Brother is really tough

Chapter 124 9b. Rainbow Ship

Chapter 124 9b. Rainbow Ship

In Bai Yiduo's eyes, Nalan Jinyue is a quiet, calm, capable and cold girl.

She not only has the graceful dignity of a noble family, but also the heroic spirit of the children of the world.The handsome face with flying blue hair in the sunset is the beauty that he can't get rid of in his mind.

But Nalan Jinyue in front of her looked like a leader who was about to cry, her big watery eyes were full of tears, and she looked at the boy helplessly and blankly.

And all of this is because she... is plump!

"Bai Yiduo, if I choose to commit suicide, I must kill you before committing suicide." Weeping and crying, the girl puffed her cheeks and said resentfully.

"Uh... Senior Sister Nalan, I actually have experience in this matter..."

For his own sake, Bai Yiduo had no choice but to go back to the old road and take out the prescription given by Granny Si.

"This is the pill of Xilin Pill, which can get rid of all the bad symptoms caused by eating the pill by mistake, and the medicine will eliminate the disaster."

"Xianlin Pill...?" Nalan Jinyue took Danfang, looked at it with frowned eyes, and stared suspiciously at Bai Yiduo.

"The elixir you refined last time, is this thing?"

Since Bai Yiduo made alchemy in women's clothing, the Nalan family made an inventory of the medicinal materials in the pharmacy, and the missing medicinal materials were exactly as listed in the alchemy formula.

At that time, Nalanjie had been pondering over the missing medicinal materials for a long time, wanting to know what kind of elixir Bai Yiduo was refining.
It's a pity that Nalanjie has never been in contact with Xilin Pill, and after a long time of research, it was fruitless.
And now, Nalan Jinyue finally knows,

Combined with what Bai Yiduo said just now: Does he have experience in this matter?
"Bai Yiduo, after Lin Yushi took Condensed Pill, she became so embarrassed, right?"

The boy was taken aback, "She guessed it?"

Bai Yiduo's heart trembled when she met the girl's contempt and hatred gaze.

I thought to myself, just now I was crying and my eyes were full of confusion, how could I be able to think clearly and logically reason things so quickly?

"Uh... Senior Sister Lin, she..."

"That's great!" Nalan Jinyue suddenly slapped Dan Fang and jumped on the spot.
With a slight jump, the big thing trembled, and the buttons on the chest could no longer be stretched, and two of them snapped off.

"Since Xilin Dan can cure Lin Yushi, then this pill must be worthy of its name!"

Nalan Jinyue couldn't help being overjoyed, all the negative energy was released.

"Bai Yiduo, I'm going to find you the medicinal ingredients in the pill formula for you now, you are ready to refine the Xilin Pill for me as soon as possible."

Saying that, Nalan Jinyue took Dan Fang, turned and left,

Unbeknownst to him, the boy had already gushed out nosebleeds, and his face was red.

"It's terrible, it's really terrible...!"

Bai Yiduo discovered that if a girl is good-looking, she must not have a hot body.Otherwise, it would be too monstrous.

"The previous figure is still suitable for Senior Sister Nalan, graceful and graceful, graceful and delicate."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo patted his forehead again, criticized himself, got rid of the obscene thoughts in his heart, and started preparing for alchemy.

The Nalan family has never been short of herbs and danyin,
Soon, more than a dozen herbs were gathered together, held in the arms of the girl, and sneakily brought into the secret room.

"Bai Yiduo, it's inconvenient for me to go out in my current state. There are only these medicinal materials in the house. You must refine them successfully."

"Don't worry! I have experience in this matter..."

Just as she patted her chest to assure her, Bai Yiduo suddenly thought that the Xilin Pill can only be refined in an ordinary pill furnace.
In other words, he needs aura and fire.

Perhaps the aura could be obtained from Nalan Jinyue, and after discussing being punched by her, she decided not to.
However, if there is no special kindling, the success rate will be greatly reduced, and even burning all the medicinal materials will not be able to refine a Xilin Dan.

"Bai Yiduo, why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and refine?"

The young man frowned, and did not try to be brave this time, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Sister Nalan, do you know where there is a hot fire? There is no hot fire, I am afraid that I will fail your high hopes..."

The girl frowned slightly, thinking of the berserk flame that Bai Yiduo used to fight Ouyang Jie, she suddenly asked, "Have you run out of fire?"

Bai Yiduo spread out her hands: "It must be a hot fire, and I'm not completely sure about the others."

"I know a person who has a violent flame that is very similar to yours. It's just..." Nalan Jinyue shook her head regretfully. "He may not be willing to lend us the tinder."

But Bai Yiduo's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"Second Immortal Realm, Elder Mo."

Nalan Jinyue looked down at the big thing on her chest, and frowned in distress.

"If there is really no other way, I can go to the Second Immortal Realm. But to be honest, I really don't want to go anywhere now, it's too embarrassing!"

"How could it be? If Senior Sister Nalan can maintain this figure, I don't know how many monks will be fascinated,"

Bai Yiduo said that he was so fascinated that he couldn't take his eyes off.

The girl's neck turned red, she hugged the pillow to cover her chest, and said angrily, "Look again, I gouged out your eyes, do you believe it?"

Bai Yiduo scratched her head in embarrassment, giggled aloud, changed the subject and scratched her chin and asked, "Elder Mo? That old man with a sloppy beard riding a brown bear?"

Speaking of Elder Mo, Bai Yiduo was still deeply impressed.

"That old guy, during the rematch in the valley, he threw me directly into the river, and I haven't settled with him yet."

"Elder Mo is one of the four elders of the sect. He has a high position and authority. With his prestige, he could have stepped up to the first fairyland," Nalan Jinyue said.

"Then why did he stay in the second fairyland?"

"There are rumors that Elder Mo is infatuated with Fairy Zilan, and Fairy Zilan has long been married to Taoist Yunyou. Taoist Yunyou eloped with his student Tang Shanshan a hundred years ago and has not returned yet. So Fairy Zilan fell into the second fairyland Qingfeng Temple, the master of Qingfeng Temple is Elder Mo's former Taoist partner, her current husband is Tang Wenkui, head teacher of Xianyu, Tang Wenkui's daughter is Tang Shanshan, a student kidnapped by Taoist Yunyou, but Tang Shanshan was not born of the master of Qingfeng Temple, so ..."

"Stop, stop, stop..." Bai Yiduo's eyes were already shaped like mosquito coils, if he didn't say stop, he would faint directly.

"Senior Sister Nalan, you should tell me how to meet Elder Mo. I can't figure out their complicated relationship with ten fingers."

"Are you going to find Elder Mo?" Nalan Jinyue asked in surprise.

"It's not convenient for you to go out like this, and I also want to go to the Second Immortal Realm to learn more, and I hope Senior Sister Nalan will do it well."

Bai Yiduo cupped his fists and bowed, but he actually had his own little plan.

"I heard that Elder Mo has a Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror, which can deduce history and go back to the future..."

The young man made up his mind that he must borrow the Linglong Eight Diagrams Mirror from Elder Mo. He wanted to see what Bai Hao said about their former homeland.

"The whole world collapsed and everyone died, but why did my brother and I survive? How did we come to this world?"

Just when Bai Yiduo was fascinated, Nalan Jinyue stared at him with big crystal eyes, pursed her thin lips lightly, and felt a warm feeling in her heart.

"Why go to the Second Immortal Realm to learn more? Tsk, you know that I won't believe it, but you can still say it. Do you want to move me? I won't be moved. It is your duty to refine the Xilin Pill. Not for me..."

Bai Yiduo didn't know that Nalan Jinyue would have so many inner dramas. Seeing that the other party looked at her frowning and saying nothing, she made an apologetic smile and said, "Senior Sister Nalan, don't worry, Elder Mo and I know each other, and we can definitely borrow it." Tinder."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then regained her senses from her mind, she was at a loss for a moment before she calmed down, took out a brown bamboo slice, and handed it to Bai Yiduo.

"There is no iron chain bridge in the second fairyland. If you want to go up, you have to go upstream along the rainbow waterfall. You take this bamboo piece, and when you reach the waterfall, there will be a rainbow boat to take you to the fairyland."

"So miraculous?" Bai Yiduo took the bamboo piece with amazement in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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