Brother is really tough

Chapter 151 23a. Bottleneck Cliff

Chapter 151 23a. Bottleneck Cliff

A lotus root is also beneficial to a white flower,
After eating 3 lotus roots, Bai Yiduo could clearly feel the strong aura in his body, and the Baizi saplings on the chessboard had grown flowers and were full of vitality.

"This is baby!"

"After eating a whole root, the sapling should be able to blossom and bear fruit, and become my true spiritual source, creating a steady stream of spiritual energy for me..."

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo was very excited!
Ordinary monks often need decades of hard work to practice spiritual energy.
But now, he can achieve the results of decades of hard work by just eating a few mouthfuls of lotus root. He is simply a winner in life!
But Bai Yiduo's self-cultivation is too shallow, and the vitality in a section of lotus root can only absorb 5%.

The excess vitality can only be passed on to the goddess indirectly, otherwise it will be a waste of everything, and even harm itself.

And the process of passing it on has also become what Bai Yiduo looks forward to most every day without knowing it.

"Goddess, no, mother girl!"

Bai Yiduo gnawed the last bite of lotus root, threw away the roots, wiped his lips, and impatiently approached the goddess.

With firm eyes, Bai Yiduo bent down...

"Bai has offended~!"

The name of the goddess is Mu Furong, and Bai Yiduo felt that calling her a goddess now was a bit blasphemy, so she changed it.

"Mother, I am also here to save you! After you recover, don't blame me!"

Bai Yiduo said aggrievedly, but licked her lips full of aftertaste.

"By the way, Bai has another unfeeling request. I hope my mother and daughter will consider it carefully."

Looking at the goddess Furong, who has a slightly ruddy complexion and a stable temperament,
Bai Yiduo continued with a smile on his face, "It's about God Wars. I have a brother named Bai Hao. He is young and promising, handsome, handsome, extraordinary, polite, and amazing..."

Bai Yiduo's saving of Goddess, besides "seeing the beauty", should be purely thinking that since the Biluo Palace controls the altar of the gods, the war of gods launched by the Yunlei Dao Jizong can be resolved peacefully.
At that time, the goddess will sell him a favor and hand over the altar, so there will be no need to fight?

There is no need to fight, which means that the elder brother can return to the sect, and the brothers do not need to be separated.

"I saved the Goddess. This is a life-saving grace. She won't not help with such a small favor, will she?"

Thinking of this in his heart, Bai Yiduo suddenly felt that this stinking place wasn't that bad, and the hard work and danger he had put in was not because of a ghost.

"At the very least, there are lotus roots that are so nourishing!"

Taking a look at the delicious lotus root in his hand, Bai Yiduo felt in a trance that this was no longer a foul-smelling blood pool, but the legendary fairyland of Zhongyaochi.

"The legendary Yaochi is accompanied by fairies, delicious food and wine..." Bai Yiduo looked back at the girl, and there were fairies and delicious food. "If you have a jug of fine wine, it will be perfect!"

Just when the young man was enjoying himself in bitterness and longing for a long time, there was a rattling sound above his head, the sound of the crutch hitting the ground.

During this time, the old monkey often came over with a cane,

At the beginning, he didn't notice much. When he looked at the lotus, he was full of anticipation and relief.

But I don't know when it started, the old monkey found that the whole lotus was withering,
The lotus leaves turned yellow, the stems of the lotus were limp, and the lotus pods showed symptoms of malnutrition.

Looking at the pool, Bai Yiduo was lying among the corpses, pretending to be dead,

But the complexions of Bai Yiduo and the woman in the red dress were both glowing red, and the boy even gained a little weight.

Sensing something was wrong, the old monkey beckoned,

A group of young monkeys connect end to end to form a monkey ladder, and the old monkeys step down to the pool by stepping on the monkey ladder.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yiduo was both nervous and excited.
He knew that this was the only chance to escape with the Goddess, if he didn't succeed, he would be benevolent!

"Are you finally willing to let go? Old thing!" Bai Yiduo cursed inwardly,
When the old monkey came up to the magic lotus, he jumped up, grabbed the old monkey's tail, and pulled it hard.

At the same time, he stepped neatly on the monkey ladder and rushed up to the edge of the pool. In his hand was a rope woven from the robes of monks of the Linglong sect. When he pulled it hard, a red dress and fairy sleeve fluttered into his arms.

This series of actions seemed complicated, but after the young man carefully prepared, it was just a flash of lightning.

Bai Yiduo stepped onto the edge of the pond, caught the goddess, and immediately held up the golden abacus,

For a moment, the golden abacus was overwhelming, the beads rolled, and the golden runes poured down like raindrops,

When the old monkey jumped up from the pool, Bai Yiduo was already standing on the bank of the pool with the goddess on his back, holding up the golden abacus in his hand, staring at the old monkey with a vicious expression.Under the feet, a group of little monkeys lay, clutching their heads and moaning.

"You old bastard, you want to harm people and kill innocent people indiscriminately. I, Bai Yiduo, hate a big villain like you the most, bah~!"

The old monkey rolled his eyes angrily, but he didn't have time to be angry now. He dipped his long arm under the magic lotus water and saw that there were only a few lotus roots left on the roots. .

And these are not over yet, and looking up along the soft lotus stem, the original emerald green lotus pod has withered and yellowed, and the spiritual fetus bred by the lotus has disappeared.

Bai Yiduo sneered and spread out her hands, a crystal clear soul appeared in the palm of her hand,

In the fetal light, a thin monkey curled up inside, lifeless.

The old monkey's eyes were bloodshot, and he bared his teeth, as if saying, "I'm going to kill you..."

However, the old monkey did not know how to speak, and bared its teeth and made strange noises, like a hysterical roar, or a hoarse curse, full of endless curse and resentment, and blood dripping from its eyeballs.

Bai Yiduo is not familiar with the topography of Pingshan, let alone the cave of monkeys.

He also thought that the old monkey might be a monk with a good cultivation base. Not long after he was proud of himself, he began to be afraid again.

At this time, seeing the sound of rushing water not far away, I thought of the Pingshan Waterfall, and went straight to it.


Glancing at the howling monkeys behind him, Bai Yiduo rubbed his teeth anxiously and ran recklessly.

The cave slopes upwards, as if it is in the cavity of a bottle. The stone walls are flat and smooth, without dust and stone seeds, and there are no green vines, insects and ants.

In the distance, there is a dazzling halo,

When Bai Yiduo rushed out of this halo, as he got used to the dazzling light, a bad thought came to his mind.


When Bai Yiduo saw her eyes clearly, she couldn't help taking a breath, and hastily stopped her pace.

And as the gravel rolled down from the tip of his toes, and the strong wind blew his face, what appeared in front of Bai Hao's eyes was an abyss!

Looking around, Bai Yiduo found that this is the highest point of the entire Pingshan Mountain, the location of the bottleneck.

On both sides of the bottleneck are high-altitude cliffs shrouded in clouds and mist, and forward, there are rushing waterfalls, rushing for thousands of miles.

Looking down, Bai Hao's back felt cold.

He saw drifting clouds, colorful rainbows, and the backs of a flock of geese flying by.

"Why is this bottle mountain so high! Is it above the colorful clouds?"

"If you fall from here, I guess there won't even be any bones left!"

Bai Yiduo is frightened

But at this moment, there was chaos and noise behind him, a large group of monkeys rushed out of the cave, and the brave group besieged Bai Yiduo angrily.

Soon, the old monkey with a cane came slowly, seeing the desperate Bai Yiduo, the old monkey showed a fierce look.

"Don't come here~!"

Bai Yiduo looked back at the cliff, rolled her Adam's apple, and spread her palms: "If you take another step forward, I'll throw this thing down."

Appearing in the palm of Bai Yiduo's hand was that glowing spirit fetus.

(End of this chapter)

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