Brother is really tough

Chapter 141 18a. Can you kiss me?

Chapter 141 18a. Can you kiss me?

The second fairyland, Jiangxinzhou,

In the dharma hall filled with sandalwood, Fairy Yunchen looked up at the fair young man with eyes like water. After a long time of deliberation, she finally plucked up the courage and said shyly:

"Bai Yiduo, can I ask you for a favor?"

Seeing the young man agreeing, Fairy Yunchen pursed her thin lips lightly, twisted her waist with her little hands behind her back, she was a bit shy.

But just as he was about to speak, the iron scroll in Bai Yiduo's hand suddenly trembled, followed by a beeping sound of urging the share to be paid.

"Shangxian Zilan, haven't my money arrived yet?"

Fairy Zilan turned her side slightly, and said solemnly: "Check it out, it should be in the account."

"But, there is not a dime in my iron scroll!" Bai Yiduo raised the crimson iron scroll in his hand, becoming more and more anxious: "Shangxian Zilan, please hurry up? I can't hand in today's paper." share, I will be exiled to the frontier."

The woman is graceful and luxurious, with a brocade robe outlining a delicate and enchanting figure, with curved temples and pink hair, exuding a unique charm of a mature woman from top to bottom.

Immortal Zilan's eyebrows were slightly condensed, her cloud sleeves were raised lightly, and a scroll of jade slips unfolded in front of her eyes.

Above the Immortal Realm, respected venerables no longer use iron scrolls, but jade slips made of white jade.

The jade slip floated in mid-air, emitting a faint pink fluorescence.

Glancing at the jade slips, Immortal Zilan said solemnly: "Bai Yiduo, the 80 figure I promised you has been paid in full, so don't mess around with me."

"Am I messing around?"

Bai Yiduo pointed to the tip of her nose in amazement, wanting to cry but no tears. "Shangxian Zilan, you are a big shot, so you don't need such tricksters."

"Bai Yiduo, what exactly do you want? For Yun Chen's sake, this deity is willing to pay a huge amount to accept your Foundation Establishment Pill, so don't push yourself too far."

Fairy Yunchen on the side is full of innocence, look left, look right,

They wanted to persuade each other, but both sides were angry, and there was a tendency to intensify.

"Liu Zilan, don't go too far! You lied to my Foundation Establishment Pill and even bit back, do you think I, Bai Yiduo, are easy to bully?"

Fairy Zilan laughed back angrily, snorted coldly and said: "Shameless boy, come and imprison this arrogant person at the bottom of the lake."

With Zilan Xiangu's angry shout, suddenly four Taoist nuns in white clothes broke through the window, holding sharp swords, and the intent of killing lingered between their brows.

Seeing this battle, Fairy Yunchen hastily pleaded: "Auntie, for Chen'er's sake, don't blame Bai Yiduo, he is mine..."

Just as she was about to blurt out the words, Fairy Yunchen suddenly blushed, glanced at Bai Yidao, and bit her thin lips lightly.

"Girl, you don't need to plead for me, this thief woman is obviously well prepared."

Bai Yiduo solemnly glanced at the four Taoist nuns pointed at by Jianfeng, and said with a cold snort: "What a pure-hearted and ignorant Zilan fairy, thanks to Taoist Yunyou who still missed you before he died, Bah~,"

The young woman straightened her body and was startled, her graceful and luxurious expression was suddenly replaced by astonishment, she raised her arms, and two flashes appeared directly in front of Bai Yiduo, grabbing his neck.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even if my husband is widowed, it's not your turn to curse."

Bai Yiduo was strangled by the neck, her little face turned red from holding back.

"Let me go, this temptress is too ruthless, I can't afford it..."

Thinking of spending my life for 80 yuan, it's not worth it no matter what,

But her neck was tightly strangled, and Bai Yiduo couldn't open her mouth even if she wanted to explain.
With thousands of thoughts in my heart, my eyes suddenly rolled, and I took out a pure white jade,

The jade bi fell to the ground, clattering, and the crisp sound was like a dose of sober medicine, bringing the furious Zilan Xiangu back to reality.

When the eyes moved down, the young woman straightened her body and trembled suddenly, and Bai Yiduo fell to the ground with a thud, holding her throat and coughing continuously.

"Bai Yiduo, are you okay?" Fairy Yunchen hurriedly helped Bai Yiduo up,
When the two raised their heads, they saw Fairy Zilan staring at the pure white jade on the ground in a daze, trembling all over.

"He is back?"

"No! He never left the Immortal Realm." Bai Yiduo said hoarsely with a red face. "However, I'm leaving now, leaving forever!"

"You're talking nonsense~..."

Fairy Zilan let out a hysterical roar, picked up the jade bi, touched the word Ziyun on the jade wall lightly with her fingers, and burst into tears.

Only she knows what jade bi represents!
Even though there were 1 reasons to resist in her heart, the moment she saw the jade bi, Immortal Zilan already knew that her husband was dead.

"Impossible, you just betrayed me and left Immortal Realm with that little bitch..."

Seeing Fairy Zilan crying, laughing and muttering like a bewilderment, Bai Yiduo and Liu Yunchen looked at each other.

"Bai Yiduo, run away! Something is wrong with my aunt."

"Hmm." The young man was also feeling uneasy, and looked at Fairy Yunchen again and asked, "Girl, it's too dangerous here, or you can go with me."

Liu Yunchen straightened his body and trembled slightly, Shuiyang stared straight at the boy in front of him with big eyes, and nodded with happiness: "I am willing, I am very willing."

"Ah?" Bai Yiduo was a little astonished, he just saw that the girl was not bad, and her character was kind and simple, and he was afraid that she would be accidentally hurt by this temptress here.

But Fairy Yunchen seems to have found a sense of belonging, taking advantage of the moment Zilan Xiangu went mad, waved her arms to fend off the blocking Taoist girl, and fled away with Bai Yiduo.

Leaving Jiangxinzhou, the two fled all the way,
"Don't run, don't run anymore," Bai Yiduo waved his hands, panting with his arms on his knees: "I can't run anymore!"

Fairy Yunchen wiped the fragrant sweat from her temples, her chest heaving.

"Bai Yiduo, what happened to my aunt?"

"Because of love!"

The word "love" was brought by Bai Yiduo from his previous life. Although people in this world seldom talk about it, their meanings are the same.

Hearing this, Fairy Yunchen thought of something, looked up at the young man with big watery eyes, her white teeth pulled her thin lips lightly, hesitated for a while before asking: "Bai Yiduo, do you believe in love?"


"I mean, do you believe in destiny?"

"what does it mean?"

"I mean..." Fairy Yunchen's cheeks were reddish, she didn't know whether she was anxious or shy, and said hesitatingly: "I mean, I've been looking for you, do you know?"

Bai Yiduo glanced at the girl strangely, "Girl, your name is Liu Yunchen, right?"

"Yeah, brother Yiduo, you can just call me Chen'er from now on."

The young man spat his fist and coughed lightly, smiled and said: "Miss Yunchen, look, I just found out your name just now, and everyone knows you. You said you have been looking for me for a long time?"

"Well, you are the person I'm looking for." The girl said with a smile on her pretty face.

"But, what do you want me to do?"

The girl blushed, turned around, twisted the corner of her skirt with her fingers, bit her thin lips shyly,
"Can you...can you kiss me?"

Blood Lips,
I don't know what Tianzong Liu thought when he branded the baby's spirit fetus,

After hearing this request, the young man gasped,
"Let's go~, such a beautiful Tianzong fairy, it turns out that her brain is not working, how pitiful!"

The shy girl covered her face, and suddenly leaned over like an elf, Yiyi in a white skirt, with a straight figure, raised her beautiful face, and closed her eyes tightly.

"This asking for a kiss?" Bai Yiduo was dumbfounded.

"Brother Yiduo..."

After waiting for a while, seeing that the young man had not moved, the girl asked softly.

"Brother Yiduo~"

The girl slightly opened her eyes,

The river breeze is blowing, the temples are flying, the water bank with gorgeous mountain flowers, weeping willows and butterflies are flying,

But the girl is alone,

Fairy Yunchen immediately turned to look for it, but there was no one beside her.

At this time, a voice came from the distant river, shouting:

"Girl take care, there will be a date~!"

On the rainbow boat, Bai Yiduo shouted while wearing a wig and jewelry, and gradually disappeared into the waterfall.

(End of this chapter)

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