Brother is really tough

Chapter 102 29b. My Banyan! !

Chapter 102 29b. My Banyan! !
The blood cloud filled the sky, and the sky and the earth were crimson,
The boy's eyes were sharp and bloodthirsty.

"Bai Yiduo, I'm from the same school, I gave you a chance! But you think you can stop me, Ouyang Jie, with a few sparks? Hmph, that's too naive!"

After all, Ouyang Jie's powerful cultivation was running, and the space around him became distorted due to the aura.

With the first confrontation, Ouyang Jie knew that the former good-for-nothing junior should not be underestimated.

In the package of a cloud of blue spiritual energy, Ouyang Jie's rapid breathing became steady instead, and he made a gesture with his ten fingers, and a pattern of green shade suddenly appeared between his eyebrows: .


On the high platform, the elders of several sects with white beards were surprised to find that Ouyang Jie had already reached the quasi-foundation level of cultivation, because only the foundation-builder cultivator would use his whole body's spiritual power to twitch his eyebrows. Only then will the spiritual map between them appear.


A tall and thin elder was furious, slammed the desk table, and stood up solemnly: "The competition in the Jin Academy is a competition for the number of students practicing Qi training. If he has his own place, what are you doing to fight for the top five places?"

Having said that, anyone who understands knows that even though there is essentially no difference between stepping directly into the Immortal Realm and being shortlisted in the Jinyuan, there is one missing step in the process, which is the shipwreck trial.

The so-called shipwreck trial is to let the monks who may need decades of long practice to step into the foundation building, advance quickly in a chance, and because of the unique aura in the shipwreck, they will get the foundation building of the earth veins.

Ordinary advanced foundation building and ground vein foundation building are two different concepts, and they also have a plastic effect on future cultivation.

It was because Fairy Yunying obtained the foundation of the earth veins that she entered the Jindan realm in just one Jiazi year.

And having seen the mysteries inside the ancient warship, she naturally knew the benefits, which made Ouyang Jie suppress his cultivation no matter what, and waited for the once-in-50-year shipwreck trial.

"Elder Mo, Ouyang Jie is just a quasi-foundation. Before he took that step, he was still at the level of Qi training. It is logical to be shortlisted in the Jinyuan Academy, but the rules cannot be broken." Looking at everything in the field,
"That being said, but..." Elder Mo glanced at Bai Yiduo in the audience, although he didn't intend to be interested in him, but the obvious disparity in strength could be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

"But you let a disciple who is comparable to a foundation-building cultivator fight with a disciple who is only in the early stage of Qi training? It's not fair!"

"The competition for martial arts is to strive for the best. Since Bai Yiduo can step on others to get the spot, why can't others step on him and take it away? Those who are capable go first. This is the rule of the Jinyuan, and this is the law of the sect. "

Several elders looked at each other, they might still be dissatisfied, but because Ouyang Jie was not the real Foundation Establishment after all, there was no reason to stop.

However, after Ouyang Jie showed his true strength and cultivation, he was even more convinced that he would not be eligible for this year's Jin Yuan, who had not given much hope to Bai Yiduo.

"Is there any suspense here? Foundation establishment vs. Qi training? The two are not at the same level at all."

"It's like a lion fighting a yellow duck!"

There were also those who felt dissatisfied with Bai Yiduo. "Senior brother Ouyang is too much, he can set foot on the third fairyland directly."

"The most shameful thing is that he actually hid his strength. How can Junior Brother Bai fight him?"

Public opinion was everywhere, but the two people on the stage remained indifferent.

Up to now, there is nothing that can hinder their duel, because they both understand that the shipwreck trial is so important that it can be done at any cost.

"Bai Yiduo, show your true skills and end this boring battle!"

Following Ouyang Jie's roar, the long sword slashed in the air, and the domineering aura drove the violent thunder, piercing the sky with a terrifying power that would destroy the world.

It was as if the whole world was split open by this violent sword, and the powerful sword qi hit the gravel and sawdust with a force of destruction, and the entire arena fell apart in an instant...

"Excellent spiritual power!" Ye Lin opened his eyes wide, watching the scene in front of him, his back felt a chill.

"I didn't expect Ouyang Jie from Zhengjia Hall to be so terrified. No wonder he would proudly participate in the regular Jinyuan competition!"

Sun Shurong took several steps back in horror, her breathing suddenly became short of breath.

"Senior brother Ouyang's sword is comparable to that of a monk who established a foundation, invincible and invincible... Fortunately, he didn't challenge me because Bai Yiduo is a disciple of Zhengjiatang."

Thinking of this, the pockmarked woman couldn't help but feel scared. It seems that it is wrong to have the idea of ​​stealing the limelight at any time. She can readily accept the position of the third child.

Under the Xuanling stele, Li Sumei covered her mouth in surprise,
"When did Ouyang Jie reach the level of foundation building? He has such a terrifying talent for cultivation, why hasn't he been discovered by the banyan tree?"

For a moment, almost everyone was overwhelmed by Ouyang Jie's tyrannical strength, even Fairy Yunying in midair was quite shocked,

While everyone was astonished and astonished, they also unavoidably glanced at Bai Yiduo, their gazes were full of pity and exclamation.

Even Bai Yiduo felt that he deserved sympathy.

"Grandma's! Such a powerful spiritual power, but you want to target me, a scum who is not a qi cultivator? Are you shameless?"

He scolded bitterly in his heart, but his face was serious. Even though he knew that there was a space chessboard to help out, his body still trembled uncontrollably in the face of such monstrous spiritual power.

"However, you just try your best. The harder you work, the more spiritual energy I absorb, and the more interesting the fierce battle will be...!"

With a complex emotion of fear and expectation, Bai Yiduo watched the arena break and explode, and the powerful sword was like a broken bamboo, heading straight for the door, but did not dodge at all.

"Bai Jian, you also prepare, our father's food is here!"

Xiao Youlong had just digested the wood-attribute aura in the bone forest, and he was a little bit unsatisfied. Hearing this, he immediately turned around, and the scales around his body turned blue, echoing the water vein spirit in the five-pointed star diagram.
From when Ouyang Jie raised the bone-backed long sword to when the sword glow pierced the air, it was just a moment of lightning and flint,

Everyone only saw that the arena was broken by the sword energy, and Bai Yiduo was standing in front of the crack.

The moment the sword energy touched Bai Yiduo's body, some people directly covered their eyes, as if they were afraid of seeing such a bloody and cruel scene,

Nalan Jinyue subconsciously took a step forward, stretched out her hand and shouted: "Bai Yiduo..."

A muffled sound startled Bafa, those nearby held their breath, and those in the distance who couldn't see the live action of the arena listened attentively.
However, when the smoke cleared and the dust settled, at the original location of the arena,

Bai Yiduo was safe and sound.

"How is it possible? He is still alive?"

"How did Bai Yiduo manage to hold down a sword comparable to Foundation Establishment? Could it be that he really has some spiritual treasure?"

Just when everyone was surprised that Bai Yiduo survived miraculously,
Someone exclaimed, "Look, Ouyang Jie seems to be injured."

This scene is too familiar, Ye Lin, Sun Shurong, and now Ouyang Jie...

However, Ouyang Jie is a quasi-builder, and his attack strength is far from comparable to that of Ye Lin and Sun Shurong. What kind of magic weapon is it that can block the spiritual attack of a monk who builds a foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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