Chapter 130 12b.

Bai Yiduo watched the two argue for more than half an hour, and finally the wretched Elder Mo lost his patience, thinking that the meditating Elder Mo was unreasonable, so he simply stopped talking, and went to the secret room with the Linglong Bagua mirror.

The boy hid behind the screen and waited for a long time,

It wasn't until midnight that he had the opportunity to sneak into the secret room.

"I'm just borrowing the Linglong Bagua Mirror, not stealing it." Bai Yiduo reminded herself in her heart,

Even if Elder Mo split into two, if they were to deal with him separately, it would still be enough to kill Bai Yiduo a hundred times.

However, when the boy approached the secret room, there was a stench blowing over his face, making him stop.

I saw a bronze tree in the center of the huge secret room, hanging on the crown, imprisoning two people.

Bai Yiduo saw that the branches of the bronze tree had already pierced through the bones of the two of them. One of the young women was dying, and it was another middle-aged man beside him who condensed a trace of vitality and forcibly comforted her, so she did not die. .

As for the middle-aged man himself, he was also half dead, with weak vitality.

Bai Yiduo even saw that the man's body disappeared from the waist and abdomen, only the upper body was hanging leisurely on the bronze tree crown, which was extremely creepy.

"Beheading people?"

Bai Yiduo was dumbfounded, but also horrified, and took several steps back.

"You..." The middle-aged man seemed to have spotted Bai Yiduo, and shouted, "Don't go..."

The man's voice was very weak, with a slight trill, slowly echoing in the secret room.

"Um... sorry, I'm just passing by, offending me~!"

The boy felt terrified, and fled quickly with a laugh.

"Damn it~! Isn't Elder Mo a respected and respected elder in the sect? How could he do such a crazy thing?"

Before setting foot on the Immortal Realm, Bai Yiduo thought that the people in the Immortal Realm were gods, who stood high above the ground, acted chivalrously, and represented light and holiness.

However, he never imagined that there would be such a place where there was such a place of filth in the Immortal Domain, and it was the most prestigious fairy pavilion in the entire Second Immortal Domain.

"What's your name?"

The half-cut man raised his head slightly, and in his messy hair, a pair of powerless but resolute eyes stared at the boy.

"No one has been here for 300 years. I thought that I would never see anyone other than Mo Yunchi in this life..."

Mo Yunchi is the name of Elder Mo, and now he is aloof and respected as the elder of the Immortal Pavilion, and few people know this name anymore.

Bai Yiduo paused, suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked back at the man who had been cut in half in amazement.

"You are...the husband of Fairy Zilan, Taoist Yunyou?"

The half-cut man froze, and after a long time of deliberation, he said with emotion: "I didn't expect that after 200 years, there are still people who remember me."

Taking a look at Taoist Yunyou, who was neither human nor ghost, Bai Yiduo frowned, somewhat sympathetic.

Taking another look at the dying young woman, he asked, "Senior, this is the apprentice who was abducted by you, Tang Shanshan, right?"



"Hahahaha, cough~"

The half-cut man let out a laugh, and immediately coughed up a mouthful of bloody phlegm, his breath was like gossamer.

Blood was dripping from his chin to the tip of his hair, and he stood still for a long time before Daoist Yunyou murmured: "I teach and educate people, I am a teacher, and I am full of courtesy and utterance. Unexpectedly, I was finally seen by the world as accomplished The disciples..."

"You are an apprentice!" A harsh voice came from behind him, making Bai Yiduo tremble all over with fright.
Subconsciously, she was about to turn her head, but Bai Yiduo suddenly realized something again, and stood motionless at the same spot, staring at the people behind her in horror.

The person who came was Elder Mo who coveted Fairy Zilan. This person was extremely hostile, but exuded a sinister aura.

"Yunyouzi, you and I are brothers from the same sect, and we shouldn't fight each other. However, you, an apprentice, took advantage of my brother's retreat to practice, and occupied my little sister Zilan..."

Elder Mo walked down the tomb one step at a time, his angry voice reverberating around, breathtaking.

Bai Yiduo didn't dare to look back, because she also knew that once Elder Mo recognized her appearance, she would no longer be able to gain a foothold in the Spirit Origin Sect, and would even implicate other Jinyuan disciples.

"Fortunately, the men's clothes were changed back in time, otherwise, even the Nalan family would be implicated."

However, Bai Yiduo's rejoicing seemed ridiculous to the other party.
At this moment, Elder Mo walked down the stairs seemingly carelessly. A powerful spiritual force had already condensed in the palm behind his back, and the spiritual energy wandered between his fingers, like a black mist being firmly grasped, ready to move at any time. With a bang on the boy's back,
With just one blow, in his opinion, the other party will surely die.

And the current Bai Yiduo is also racing against time to find a way out, thousands of thoughts are spinning in his mind, and thousands of thoughts are floating like subtitles.

"No! I learned his secret, and he will kill me!"

Realizing this, Bai Yiduo didn't panic anymore.

Because he clearly knew that panic and begging for mercy at this time would only make him die faster.

"Elder Mo may be a Nascent Soul strongman, and his strength is comparable to that of the sect master. Even if there is a chessboard to resist and absorb his first attack, it is obviously not enough."

Relying on the fact that there is another half of himself outside the secret room, Elder Mo will definitely not be timid because of the loss in the first battle.

What's more, how can a strong man who has reached this level of cultivation be able to make a move that is a killer move with all his spiritual power?

That is to say, Bai Yiduo can't recognize her cowardice, can't be tough, and can't even be seen by Elder Mo.

"Grandma, this is a dead end! It's too embarrassing for me!"

The boy said that he really couldn't think of any good way to get himself out.

"Wait..." Bai Yiduo suddenly seemed to have discovered something, his eyes lit up. "I'm a genius? That's right! I'm a genius in the inner court, what are you afraid of?"

When you meet on a narrow road, as long as you are not afraid, the aura you exude will make the other party afraid.

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo seemed to grasp the essentials of the outline, squinted his eyes, and had a bold but risky idea.

I saw that the young man remained calm, without even turning his head, he walked straight towards the beheaded man.

Elder Mo subconsciously wanted to do something, but seeing Bai Yiduo's actions, he hesitated.

"Looking from the back, he should be just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old kid who ran into the old man's secret without permission, so he should be afraid of crime and beg for mercy,"

The calmer Bai Yiduo behaved, the more cautious Elder Mo's suspicious gaze became.

I saw the young man walking slowly and freely, with a proud posture, with a strong posture, walking straight towards the waist.

"Yunyou Shiyou, is there any last wish that I can fulfill for you?"

Hearing Bai Yiduo's immature but slightly arrogant words, Elder Mo and Ren Zhanren were a little surprised,

It's just that the popularity is like a silk, and it is no longer possible to distinguish Bai Yiduo, she twitched the corner of her mouth and raised her arm slightly.

As the bony Taoist Yunyou raised his withered hand and slowly opened his palm, a faint spiritual energy tightly wrapped a ray of life that seemed to exist, and slowly rolled down in his palm.

At the same time, the young woman hanging on the other side of the bronze tree drooped her head and died.

"She's dead?" Bai Yiduo still showed a surprised expression,
But soon the boy realized that Tang Shanshan might not be dead yet, and the ray of life in Taoist Yunyou's palm was Tang Shanshan's soul.

"I said, man, what are you doing to me with this thing? Do you want me to put her into the lotus and reshape her real body like resurrecting Nezha?"

She was slandering in her heart, but her face was calm and unwavering, and Bai Yiduo shook her head regretfully after receiving the ray of life wrapped in spiritual energy.

"Any other unfulfilled wishes?"

The half-cut man raised his dirty-haired face slightly, and smiled lightly, revealing a row of white teeth on his blood-stained lips.

"When I say goodbye to Lan'er, in the next life, I, Yun Youzi, will still find her as my wife..."

As Taoist Yunyou's words settled down, a stench came over his face.

It seemed that it was only for a moment, that the man who was still smiling brightly with his white teeth turned into a stinking corpse wriggling like white worms, it was extremely terrifying.

Bai Yiduo was so frightened that he almost jumped out of his throat, but with Elder Mo watching behind him, he really didn't dare to act rashly, even if it was a trembling in fright.

"Fuck me~! It turns out that Taoist Yunyou died a long time ago, and he survived until today with a single thought."

(End of this chapter)

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