Brother is really tough

Chapter 149 22a. Blood Pool

Chapter 149 22a. Blood Pool

"Cloud and Thunder Burning Heaven Art?"

"It's a skill!"

"Looking at the name, it should be a technique related to lightning! Could it be that he is practicing with the help of lightning?"

"Damn it~! Isn't the cultivation method of this technique too dangerous?"

Thinking of being struck by lightning if she wanted to practice this skill, Bai Yiduo couldn't help shivering.

Holding the gold leaf, he hesitated for a while, but in the end he was reluctant to throw it away and tucked it into his clothes.

After walking for about two hours on the sizzling leaves, a stream appeared in front of me.
On the other side of the stream is a low wall built of bricks and stones, and the word "Pingshan" is written on a huge stone.

According to legend, Pingshan is a mountain outside the sky, which fell from the sky on a certain day in the long, long, long time and fell on the south bank of the Miluo River.

The mountain peak is in the shape of a sloping bottle mouth. The mountain has been sinking for thousands of years, and the vegetation is dense, giving birth to countless creatures.

Bai Yiduo is unfamiliar with Pingshan Mountain, and dare not venture into it, so he has to go upstream along the stream.

I don't know how long it took,

Far away, I heard the sound of monkeys playing,
Bai Yiduo was overjoyed, leaned on the low wall and shouted: "Hey, little monkey~"

The little monkeys who were wandering around under the canopy were stunned when they heard the sound, and saw a person lying on the low wall, and there was no sound for a while.
As if surprised, they looked at each other,

A monkey with its tail hooked on a branch fell down with a thud because it was dazed.

With a strange smile on her face, Bai Yiduo took out a banana and handed it over: "Hey, did you save a woman in a red dress? Where is she? That's my relative."

Seeing that the little monkeys were still looking at him blankly, Bai Yiduo scratched the back of his neck, suddenly thought of something, and turned over directly.

"You must understand what I'm saying, right?"

Thinking that foxes can understand and rabbits can even talk, Bai Yiduo feels that his cognition of this world has become more and more strange
"Come on, whoever tells me where the woman in the red dress is, I'll give this banana to whoever, do you want anything?"

The little monkeys stared at Bai Yiduo like an idiot, and suddenly a monkey jumped up on the spot and let out a strange cry.

The cry seems contagious,
For a moment, all the monkeys were infected, beating their feet and chests, jumping around in place excitedly and frantically

There were also those who ran up and down and circled around, surrounding Bai Yiduo in the middle, howling.

Bai Yiduo just felt dazzled and a little scared, the banana in his hand slipped to the ground when he was dumbfounded...


Half an hour later, the boy with a bruised nose and a swollen face was carried by a group of monkeys, complaining endlessly:

"You stinky monkeys, you are strangers from afar. No wonder you will be eliminated in the evolution of species. You have no awareness of civilization at all..."

Bai Yiduo was tied up by a group of little monkeys and brought into a cave.

The cave is rugged and winding, with nine turns and eighteen turns.

In the end, they came to a place with noisy water, and in front of them was a pool, soaked in countless bones, including white skeletons, corpses emitting a foul smell, and dying monks who were still alive.

Bai Yiduo saw that the goddess was among them, she looked so out of place in a red dress,
Even in this disgusting environment, the beautiful face looks refined, so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

In the center of the pool, there is a bloody lotus,

The petals of the lotus flower faded slightly, revealing the crisp lotus pod inside.

Bai Yiduo saw from a distance that there was a little monkey curled up on the lotus pod. The little monkey was in the shape of a placenta, and it looked crystal clear in the lotus's own fluorescence, as if the whole lotus and even the carrion pool were designed to give birth to it.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

Before Bai Yiduo could ask any more questions, her back suddenly sank and she was pushed into the pool.

The stench in the pool was unstoppable, and there were even small white bugs wriggling in the dirty water, which was almost disgusting.

However, before she could vomit, Bai Yiduo, who was in the pool, suddenly felt her body bound, as if countless roots were entwining her.

At the same time, Bai Yiduo could clearly feel that there were countless tiny needles touching his skin, itching and numb.

"Don't struggle, the more you struggle, the faster it will be absorbed!"

A weak voice came from behind,
Bai Yiduo suddenly turned around, and saw a man wearing a Taoist robe of the Lingquan Sect, who was submerged in the pool water from the neck down, and was already dying.

Bai Yiduo wanted to stretch out his hand to pull him, but only after he pulled did he realize that his body soaked in the water had already rotted away, and the skeleton was full of dense roots.

Bai Yiduo was taken aback, and then remembered what the slender man said about monkeys eating people,
It turns out that monkeys are not cannibals, but this blood lotus they cultivated, the lotus cannibalizes people!

Bai Yiduo's eyes widened in horror.

Looking at the scattered corpses in the pool, they were all monks of the Lingquan Sect.

"This group of monkeys is terrible. What are they doing? Are they using us as fertilizer?"

No one gave him an answer!
There was silence all around, and the silence was chilling.

Bai Yiduo wanted to pick up the monk from the Spiritual Sect who spoke just now, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. The pool was full of broken but immortal body tissues, fleshy, creepy and disgusting.

However, Bai Yiduo couldn't help shivering when she thought that she would become like this in the near future.

"Could it be that I, Bai Yiduo, will die here and use it as fertilizer for a lotus?"

This is not the life Bai Yiduo wants!

He is still a first-timer!

Looking at the unconscious goddess in the corner, Bai Yiduo was helpless!
The goddess's red dress was half submerged in the pool water, leaning against the pool wall, with her eyes closed and her lips turning white.

Bai Yiduo struggled to get there, the first time she had a close contact with the goddess, but unexpectedly it was in this environment.He probed her breath with his fingers, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"She's still alive!"

Bai Yiduo became flustered and at a loss for what to do.
Pushing aside the water marks, I saw that the brown tentacles had filled the whole body of the goddess, like green moss, engulfing her inch by inch.

At this moment, a rattling sound suddenly came from behind.

A very old monkey walked to the pool with a cane.

The old monkey didn't even look at the white lotus in the pool, but stopped to look at the bloody lotus, twirled his beard, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Eh? Aren't you that monkey from Qiongfeng Peak?"

Seeing that the face was still familiar, Bai Yiduo was so excited that he splashed the water and moved forward: "Old monkey, old monkey, we met before, on the north bank, do you remember?"

The old monkey glanced contemptuously at Bai Yiduo, looked dead, ignored him, turned his head, and walked away with a cane.

"Hey? You old man! At least answer, it's rude!"

Bai Yiduo was furious, and suddenly realized something was wrong, when she looked down, the roots that entangled her were gone.

Just wondering, a weak voice came from behind and asked again: "You don't have aura?"

Bai Yiduo was startled, turned around and searched for a long time, and finally found the half-faced monk of the Lingyan Sect from the fragmented mess.

"The magic lotus needs to absorb the spiritual energy of the monks to conceive the spiritual fetus, but the spiritual energy in your body is too barren!"

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo suddenly realized,
It's not that he doesn't have aura, it's just that his aura is hidden on the chessboard, not stored in the spirit pool like others.

But Bai Yiduo couldn't be happy either, looking at the steep walls of the pool and the rotting corpses around her,
He knew in his heart that even if he was not absorbed by the magic lotus as fertilizer, if he soaked in this kind of dirty pool all day long, he would die sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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