Brother is really tough

Chapter 109 2a. The ideal is full

Chapter 109 2a. The ideal is full

The old man sat upright, and looked old, his gray beard was calm and unmoving, and his eyes were sometimes sharp, sometimes cloudy, and sometimes solemn and condensed.

"Let's go! Boy will tell you the laws of the Immortal Domain, and come back to the Martial Hall in two days."

The implication is that if you can't even solve the most basic livelihood problems, you don't need to come to Wutang.

At this time, the iron scroll in their hands trembled slightly, everyone lowered their heads, and saw the number 10 quietly turning into 5 amidst the shining light,

Is this a public demonstration?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, a sense of urgency emerged spontaneously.

Bai Yiduo frowned, and asked with a bitter face: "Wu Changjiao, didn't you say that today's share will not be deducted?"

The old man stood up solemnly with a cane, and did not rush to answer Bai Yiduo's question. He walked to the bookshelf, put down the bamboo slips in his hand, picked up another ancient book, dusted the dust on the pages with the back of his hand, and opened his mouth casually. said:
"The first rule of Immortal Realm: Don't trust anyone easily, especially the promulgator of the law. Because, as long as the right to speak is not in your hands, you are an executor. The arranged rules are busy, and you have to face the risk of changing the rules at any time..."

Bai Yiduo was dumbfounded,
This is equivalent to a promotional activity in a certain shopping mall. It seems that the regulations are clear and well-regulated. It is not surprising that there is a line of small words at the bottom: "The final interpretation right belongs to the merchant." '

Bai Yiduo looked at the pitiful '5' in the iron scroll, helpless,
Just wanting to fight for more for the working people, Ouyang Jie, who was wearing a hoodie, suddenly turned around and walked towards the porch.

"Senior Brother Ouyang, is it impolite to leave without asking for your resignation?" Yuxiu asked after her.

The old man laughed loudly and waved his hands: "He did the right thing. Instead of wasting time with the old man here, it is better to get familiar with the laws of the fairyland as soon as possible. In this third fairyland, people are sophisticated, humble and ethical. value!"

Hearing this, Du Zeping glanced at the iron scroll in his hand, his handsome eyebrows were slightly condensed, but he still clasped his fists in a respectful bow,
"Wu Changjiao, after two days, the disciple will come to ask for advice again."

Immediately after, Yuxiu Yelin and others also cupped their fists and bowed, and said proudly: "I will see you in two days."

Looking at the backs of the crowd, Bai Yiduo was full of contempt, but could only follow closely.

"You all think you're good at it?"

Bai Yiduo cast a contemptuous look, her heart was full of disdain.

At this time, the boy waiting by the door wall seemed to see Bai Yiduo's thoughts, and said with a hypocritical smile: "Senior brother, it is actually not difficult to earn the iron scroll number. There are eight thousand disciples in Lingyu Mountain, and they can all rely on themselves."

After hearing this sentence, Bai Yiduo felt a lot of comfort in her heart, and she was relieved.

But before he could open his mouth, the sneering Tong Ziji said again: "So brothers, you can rest assured, except for that slag named Bai Yiduo, all monks who have practiced qi above the eighth level can make a living through hunting."

When Bai Yiduo heard this, she immediately became unhappy.
"No, why did I..."

Without waiting for Bai Yiduo to protest, Yuxiu suddenly stamped her feet and asked, "I hope the boy will tell you, where can I hunt?"

"Of course it's the Valley of Warcraft."

The boy cleared his throat, and said proudly: "There is a teleportation array that goes directly to the Valley of Warcraft in Immortal Realm, but you only need to pay 2 figures. The teleportation array will find the corresponding monster area according to the rank of the monk. After slaughtering the monster, it will Numbers are obtained according to the level of monsters. For example, if you kill a marsupial rabbit, you can get 0.2 numbers; if you kill a wind wolf, you can get 2.5 numbers; if you kill a devil bear, you can get 4 numbers..."

"Why are there so few!"

Wan Shuliang frowned when she heard this, rubbed her palms and asked, "Hey, is there any magic beast that can get tens or hundreds of numbers at once?"

"Of course there is,"

The boy smiled playfully, and said: "Single-winged Explosaurus is the most dangerous. If you kill a single-winged Explosaurus of level three or above, you can get 300 credits."

"Wow~! So many?"

"There is also a leopard-print one-horned lizard, which is highly poisonous. If you kill a leopard-print one-horned lizard, you can get 450 credits."

Hearing this, everyone was inexplicably excited, as if the violent terror and poisonous lizard mentioned by the boy were just geckos and bedbugs, they could be pinched at will.

Bai Yiduo didn't like daydreaming, so she thought about it rationally, and asked, "Boy, is there a kind of magic beast that is not dangerous and has high digital rewards?"

The boy glanced at Bai Yiduo like an idiot, cleared his throat, and said, "Everything is relative, and the difficulty determines the reward. ... However, the spotted deer is good at speed, and it is difficult to catch. If you kill a spotted deer, you can get 400 credits." Numbers are the monsters that disciples of Immortal Realm like to encircle and suppress most."

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo suddenly thought of the five Lei brothers,

"Hey~, no wonder they value the spotted deer corpse so much. It turns out that thing is worth 400 figures."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo regretted deeply in his heart.

At this time, Yuxiu made a decision after weighing the pros and cons.He said boldly: "We have just entered the fairyland and have no experience in hunting. We can try to block the spotted deer together."

Compared with the danger of Tyrannosaurus and the cheapness of bag rabbits, Spotted Deer is the most cost-effective Warcraft.

It's just that the speed of that thing is very fast, and it is difficult to catch it alone.

Since being promoted to the court, Ye Lin and Sun Shurong have long since erased their old arrogance and arrogance, and have no objection to Yuxiu's proposal.

Du Zeping, Tan Shiqing and other outer court disciples did not have any differences. After all, earning numbers is the most important thing in front of them. No matter who they listen to, as long as they can get the numbers and make a living, they are willing to follow suit.

Bai Yiduo also nodded, staring at Yuxiu like a leader, waiting for her next instruction.

Only Ouyang Jie ignored it, and went straight to the teleportation array with the iron scroll.

The Teleportation Spirit Formation in Immortal Territory needs to consume 2 credits. Most monks know how expensive these 2 credits are, and they are not willing to squander them.

So most people choose to go to the Valley of Warcraft on foot through the Iron Chain Bridge.

The Valley of Warcraft is located on the north bank of the Miluo River, east of the Luochen Mountains, and seems to be bordered by the Lingqu Sect downstream.

"Senior brother Ouyang doesn't seem to be very friendly!"

As a disciple of the outer court, Tan Shiqing didn't know much about this former No. [-] pride in the inner court.I just know that he is ranked second, and his strength should be inferior to Yuxiu.

Yuxiu tilted her brows slightly, sighed and said: "Everyone, this is our first time in the Immortal Realm. Logically speaking, we should find a place to settle down first. But with the Iron Scroll Law in hand, everyone has to act urgently. So I propose, First go to the Valley of Warcraft to earn a living figure, set off now, race against time, and let the resident arrogances in the fairyland take a look, we are not waiting..."

Du Zeping nodded happily, and echoed: "Immortal and foreign lands, everyone can only create a good scene together if we work closely together. I even have reason to believe that even a single-winged Tyrannosaurus or even a higher-level monster can be killed instantly if the ten of us work together. kill!"

It has to be said that Yuxiu, as the number one arrogance in the inner court, has an innate talent in leading the team to boost morale.
In addition, Du Zeping was good at boosting momentum, the two sang and harmonized, this team composed of different martial arts halls and cultivation families did not become alienated because of the arrogance among the disciples,
On the contrary, they are more and more closely bonded, and morale is high.

Even Bai Yiduo was excited by this high morale, and was gearing up for high ambitions.


The ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny!

(End of this chapter)

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