Brother is really tough

Chapter 160 27b. Vientiane Change

Chapter 160 27b. Vientiane Change
Facing the killer move, Bai Yiduo was particularly solemn, blocking Long Shulan behind her, and said fiercely: "You beauty, hide well, with my arrogance during the day, even a god emperor has to kneel down and sing conquest!" ..."

From Bai Yiduo being forced to defend himself to being forced to fight back, it was only a split second.
During this time, the God Emperor didn't even give him a chance to explain or beg for mercy,
And the current Bai Yiduo also has no choice, he doesn't know what kind of power the holy armor armor has, whether it can be inferior to the ultimate move of the god emperor,
And once it fails, will the self in the secret realm of Pingshan die 300 years later?

"I can't control that much anymore. The chess game is settled, and it may absorb the spiritual source of all things. At that time, it will be too late for me to fight back!"

Although he didn't know if the God Emperor's chess game was related to the chessboard in his body, the familiarity of the chessboard's absorption of spiritual energy told him that he couldn't let the God Emperor put the chess game back in place.

Therefore, Bai Yiduo raised the iron rod without any explanation,

The beam of light that connects the sky and the earth with the iron rod is like a huge sharp blade that cuts through the world. As it cuts away, the sky and the earth tremble...


Hearing the almost terrified roar of the Ninety-Five Supreme Emperor, the vast expanse of light slanted down, the chess game that had just been arranged in an orderly manner fell apart in an instant, and the black and white chess pieces scattered in the sky like raindrops on the rolling sea.
And following Bai Yiduo's stick, the god emperor flew upside down, spitting blood, the emperor's crown fell, and the shawl was scattered,

The king of the domain who fell on the ground managed to stand still, and before he could catch his breath, he suddenly rolled his eyes, and realized that two spiritual energy clusters of ice and fire were approaching at extreme speed behind him.

At this moment, the God Emperor seemed to realize something, with a hint of despair and unwillingness in his eyes.

"Your Excellency, since you are not a cultivator in this world, why do you want to interfere in the battle in my Rongcheng world?"

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo was taken aback, "It turns out that the holy armor is not something from the Rongcheng world!?"

Bai Yiduo thought about it carefully, and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, Pingshan fell from the sky, so the things in Pingshan are naturally out of the sky.

The origin of the world cultivated by the god emperor can suppress all the forces in the world of Rongcheng, but it can only do nothing to the holy armor from outside the world.

Seeing that Baiduo was silent, the God Emperor took two steps back while clutching his chest, and said slowly: "I am defeated today and the balance of the world is broken. The Eastern Territory will definitely take advantage of this to invade. It is not a pity that my gods are wiped out, but the altar is related to the foundation of the world. I hope that Your Excellency will have mercy on the common people in the world, and stop interfering in the disputes in this world..."

After finishing speaking, the God Emperor, who was wearing an imperial robe but with disheveled hair, bowed his hands, and regardless of Bai Yiduo's answer or not, he turned around and turned into a rainbow of spiritual power, facing the ice and fire spirit group head-on...

Seeing this scene, Bai Yiduo's eyes widened in shock.

"It turns out that the chessboard I inherited really came from the God Emperor, and he is the Heavenly Exalted Realm!"

"But it's not right!"

Bai Yiduo was a little confused again, "Could it be that I killed the God Emperor, and then the God Emperor imprisoned Taoist Chi Ling and Venerable Mo Yan before he died, and then I released him 300 years later, and let me pass on his legacy?" Tianzun inheritance, and then I came to the south bank, went back 300 years ago through the Pingshan secret realm, killed the god emperor, imprisoned Taoist Chi Ling and Mo Yan before his death, and was released by me after 300 years, and Let me inherit the inheritance of Tianzun. Then I came to the south bank, went back 300 years ago through the secret place of Pingshan, and killed the god emperor. Before the god emperor died..."

Bai Yiduo's brain capacity is a bit insufficient, because this is an endless loop,

"This is too weird!"


Soon, a flower bloomed in front of Bai Yiduo's eyes, and as the white light dissipated, what appeared in front of him was a black rock wall and a wooden frame used to support clothes.

Bai Yiduo quickly took off the holy armor, threw off the cloud bird and animal boots, and threw the iron rod aside.

“The experience of participating in history is so weird!”

Bai Yiduo was even thinking, if he hadn't participated in history today, would history have been rewritten?
Thinking about it this way, I found it was wrong again,
"So, all of this was preordained long ago, and this is the law of the world?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo felt that it would be better not to come to Pingshan Secret Realm in the future. He didn't want his life to be predestined by the heavens, and that would be too boring.

"However, this suit is really strong,"

"It would be great if you could wear it out!"

However, just as Bai Yiduo was gearing up for a try, a heavy voice sounded in the empty secret realm, telling him that the Holy Armor is something beyond the sky, and that he cannot leave the Pingshan secret realm, and even the number of times it can be used is limited.

"Only three times?"

Bai Yiduo frowned, helpless!
"In other words, I can wear it twice more?"

Bai Yiduo has no concept of participating in the laws of the world at all, probably because he hasn't encountered the regret that urgently needs to be healed, or the regret of life that is heartbroken.

Therefore, at this moment, he doesn't feel how precious the last two usage permissions are.
Putting down the long feather crown, Bai Yiduo wandered around the secret realm, and found a scroll on a rock.

Bai Yiduo is no stranger to this kind of gold foil scroll, it is clearly a scroll of mind.

There is an entire wall in his Heizi Palace for this kind of scroll that records mental techniques, and it only takes enough aura to unlock a scroll just like unlocking exercises.

Bai Yiduo casually picked up the scroll, unfolded it,
Suddenly his eyes widened.

"This is... the star-level mental method?"

In the world of Banyan City, there are different levels of mental methods.

The heart method is an important part of determining the level of the skill, which is equivalent to the blood of the body.

For example, Yunlei Burning Heaven Jue is a yellow-level exercise, and its corresponding mental technique is a dust-level exercise.

Above the dust level, there is the mortal level mental method, which only the elders of the sect or members of the royal family are qualified and qualified to obtain.

Further up is the star rank. It is said that only the most amazing people in history have practiced it. No one knows if there is such a mentality in the world, because no matter who has this kind of mentality, it is impossible to spread it.

And the star rank is not the strongest and most expensive category, the highest level is the moon rank.

According to legend, there is no substantive volume and no inheritance for the moon-level mental method. When a monk comprehends the bright moon, he will realize different types of supernatural powers that belong to him according to his own conditions.

However, the moon rank is just a legend. For thousands of years, countless monks have tried to obtain the moon rank, but none of them succeeded.

There are also rumors that there is no moon stage in the world of Rongcheng, because the moon in this world is incomplete.

Therefore, in the fourth-level heart method of "Moon Star Fanchen", the star level is actually the highest level, and it is also the rarest and most precious. A complete volume of the star-level heart method can be exchanged for a city.

In other words, as long as you have enough strength, it is not impossible to obtain a city.And the mentality of the star rank, even if you are a noble person, it is difficult to obtain.

Bai Yiduo looked at the scroll in her hand, her eyes widened,

While unbelievable, I also wondered why such a precious thing was thrown here casually?

"It's developed!"

Bai Yiduo swallowed, intending to take it back and study it carefully. Once she comprehends it, she can use the pagoda water control formula, which will be a hundred times stronger!

Moreover, the mental method itself is also a kind of supernatural power,
Different from kung fu exercises, mental powers are difficult to attack, and they are a kind of mysterious technique.

Unfolding the scroll, Bai Yiduo couldn't see a string of fluorescent words floating in front of his eyes.

"Vientiane Alteration Technique!"

"What kind of mind is this? Why is the name so strange?"

Bai Yiduo was surprised, rubbed the center of her eyebrows, and continued to look down,

"Everything changes, taking things to transform things, taking things to transform things, creating something out of nothing, creating nothing out of something..."

(End of this chapter)

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