Chapter 111 3a.

In the world of cultivating immortals, once you leave the sect, because there is no law and the law of the king, there is no morality to talk about among monks.
The world of Rongcheng seems beautiful, but the law of the jungle is everywhere. Without the protection of the sect, there is the threat of death everywhere.

Yuxiu looked around, as if she was looking for something.
After inquiring about it, I got a good location, pointed to the dense forest in front of me and said:

"Senior Brother Ouyang should have gone in that direction, let's go too!"

After all, regardless of whether the team members objected or not, they walked away with their swords in hand.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they didn't know much about the Valley of Warcraft, they could tell from the dense canopy in front of them that it was going straight to the core of the Valley of Warcraft.

Generally, the disciples of the Third Immortal Realm look for prey horizontally, because the further they go, the higher the level of the monster and the more difficult it is to hunt.

Walk through the towering bushes and go straight for hundreds of steps, you can see the first line of defense,
It seems to be a light wave energy shield that isolates the air. When passing through, there will be a sense of urgency that seems to be there. getting stronger,

In other words, as one goes deeper, the sense of security from the sect will diminish until it disappears.

"It's the second line of defense!"

Du Zeping glanced around resentfully, caught up with Yuxiu and asked, "Our target is the spotted deer, but the trees here are lush and the thorns are thick, it doesn't seem like a place where there will be spotted deer."

While speaking, Ye Lin on the right side suddenly stopped, and his figure flew out of the air like lightning. Before everyone could see clearly, he swung the ghost ax in his robe and slashed at a giant tree...

I saw countless black shadows and fierce ghosts roaring out, with the power of a powerful axe, they split the giant tree in half with a force of destruction.

At the beginning, everyone didn't understand why Ye Lin had done anything to a tree. Was the tree so long that it was in his eyes?

It wasn't until the giant tree exploded and a white giant python shot out from the tree core that everyone suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be a red-crowned snow python!"

As the snow-white giant snake was buried with a sharp axe, Ye Lin's iron scroll trembled slightly, and a number appeared silently: the quasi-amount 18.1.
Killing a monster will not get the number immediately, and the iron scroll is only an estimate of the value of the monster. You need to bring the corpse of the monster back to the fairyland, and the number will be available after you exchange it.

In other words, if Ye Lin wants to get the number of 18.1, he must first carry the snow python back to the Immortal Realm.

Ye Lin didn't expect this giant python to be so valuable. The figure of 18.1 is already worthwhile for this trip.

"Brothers and brothers, I, Ye Lin, cannot accompany you to hunt spotted deer, so I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, Ye Lin picked up the corpse of the red-crowned snow python, turned around and left under the envious eyes of everyone.

"Heh, the figure is only 18.1. I, Bai Yiduo, have loftier pursuits and ideals, so I won't..."

In the middle of speaking, Bai Yiduo suddenly froze, and immediately turned around, staring straight at a tuft of grass.

His keen spiritual sense told him that there was a monster in the grass.

"Hey~? Could it be that my noble pursuit came to my door so soon?"

Thinking that Ye Lin would end the hunt and go back to the Immortal Realm to lie down, Bai Yiduo was inexplicably excited, and hurriedly took out the broken blade dagger of Taoist Chi Ling, and threw it with all his strength...

Ga ~ Ga ~
The next moment, a yellow-billed duck with a dagger on its back staggered out of the grass, stumbled in front of everyone, as if recognizing its master, fell at Bai Yiduo's heels, and died sprawled.

As the yellow-billed duck died, the iron scroll in Bai Yiduo's hand trembled slightly, and a number emerged: the quasi-amount of 0.01.

"Damn it, I don't care about the decimal point, but it's still two digits after the decimal point?"

Everyone is dumbfounded,

Wu Youcai let out a chuckle, pointed at the yellow-billed duck and asked, "Brother Bai, is this your lofty pursuit?"

Izumo admired Bai Jian finally having the opportunity to ridicule Bai Yiduo, and laughed exaggeratedly: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Bai for capturing the giant beast, it is really enviable! Junior Brother Bai also hurry up and take the prey to Xianyu to exchange it."

Bai Yiduo's face was gloomy, he pulled out the broken blade dagger, and looked at the limp yellow-billed duck, feeling sad in his heart:
"Isn't this thing too worthless? 0.01, the number that can be paid to the teleportation array after killing two hundred."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo realized that she had made a mistake again.

Returning to Immortal Realm still has to pay the number. He needs to kill [-] yellow-billed ducks, which is enough for the cost of teleporting the spirit array, and if he pays tomorrow's share, he will need thousands of ducks.

Everyone was laughing and laughing. Suddenly, there was a roar of a monster in front of the road, shaking the ground and shaking the mountains, and the leaves were in an uproar.

"what happened?"

The smile on Wan Shuliang's face froze, and she narrowed her eyes and looked forward.

"It should be Ouyang Jie, he has encountered a high-level monster!" Du Zeping said solemnly.

Yuxiu's face sank, without thinking, she drew her sword and walked away.

Passing through the fourth line of defense, in the center of a relatively flat valley stream, countless bone spurs rose from the ground, crisscrossed and intertwined, trapping a huge red-haired ape like a cage.
The red-haired ape is huge and powerful, it was pierced by the bone spurs in the bone forest and roared upwards,
Kong Wu's powerful arm, covered with blood, grabbed a thick bone spur and snapped it off abruptly.
Seeing its sequence of broken numbers and bone spurs, Ouyang Jie's eyes were cold,

The bone-spine long sword swept across the air,
The moss spreads everywhere, the greenery grows, and the beautiful flowers grow...

The flowers are bright and colorful, and there are pairs of colorful wings spread out in the pistils.

Immediately afterwards, the sky filled with butterflies flying in the sky, circling rapidly around the orangutan ape, the speed became faster and faster, the bright colors became more and more intense, it was too beautiful to behold,
But just after this beautiful scene, the red-haired ape, which was originally imposing and powerful, became bloody and dying, the most terrifying.

"The butterfly mist of the Ouyang family can eat everything in an instant, but the red-haired ape is just dying. It can be seen that Ouyang Jie has not used the family's secret technique to the extreme!"

After Du Zeping finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yiduo,
Even so, this set of secret techniques is shocking enough, but such a weird and brutal killing move was defeated by Bai Yiduo,
"If Brother Bai had come earlier, this red-haired ape would definitely be in his pocket." Du Zeping said.It's not a compliment, he's convinced that Bai Yiduo has this fighting power.

And as Du Zeping's words settled down, there was a muffled sound of falling to the ground in the distance, and at the same time, a number flashed on Ouyang Jie's iron scroll:
Quasi-amount 93.6.
Everyone's eyes widened, 93.6, this is too valuable!

Looking back at the yellow-billed duck that Bai Yiduo hunted and killed, it was a world of difference.

But Ouyang Jie in the distance was not as happy as everyone thought, he glanced at the iron scroll blankly, dragged the unrecognizable red-haired ape, and walked away in front of everyone.

"I'm envious!" Wu Youcai stared at the back of the stalwart with staring eyes, and then glanced at the pitiful number 3 in his iron scroll, and frowned.

"No, I also want to hunt high-level monsters. I want to seek wealth and wealth. Is there any support?"

Compared with Yuxiu's mention of 30 points for hunting spotted deer, Ouyang Jie's heroic attack shocked everyone, and even Bai Yiduo swallowed enviously.

"Grandma, please tell me where there is a high-level monster, I will fight with it"

(End of this chapter)

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