world.

Wu Mingkong is a special person. He used to eat two bites to be full, but now he is different. He can still eat two bites when he is full, just like now. Although he is full now, he feels that he can still eat. Otherwise, wouldn't the universe in the real world be wasted?

"Multiverse concept?"

Wu Mingkong looked at this "Detailed Explanation of Parallel World Theory", and his mind suddenly became enlightened. He finally understood the way to the fifth stage.

What?The fourth stage has not been deduced yet?

It doesn't matter, Wu Mingkong is all unrestrained in everything he does. It's okay not to skip the fourth stage, just skip to the fifth stage.

"If divided according to this level, I am just a single universe world?"

Wu Mingkong took a look at his own situation, and there was indeed only one world.

"One by one, the parallel planes that are constantly branching and flowing through the long river of time are constantly chiming to build a diverse world. When one is all, and all are one, is this detachment?"

"If you want to transform from a single universe into a multiverse, then the first step is to gather all your own timelines and use your own timelines to become a single long river of time."

Wu Mingkong thinks, isn't your pre-requirement a little too big, he can fight for his own timeline, but isn't it embarrassing him to turn it into a single long river of time?
This is still the first step. If you want to become a multiverse, not only does it take a long time, but you also need to turn your body into infinity.

That is, the boundless void can host a multiverse with countless parallel planes that are constantly being born and dying.

"No, this thing is not very suitable for me, except for the first timeline to constrict oneself, but it is a bit difficult to turn the timeline into a long river of time."

Wu Mingkong is well aware of his own limitations. Even if he wants to become a multiverse, he cannot use the method in this book, but must use another method.

"But fortunately, there is a next step."

In the eyes of Wu Mingkong, the fourth stage has no obstacles, and even the fifth stage has a solution.

The fifth stage is to become a multiverse that brings together everything, but it must be closed, but it cannot be closed in the way described in this book. The other party's path is different from Wu Mingkong's path, and it is only for reference. And there is no way to really rely on this book to practice.

Wu Mingkong set his eyes on the Great Zhou Empire in his body, the Great Zhou Empire built by the subjects of the Great Zhou.

"One is all, all is one."

There are strips of existence that continuously connect all the subjects of the Great Zhou into a world called Wu Mingkong. He is not trying to become a so-called multiverse-level powerhouse, but he wants to become the multiverse itself.

"Ninth-level world wizard, inner alchemy three levels and nine levels of perfection, these are the stepping stones for me to cross the multiverse from the single universe." Wu Mingkong is constantly integrating everything in himself, except for the world wizard and inner alchemy. Except for one system that can keep up with him, the other systems are basically crushed by him and turned into the accumulation of world-suppressing supernatural powers.

Only these two systems are relatively perfect.

"The ninth-level world wizard still has seven levels left. As long as I eat the real universe and digest these two worlds in my body, there will be no problem with the wizard level. The real difficulty is inner alchemy."

Inner alchemy has been changed by Wu Mingkong beyond recognition, and basically no shadow of the original can be seen, although the profession of world wizard is also the same, but somehow it is related to the world.

But inner alchemy has really nothing to do with inner alchemy.

"The second level of Shangguan is to move the gods to change the cauldron, and the third level of Shangguan is to use Niwan to nourish kindness, and there is also the last one who becomes an immortal to return to the Tao."

As for moving the gods to change the tripod and Niwan Yangci, with the resources that Wu Mingkong has devoured so far, it is the same as the wizarding profession in the world. He can use the content of inner alchemy to deduce a breakthrough method that suits him, but it must be crooked , the effect should be stronger, but it definitely has nothing to do with the original version.

This is just a stepping stone. What Wu Mingkong needs is the inner alchemy technique, which is above the third level and ninth level.

It is true that Huanxu Hedao became an immortal, but the immortal is not an immortal in the normal sense.

If the benchmark is based on the level of the prehistoric, it is still true that He Dao is Hongjun who is one with the Dao of Heaven. Yes, it is not the six saints who are benchmarked, but Hongjun.

After the orthodox inner alchemy Niwan nourishes kindness, one needs to prove the ten supernatural powers to achieve the Great Enlightenment, and enter the Yuanjue Guohai. Gong, certified tenth grade transfer to the great sage.

Not to mention the so-called immeasurable constant sand calamity and the power of the ten sages, and the tenth-rank transfer to the great sage, Wu Mingkong felt that it was difficult for Wu Mingkong to accept the ten supernatural powers.

These ten supernatural powers are extremely terrifying. If he really proves all of them, then he doesn't need to go to a single universe to advance to the multiverse.

Look at what these ten supernatural powers are called?
Good knowledge of other minds and supernatural powers, unobstructed and pure heavenly eyes wisdom supernatural powers, dwelling and dwelling wisdom supernatural powers, knowledge of future kalpas wisdom supernatural powers, unimpeded pure heavenly ear wisdom supernatural powers, bodyless wisdom supernatural powers, good separation of all sentient beings, speech and sound wisdom supernatural powers, Birth is the supernatural power of infinite physical wisdom, all dharma wisdom, and the wisdom supernatural power of entering all dharmas and extinguishing them.

Leaving aside how terrifying the effect of this supernatural power is, Wu Mingkong knew it was not easy just by looking at the name. Once the ten supernatural powers were certified, he would have insight into the past and future, the affairs of the heavens and myriad worlds, and it could even be said to be omniscient. know everything.

And once the tenth rank transfer is verified again, and the rank is the Dongming Great Enlightenment to the True Great Sage, it can be said that he is omniscient and omnipotent, and he can do everything. Of course, Wu Mingkong remains skeptical about this.

Under normal circumstances, it is basically a supernatural power paired with a first-grade power transfer fruit flavor. After comprehending the supernatural power of entering all dharmas and exterminating wisdom, it is basically equivalent to comprehending the tenth grade of power transfer and entering the power of the ten saints.

Then, Wu Mingkong decisively gave up this path, and turned to use inner alchemy to develop his own fifth stage, which is the transformation from a single universe to a multiverse.

This inner alchemy is very strong, so how strong is the developer of inner alchemy?

If Wu Mingkong really broke through to that level with this inner alchemy, then would he still be himself instead of an incarnation of the developer of inner alchemy?
If he is weak, it doesn't matter, anyway, he has nothing to lose, but now it is different, he is getting more and more obstinate, even if his way is crooked, it is his own, not someone else's.

It’s okay to use it for reference, but if you really want to practice, Wu Mingkong really doesn’t know how to practice. No matter how tempting it is and how high his achievements are, he still has great confidence in himself.

Of course, the main reason is that Wu Mingkong felt that he had no ability to prove the ten supernatural powers.

But it is undeniable that this inner alchemy is still of great reference value, especially with the "Detailed Explanation of Parallel World Theory", Wu Mingkong has a great inspiration for subsequent development.

The main purpose of inner alchemy is that the human body is a small world, and Wu Mingkong has now become the world. With the addition of "Detailed Explanation of Parallel World Theory", it only takes enough time for him to become a multiverse-level world with infinite confinement.

"Then, the first step is to finish eating the real world, and then eat the Xuanzhen world?"

The fourth stage has not yet been deduced, so Wu Mingkong is still in the third stage, but he can be sure that the fifth stage is to transform into a multiverse, and the merits needed must be a lot, so there must be no problem in preparing more surplus food .

"Perhaps, there is a breakthrough here."

Wu Mingkong set his sights on the new dungeon presented by the dungeon system, Alien Paradise.

As a copy of the same system as Immortal Dao.There must be something continuation, although Wu Mingkong doesn't know if it will be useful to him, but he can be sure that at least the trip will not be in vain.


Wu Mingkong burped, and finally suppressed the urge to rush out a lot of things in his body: "No, this wave is really full, and I almost vomited it out."

He couldn't imagine what the hell he would spit out if he spit it out. There was a high probability that it would be some indescribable grotesque thing, and it might even corrode the space and cause extremely serious consequences.

"I have to raise the level of the world wizard, otherwise this thing can't be digested as fast as it can be eaten, and it's easy to vomit." Wu Mingkong felt a little uncomfortable, and it was uncomfortable.

Because of Wu Mingkong’s characteristic of being able to eat two mouthfuls after eating enough, not only did he make it, but the sudden death rate of the subjects of the Great Zhou continued to rise. Now some people have begun to wonder whether attributing psychics can turn the planet into subjects of the Great Zhou. At that time, let the continuously born planets manage themselves and develop a good sense of self-management. Otherwise, the expansion will be so fast and the sudden death rate will be so high, it will easily lead to business disorder.

At the current rate of expansion, at least one person can manage a star field. That’s right, just one person, from the original one person only needs to manage the planet as a unit to the star field as a unit. Is this sudden death rate not high?

The population is still not enough in such a frenzied situation. This is mainly due to the fact that Wu Mingkong grows too fast, and the population really can't keep up. A sort of.

This feeling gave Wu Mingkong the illusion that he had returned to his previous rapid development, but in fact this was really just an illusion. He did not develop so fast in the past. If he used to ride a rocket, he would just install a curvature engine on himself now. The starship, the situation where the light is left behind by him.

With this speed of development, even by refreshing, the population would not be able to grow so much.

(End of this chapter)

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