Brother is really tough

Chapter 164 29b. Dao Xin Pavilion

Chapter 164 29b. Dao Xin Pavilion

Zhongfeng, Daoxin Pavilion.

In front of the palace with continuous eaves, there are endless houses.

Because the news of Ye Zhongtian's fall spread, Zhongfeng was in chaos, and the previous order had long been lost.

Some talented and arrogant people acted recklessly and made a lot of noise.

Looking in front of him, the Sixth Elder chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, the sect will soon choose a new Zhongfeng Hall Master. At that time, as the former Hall Master's direct disciple, you will inevitably not be excluded because of your sensitive status. Therefore, Leaving Zhongfeng at this time will only benefit you."

After finishing speaking, the Sixth Elder waved his sleeve robe, and a heavy stone door slowly opened with a muffled sound.

The stone door opened, and an icy breath hit him head-on.

After a quick glance, the Sixth Elder straightened his robes and stepped into the Daoxin Pavilion surrounded by green light.

Daoxin Pavilion is the place where Lingyanzong stores monks' Taoism.

Inheriting the aura of Jinlong Zhenghan, Linghuangzong attaches great importance to the disciples' Dao heart, and will accept the monk's Dao heart, and what is contained in the Dao heart is the result of Dao inheritance.

Therefore, every disciple of the Lingquan Sect has deposited the Dao Seed, no matter whether you are personally or externally taught, the inner court or by name, as long as you are among the three peaks, you must have the Dao Seed.

At this time, Bai Yiduo was not in the mood to listen to the Sixth Elder's words, his mind was full of his own way of death.

"It's over, it's over! It's time to dress up!"

In Daoxin Pavilion, the room is full of small sparkling bottles and jars, tens of thousands of them,
However, Bai Yiduo knew in his heart that none of the bottles in front of him belonged to him.

Bai Yiduo was burning with anxiety, her face was ashen,

But the Sixth Elder just looked at him like this, with cold eyes and a threatening aura.

"Bai Yiduo, why are you still standing there? Why don't you quickly get your Dao Seed?"

The boy was sweating profusely,

Taking a peek at the Sixth Elder, Bai Yiduo pretended to clear her throat, looking at the small porcelain vase full of stars in the dark, wanting to cry without tears.

Stretching out his hand, Bai Yiduo pretended to call softly: "Dao come!"

His voice was so low that he seemed unable to hear himself.

Inside the Daoxin Pavilion, there was no movement at all.
Bai Yiduo knew this well, but he still called out again with a stronger tone: "Dao come!"

Still nothing,

The Sixth Elder stared at Bai Yiduo, who seemed to be calm and proud, but his eyes were lowered but deeply piercing, as if there was a blizzard, and the cold air was exposed.

Bai Yiduo swallowed dryly, sweat dripped from her cheeks,
He screamed inwardly, but he didn't dare to show any shyness on his face, and continued to put on a show, as if he was very surprised and puzzled, and then called out twice,

"Come on!"

"Come on!"


There was no movement for a long time, the Sixth Elder seemed to have guessed something, Wu Shangzhi stared at Bai Yiduo with bloodthirsty intent,
His eyes became playful, and he no longer had much doubt about the identity of the young man, but was actually convinced that he was not a disciple of Lingyan Sect.

Spy of the foreign sect, once this crime is confirmed, it will be enough for Bai Yiduo to die a hundred times.

"Bai Yiduo..." The Sixth Elder held his hands proudly, his tone piercing, with a hint of sarcasm and murderous intent, he said slowly: "Since you are a disciple handed down by Master Ye, don't tell me you didn't enshrine your Dao Seed?"

Bai Yiduo was stunned for a moment, as if he had woken up with a word, and nodded hurriedly, "Oh~, I remembered, I..."

And just when Bai Yiduo was about to fabricate a reason, suddenly, a red bottle floated over in the star-studded porcelain bottle.

The small porcelain vase floated towards it like a ghost, and passed through the densely packed porcelain vases, making a jingling sound.

The Sixth Elder frowned in amazement, his eyes burning.

And Bai Yiduo was completely dazed, even a little scared, staring wide-eyed at a red porcelain vase floating in front of her, and took two steps back.

"This is... the red Dao seed?" The Sixth Elder narrowed his eyes and reached out to grab the porcelain bottle.

Because everyone's talent is different, so is the Taoism.

Different Taoism and cultivation will change the color of the porcelain vase,

red orange red green blue blue purple,
Because most of the monks are of medium talent, the entire Dao Xin Pavilion is in green and green tones, and the red bottle looks very abrupt.

Looking at the small red bottle, the Sixth Elder's face flashed with astonishment.

"No wonder Ye Zhongtian chose him as his personal disciple. This Bai Yiduo is really extraordinary!"

However, at this moment, Bai Yiduo was in a daze,

Seeing a small bottle with an abrupt color floating ghostly, I shrank my arms in fright and avoided it.

"Ah... I must have made a mistake! This bottle..."

Before Bai Yiduo finished speaking, the Sixth Elder had already grabbed the small bottle, and Bai Yiduo saw that the word 'Bai Yiduo' was written on the bottle.

" is this possible?" Bai Yiduo felt unbelievable, even a little creepy.

"What the hell!?"

"Could it be that there is a Bai Yiduo with the same name in Zhongfeng Kuanze Mountain?"

But the Sixth Elder was very satisfied with the bottle in his hand, looked at it repeatedly without putting it down, and handed it to Bai Yiduo, his eyes became kind.

Bai Yiduo kept it secret and didn't dare to pick it up.

"Hold your Dao Seed well," the Sixth Elder reminded.

Throwing the small porcelain bottle to Bai Yiduo, the Sixth Elder put his hands behind his back pretending to be the city manor, turned around and said:
"Hey! Shangfeng is good at everything, but Gongsun Hao has a very different temper. He always beats and punishes disciples at will without restraint!"

The Sixth Elder spoke with a peek at the boy, and sighed more deeply:
"Outsiders only know that Shangfeng is harsh, but they don't know that the owner of the pavilion is narrow-minded and moody. A few years ago, Shangfeng had a genius who was extremely talented and had a bright future. I watched Gongsun Wanyu a few more times in the martial arts arena, and was beaten to death by the owner~!"

"Huh? You were beaten to death after looking at my wife just one more time?"

The Sixth Elder nodded seriously: "It's absolutely true!"

"But you don't have to worry, I will personally send you up the mountain, as long as you are strict with yourself, follow the rules, bear the burden of hard work, cut off the world of mortals, and be pious..."

"Wait, wait~" Bai Yiduo hurriedly interrupted the Sixth Elder, and asked suspiciously: "What do you mean by cutting off the world of mortals? Can't monks on the peak be married?"

The Sixth Elder smoothed his white beard and said, "It's not impossible..."

Seeing the panic of the young man, the Sixth Elder patiently explained: "It's just that, for the sake of the comprehensive strength of the museum, Gongsun Hao stipulated that monks should not have an affair with their children within two Jiazi years. After all, cultivating immortals is a way to calmly understand the Tao. Affecting Dao Xin."

Bai Yiduo sniffed, a little speechless,
Although he didn't intend to really stay in Lingquanzong to practice immortality, but after listening to Shangfeng's rules, he still resisted in his heart.

"Two Jiazi years?" Bai Yiduo counted with his fingers, and with his current age, he would not be able to fall in love until he was 137 years old.

Having only fallen in love in her 100s, Bai Yiduo feels that the whole world has become black and white.

"Sixth Elder, are you sure there are disciples cultivating immortals on the peak?"

"Yes! Soon you will be a disciple of Shangfeng!"

Bai Yiduo quickly waved her hands: "I can't, I can't~"

"Sixth Elder, in fact, my self-discipline is really bad. If I go to Shangfeng, I will definitely cause trouble to the owner of the pavilion. Shangfeng is the pillar of the sect, and my talent is dull, so I won't hold back."

Seeing that Bai Yiduo was frowning, the Sixth Elder twirled his white beard and asked sarcastically, "But Ye Zhongtian entrusted you to Gongsun Wanyu before his death, who is also your mistress. Your mistress is the Saintess of Shangfeng."

"Actually..., I don't necessarily have to go to my wife!"

(End of this chapter)

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