Chapter 127 11a.
Obtaining the Seven Star Fire Nine in a daze, it's like a dream.

When Bai Yiduo realized this, he had already been sent out of the fairy pavilion, the fairy gate was closed tightly, and the big bear was lying on the side, licking the bear's paw foolishly.

"Hey~? Is this elder confused? Didn't ask clearly, and gave me such an important Seven Star Fire Dragon?"

On the way here, Bai Yiduo was still worried in various ways, thinking about how to deceive Elder Mo's kindling.

And the latter is notoriously difficult to deal with, eccentric, moody, many people have to make an appointment half a year in advance if they want to meet,

"I planned to borrow a bunch of fire seeds to make alchemy, but I never thought that Elder Mo would be so generous and just give me the fire ladybug?"

He picked up the wooden box as if he had found a treasure, and the young man's eyes were fiery.

After completing the task beyond expectations and having enough time, Bai Yiduo became curious about Lingqu Mountain Fairyland,
"It's a pity to go back like this after finally coming to the Second Immortal Realm."

The boy picked his chin, squatted in front of the big brown bear, smiled and asked: "Hey, big stupid bear, is there anything particularly interesting in the fairyland?"

"Forget it, talking to you is like playing the piano to a bear!"

The young man jumped down the steps and took a look at the Qingfeng Temple at the foot of the mountain. The place seemed to be full of incense, and it was one of the few noisy areas in the fairyland.

Different from the busy running around in the third fairyland, most of the monks who came to the second fairyland were in the late stage of foundation establishment and retreated all the year round, and some of them had been in retreat for decades.

Therefore, although there are many Huina monks in Lingqu Mountain, few go out for activities, so that the whole fairyland is quiet and serene, like a landscape painting.

There are also monks who want to reach a certain level through pills or spiritual liquids because their cultivation base has broken through to the bottleneck period,

Or, because of years of closed-door training, he became ill due to depression and needed to have some fun.

Bai Yiduo once thought that Elder Mo was this kind of person.

The entertainment programs on the fairyland are too limited. The fairy pavilion is the residence of the venerable immortals, so Taoist temples and temples have become the gathering places for monks.

Some people who need elixir and spiritual liquid will come to the Taoist temple to try their luck,

And the lonely and cold school-age men and women will also come here to try their luck,

As a result, the incense of Qingfengguan became vigorous like this.

Bai Yiduo, who was dressed as a man, came to Qingfeng Temple in Jiangxinzhou.

The huge Taoist temple was built against the water, with red walls and black tiles, bluestone pavement, curling smoke and dust accumulated around the Taoist temple, and cicadas singing in the shade of willows.

The lake is quiet and without waves, and the temple is solemn and solemn.

There will be merchants from the lower domain who use some means to do business here. Most of the products they sell are spiritual liquids, and bottles and jars are lined up on both sides of the corridor.

There are also other expenses for sale, but except for the spiritual liquid, most of them are not interested.

Bai Yiduo asked the price pretentiously, and found that it was ridiculously expensive.

But there will always be people who will buy it. There is a beautiful fairy in front of the road, bargaining with the merchant for a bottle of low-grade spiritual liquid. The blush has a thick neck.

"Hey? How do you do this business? A bottle of marrow wash 1852, buy one and get one free. In other words, I will give you 1852, and you will give me two bottles of marrow wash. But I only need one bottle, no Should the price be halved, is it 926?"

The peddler couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Girl, a bottle of marrow washing liquid is 1852, you buy one bottle at that price. As for buying one bottle, get one free, the other bottle is a gift..."


"Yes, a gift, for you." The merchant explained.

The woman frowned, staring at the marrow-washing liquid tangledly, hesitating and embarrassed.

"Girl, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, please don't delay my business..."

Seeing the merchant's urging, the fairy panicked and wanted to be decisive, but the price of 1852 was too high.
"Boss, I really only need one bottle, so you can sell it to me at a discount, okay?"

"Go away if you don't buy it. My marrow washing liquid is at this price, 1852 a bottle. Buy one get one free."

Just as the fairy gritted her silver teeth and decided to pay, Bai Yiduo poked her head out and asked, "Miss, do you need help?"

The fairy was taken aback for a moment, then took a timid step back and asked, "Who are you?"

"Bai Yiduo, a disciple of the Lower Jin Academy," the young man clasped his fists politely.

"Bai Yiduo?" Fairy shook her head, turned her face away indifferently, "I don't know you, don't try to sell me some beauty tea."

It seems that there is such a thing as skin care product promotion, no matter which world you are in!

Fairy cast a cold glance at a scammer, and ignored Bai Yiduo.

The young man had black lines all over his head, and he scratched his neck in embarrassment, and then said: "This is the first time I come to Xianyu, it's normal for the fairy not to know me. But, my brother Bai Hao, the fairy may know."

Bai Yiduo is quite confident in his elder brother's reputation, after all, he is a genius with both appearance and cultivation, and an existence that countless female disciples dream about.

"Bai Hao?" Fairy was taken aback, and immediately, her neck turned red, and her tone of voice towards Bai Yiduo became gentle.

"Are you brother Bai Hao's younger brother?"

"It's right next!" Bai Yiduo smiled, but stared at the number on the opponent's iron scroll.

"Damn it! It turns out that the people in the Second Immortal Realm are so rich!?"

Sighing in my heart, I forced a smile on my face and asked, "Miss Fairy, may I ask, you want to use the number 926 to buy a bottle of marrow washing liquid, right?"

"Do you have the liquid for washing the marrow?" Fairy asked.

Bai Yiduo didn't answer, but glanced at the vendor who sold the spiritual liquid, her eyes sparkled.

"In previous years, a bottle of marrow washing liquid was only about 1000. Now these vendors are getting more and more excessive, what are they doing to bind and lose weight. The marrow washing liquid can only be used once. Buying two bottles is a complete waste."

Seeing the fairy complaining, Bai Yiduo smiled and said: "Miss sister, you give me the iron scroll, and I will buy it for you."

The woman frowned, hesitated, and looked at the boy in front of her slyly.

"Miss Fairy, if you don't believe in me, Bai Yiduo, can you still not believe in my brother Bai Hao? My brother taught me since I was a child, to be upright, down-to-earth, and helpful..."

In fact..., when Bai Hao and Bai Yiduo first came to the world of Rongcheng, they lived a miserable life of wandering, starving and starving. In fact, what his brother taught him was: cheat if you can, steal if you can, and steal if you can. Living is the last word...

But when she heard Bai Hao's name, Fairy's eyes lit up, and her sister-in-law was as warm and friendly as her uncle.

"Hehehe, brother Yiduo, what are you talking about, how could my sister not believe you..., nah~."

After receiving the iron scroll, Bai Yiduo quickly walked up to the vendor, and asked in a whisper: "Boss, how do you sell the marrow washing liquid?"

The peddler picked at the beard on his lips and squinted his eyes: "Didn't you hear it all? Ask knowingly!"

"Boss, how do you sell the marrow washing liquid?" Bai Yiduo asked again regardless.

"A bottle of 1852, buy one and get one free." The vendor replied impatiently.

The corner of Bai Yiduo's mouth flickered, and he crossed out 1852 without blinking his eyes.

Of course he didn't even blink his eyes, and the heart of the fairy beside him suddenly sank, as if hung on a weight, in a heart-wrenching pain.

Seeing the account entry, the merchant was overjoyed, and immediately handed over two bottles of marrow washing liquid.

"My lord, this is your marrow washing liquid, please take it well."

Bai Yiduo didn't reach out to pick it up, but asked, "Which bottle did I buy and which bottle was given away?"

The vendor was stunned, and raised a bottle casually, "This is what you bought, and this bottle is for you as a gift."

(End of this chapter)

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