Two or three things in the copy

Chapter 81 The Wizarding World

Chapter 81 The Wizarding World (Thirteen)
Wu Mingkong looked at the bottle of azure blue potion in his hand. It was a potion for concentrating mind. Even if he didn't drink it, he would feel refreshed after smelling it.

But the more embarrassing thing is that this thing has no medicinal effect on Wu Mingkong. Although he is classified as an intermediate wizard apprentice, his real strength has probably reached the second-level wizard.

Of course, this is only one aspect of combat power. If it is really divided according to wizards, he is also an intermediate wizard apprentice, the real one.

"This pharmacy is a bit of a huge profit. One low-level magic stone is exchanged for one hundred raw materials. The final product has a success rate of about 95%. Not counting the cost of equipment and pharmacy classes, one low-level magic stone earned me 850 and five low-level magic stones." Stone." Wu Mingkong felt that this was a bit surprising, the profit was really too big.

Taking ten bottles of concentration potion to deliver, the boss of the potion store's eyes almost popped out. He remembered that Wu Mingkong only bought [-] copies of raw materials from him, and there was actually a [-]% success rate. This is simply pharmacy genius.

Wu Mingkong could tell from the expression of the pharmacy shop owner that his success rate was high. Fortunately, he only took out ten bottles. If he took out all the remaining 85 bottles, it would definitely be a disaster.

But it doesn't seem to be much different now.

After some chatting, Wu Mingkong finally understood that the success rate of normal wizard apprentices refining concentration potions is only one percent, or even lower, but even so, it is still huge profits.

The owner of the pharmacy store then took the initiative to give Wu Mingkong the raw materials for refining the concentration potion for free, but he has the first right to buy the concentration potion refined in the future.

Of course, he only dared to mention the right of first refusal. He didn't dare to talk about monopoly. If it got out, he would have to hang from a tree by the roadside tomorrow morning. He was just an ordinary person, not a wizard.

"I can give you all the concentration potions I have here for sale, even eight magic stones, seven magic stones, or even a lower five magic stones, but are you qualified? Or what qualifications do you have to compete with me? Talk." Wu Mingkong said very bluntly, he didn't care about the magic stone at all, what he cared about was knowledge.

The owner of the pharmacy store never thought that Wu Mingkong would say such a thing, and he also understood that he was not qualified enough to ask the people behind him to come out and talk.

"Wait a moment." The pharmacy store owner hurried to the backyard, followed by a first-level wizard.

"Hello, Adams, I'm the tutor of the Vitality School, first-level wizard Cole." The first-level wizard Cole saw Wu Mingkong, so he naturally knew who he was. They all saw Wu Mingkong in the auditorium.

"Hello, Teacher Cole, I must have conveyed my words to you."

"Of course, I am quite sincere about your cooperation." Cole was really satisfied, not to mention five magic stones, he could earn eight magic stones.

"Next transaction, one hundred bottles of Concentration Potion per month, five thousand materials per month, one bottle of five magic stones, what do you think, Mr. Cole?"

Five thousand raw materials cost 50 magic stones, and a bottle of Concentration Potion earns five magic stones. After deducting the cost, one hundred bottles of Concentration Potion can be said to be 450 magic stones, which is almost doubled.

But the more it was like this, Cole couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat. The good thing was that he could eat it, but the problem was that Wu Mingkong really only wanted these?

"What else is there, let's talk about it together." Cole looked calm, but in fact he was very restless.

"Knowledge, all kinds of knowledge, I don't have any restrictions. As long as there is a slight difference, I want it. I can directly exchange it with magic stones, and the premium is also acceptable. I don't think that Cole's mentor really only has this industry. "

Wu Mingkong's words didn't seem to surprise Cole.

"No problem, Adams, then I wish us a happy cooperation." Cole opened a bottle of wine made from something unknown, ready to celebrate.

But Wu Mingkong didn't drink this kind of unknown food, and immediately refused, saying that he would go back and return the 90 yuan magic stone to his teacher Dennis.

Watching Wu Mingkong walk away, the owner of the pharmacy store walked into Cole and said in a low voice, "My lord, do you want me to go?"

The meaning is obvious, it is to hold Wu Mingkong in his hands, this is a medicine genius, a money-making machine.

Cole directly slapped the owner of the pharmacy store on the face: "You don't know how to live or die, his teacher is the dean of the college, do you want to take me to die with you?"

Cole didn't think about this kind of thing?How could there be no such thing, this kind of thing does more harm than good, not to mention whether he can block the anger of the third-level wizard Dennis, with Wu Mingkong's first-class wizard qualifications and potion talent, if he dares to do something, someone will definitely stop him .

There is a big difference between the pharmacist of a wizard apprentice and the pharmacist of a first-class wizard, especially Wu Mingkong, who has 100% qualifications for a first-class wizard, can become a first-class wizard.

Presumably, there must be someone among the instructors in the academy who wants to make friends with this future first-level wizard and pharmacist in advance.

What's more, he is still a student of the dean of Emerald Paradise, which is even more valuable.

"Assemble five thousand raw materials as soon as possible, and prepare a copy of the existing basic knowledge storage crystals for Adams when sending the materials. Just say this is a meeting gift, do you understand?" Cole asked sharply.

"Yes, my lord, it is guaranteed to be completed."

Cole glanced indifferently at the owner of the pharmacy shop, he didn't care at all, he was just an ordinary person, if he couldn't do it, he could be replaced by another, and he wasn't a wizard, Cole didn't treat him as a human being at all.

Wu Mingkong held a 90 yuan magic stone in his arms, and he was just perfunctory when he said that he would return Dennis. He was going to replace all the remaining five apprentice-level natural series of witchcraft.

Wu Mingkong didn't care about other sorcery, it was the manipulation of elements, which he was familiar with, so he didn't need it at all.

And if it wasn't for the deduction of the "Natural Meditation Method", he wouldn't want it, and would directly change to various meditation methods to fill himself, but now with the help of Cole, he doesn't have to buy the crystallization of knowledge storage everywhere.

After the "Natural Meditation Method" is finished, Wu Mingkong is going to take over the study of bloodlines. He just wants to see what secrets are hidden in Shelley, and what the hell are the vines that grew on her back then? With an itch in her heart, she couldn't help but dissect her, but suffered from not having a theory.

It's all right now, with money in hand, and with the save file, Wu Mingkong can read the file again and again, and collect the experience repeatedly, and then let this group of NPCs see what it means to be a man who turns the world upside down every three seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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