Chapter 118 6b.

The wolves are quite spiritual. When there is a wolf king, they will sacrifice their lives to serve the wolf king.But once the wolf king dies, they will quickly face the reality, adjust the internal structure, and maximize the preservation of the group.

Bai Yiduo knows that the wolves in the Valley of Warcraft will not be extinct, and soon there will be a new wolf king among them, and this race is still the master of the valley.

In this case, when Bai Yiduo looked at the wolf king's body again, his eyes became hot.

"I don't know how many iron scroll numbers can be exchanged for moving the body of the sixth-level wolf king back."

Thinking that the red-haired ape killed by Ouyang Jie was only a fourth-level monster, and the number he could get was ridiculously large. "This sixth-level wolf king must be priceless!"

Therefore, Bai Yiduo made a decisive decision and jumped down the ravine...

Nestled against the big tree and slept for one night, when the sun fell into the Valley of Warcraft the next day, the altar was driven by the sun, and tens of thousands of jade stones shone brightly.
The rays of light staggered and linked together, forming a rune array in the center of the altar,
With the opening of the spirit array, batches of immortal monks were sent in, including Yuxiu, Sun Shurong and others who were unfavorable for hunting yesterday.

Izumo Mubai may have other ways to get the numbers, so he didn't come to hunt again,

Both Sun Tianman and Du Zeping were worth tens of dollars, enough for several days, and they never came to Warcraft Valley again.
Wu Youcai and Tan Shiqing's figures were only enough for one day's expenses. After paying the share, the rest bought some food and talismans, and decided to do a big job today.

When Bai Yiduo got up sleepily, he saw people around him, all of them looked at him and the silver-white wolf king at his feet with strange eyes.

"What is this? Wind wolf? Such a big wind wolf?"

"What do you know? This is the wolf king, a sixth-level monster."

"Level six? How is that possible? That is a terrifying existence comparable to the Nascent Soul monster."

"I'm more concerned about how many numbers this thing can be exchanged for, it must be thousands of dollars!"

Everyone was pointing and talking.

The young man regained his composure in astonishment,
Glancing at the corpse of the wolf king at his feet, he proudly raised his chest and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees.

"This demonic beast was captured by me in a night of fierce fighting! Those who heard about it were frightened and those who saw it lost their souls. It can be described as a battle of gods. Shaking the mountains..."

"Bai Yiduo~!"

Just when Bai Yiduo was bragging, a long leg squeezed in from the crowd,

I saw Yuxiu staring at the wolf king's body in amazement, and when she looked at Bai Yiduo again, her eyes were full of excitement.

"Bai Yiduo, I was worried about you staying up all night last night. I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

As Yuxiu spoke, she took a step forward and opened her arms,

Bai Yiduo thought she was going to hug him, and subconsciously opened her arms.

But Yuxiu directly hugged the wolf king, excited inexplicably: "Bai Yiduo, you did a good job, you are worthy of being my Zhengjiatang disciple, and you didn't embarrass the senior sister."

The young man froze for a moment, then remembered what happened yesterday, held down the body of the wolf king, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, I also missed you last night and couldn't sleep all night. I really couldn't sleep, so I went to kill wolves to pass the time."

Passers-by all looked sideways and scolded him for being shameless: "Because he couldn't sleep, he went to kill the wolf king for fun? This guy is too good at bragging!"

"It's okay for a young man to brag in front of beautiful girls, but he can't just talk nonsense just to pick up girls?"

Although everyone was amazed by the sixth-level wolf king in the boy's hands, you can also know with your toes that it is absolutely impossible for him to hunt and kill it himself.

It's not news that the top beast kings in Warcraft Valley fought for territory, their bodies were picked up, and they got rich.

Yuxiu blushed pretty, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Bai Yiduo, what are you talking about, I'm your senior sister, you can't have any unreasonable thoughts."

"Senior Sister taught me a lesson! Then please let me go, and don't think differently about the prey of Junior Brother..."

Yuxiu's small face turned, seeing the wolf king's brows frowning, she really didn't want to let go.

But it was still taken away by Bai Yiduo.

"Bai Yiduo, I am your senior sister and you are my junior brother. Shouldn't we depend on each other for honor and disgrace?"

At this moment, a chuckle came from behind:
"Hehehe, Bai Yiduo is not only your Yuxiu's junior brother, but also my Sun Shurong and even the entire inner court disciples."

It was Sun Shurong who came, holding the Lei Wen sword, walking through the crowd to Bai Yiduo.

Sun Shurong glanced at the wolf king's corpse with fiery eyes, like a girl seeing a new bag, her chest heaved suddenly.

"Junior Brother Bai, I have thought about it for a long time, and I found that what you said is quite right! As disciples of the inner courtyard, we are all one family. I, Sun Shurong, are not only Senior Sister Sun of Zhengyitang, but also Senior Sister Sun of your Bai Yiduo; you Bai Yiduo Duo is not only Zhengjiatang's junior brother, but also my Sun Shurong's junior brother... Come, let senior sister help you."

As Sun Shurong said, she stretched out her hand, not disliking the blood on the wolf's skin at all, and hugged it into her arms.

Seeing this situation, Yuxiu looked anxious, and took a step forward and shouted: "Sun Shurong, when you instigated the whole Zhengyitang to list Bai Yiduo as a public enemy, why didn't you say that he is your junior brother?"

Sun Shurong smiled and said: "Hey! One moment and another, now everyone is a student of the Jin Academy, and the past grievances are nothing more than childhood play, why do you remember so clearly?"

"You're shameless!" Yuxiu didn't care about her ladylike image, she hugged half of the wolf king's body and fought for it: "I'm Bai Yiduo's well-known senior sister, and the number one senior sister in the Jinyuan of the inner court , Bai Yiduo is my close relative, where are you a wild woman, and you are also worthy to snatch Junior Brother Bai from me?"

"Yuxiu, please keep your mouth clean. How can you insult me, Sun Shurong?"

"Bah~, I scolded as soon as I scolded, what can you do? If you dare to overpower yourself and snatch Bai Yiduo from me, you should be scolded awake by me!"

"Too much deceit! I, Sun Shurong, have a short relationship with Junior Brother Bai, but in terms of feelings, we can be regarded as falling in love with each other. Our relationship is no less than yours."

"Oh! It's ridiculous, my childhood sweetheart and I are more like Jin Jian than Junior Brother Bai, how could you, a pockmarked ugly girl, be able to compare?"

"Splash girl~! If you insult my appearance again, you will be provoking me, and I, Sun Shurong, will not be polite to you."

"Come on! I'm just looking for an opportunity to re-establish the prestige of Jinyuan's number one ranking..."

For a while, the two women escalated from arguing to scolding, and even tended to develop into fighting.

Those who didn't know thought they were vying for a man, and they bit each Junior Brother Bai, but they held onto the wolf king's body tightly in their hands.

The poor sixth-level wolf king, even though he was dead, was still dragged and dragged, and the silver-white hair all over his body was almost shaved off.

The young man looked left and right, glad that he was not the one being ripped off, and also saw the horror of women.

Bai Yiduo tried to reconcile, took a step forward and stretched out her hand: "Uh... two senior sisters..."

"Shut up~!"

"Shut up~!"

Sun Yu's two daughters spoke in unison, the frightened young man withdrew his hands suddenly, his liver and gallbladder trembled.

"Sun Shurong, there is a martial arts arena in Lingyu Mountain, do you dare to fight to the death with me?"

"Hahaha, I, Sun Shurong, am I afraid of you?"

Seeing this situation, Bai Yiduo hurriedly dissuaded her: "Senior sisters, it's early in the morning, there is no need..."

"Go away~!"

"Go away~!"

Sun Yu's two daughters spoke in unison again, foaming at the mouth.

After finishing speaking, he dragged the corpse of the wolf king lightly, and disappeared into the teleportation array in the center of the altar.

Bai Yiduo wanted to catch up, but the teleportation spirit array was too realistic, and if he didn't pay enough iron scroll numbers, no matter how much Bai Yiduo tried, he wouldn't activate it.

Bai Yiduo felt anxious and proud at the thought of two women who were going to fight to the death just to fight for him.

"Hey! With my damn good looks, I hope they don't really cause trouble."

Bai Yiduo is sad!
If he really went to the arena to fight to the death, the Zongmen might find out that Bai Yiduo was a troublesome beauty, and he would send him to the frontier directly.

So, referring to the chessboard world, the boy chased all the way, and headed straight for the Zongmen around the Luochen Mountain Range.

(End of this chapter)

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