Brother is really tough

Chapter 166 30b. Compensation for you

Chapter 166 30b. Compensation for you
On the north bank of the Miluo River, in the core of Yushan Lake, a stone dragon screams up to the sky, gushing and gushing.
On the Longxu Cliff, the boy carried a woman in a red dress on his back, and walked up the stone steps step by step.

When they came to a majestic palace, next to the majestic stone beast, two sword-wielding monks frowned at the same time, and shouted: "Who dares to trespass on my Weilu Mountain~?"

At this time, a big face poked out from behind the door, first smiled at Bai Yiduo, then explained something to the guard, and welcomed Bai Yiduo into the fairy pavilion with a smile.

Crossing the fairy gate, the originally narrow and steep Longxu Cliff magically turns into a grand scene of continuous palaces and bustling markets.

Bai Yiduo blinked a little, and hurriedly exited the fairy gate, only to realize that there was a universe in the fairy pavilion in front of him,

"It's really Lulu Peak! This place is equivalent to the fairyland of the Spirit Origin Sect!"

The young man couldn't take his eyes off anything, and he carried the girl on his back to watch all the way, looking at the exquisite and luxurious palaces, the bustling and rich market scene, and the ordinary disciples who hurried past in front of him...

Bai Yiduo sighed inwardly!
"Lingquan Sect has different promotion systems, not to distinguish people of different cultivation realms, but to live in groups in a way that encourages and supports each other. It seems chaotic, but in fact it can stimulate the cultivation of monks more. Dao Nian, the entire Immortal Territory is permeated with a benign atmosphere of intense practice."

However, the ranks of the Linghuang sect are strict, and the Shangfeng Huanglu Mountain has many rules and regulations.

Coming here, Bai Yiduo realized that what the Sixth Elder said was not false and alarmist,

Shangfeng's disciples are all talking about sex changes.

Maybe the love between children is really a stumbling block on the road to cultivating immortals. The overall strength of Shangfeng is much stronger than the other two peaks, and it has the reputation of being the pillar of the sky in Lingnanzong.

But human nature is reversed. The more restrained you are, the more intense your inner yearning and desire will be.

On this day, Bai Yiduo walked into the Lu Mountain with the beautiful goddess on his back, and those monks who had cultivated well all seemed to have lost their souls.

The disciple who was controlling the sword in the air lost his mind, and the flying sword jumped out, stabbing the disciple who was forming a formation;
The disciple who was manipulating the flame lost his mind, and the flame exploded with a bang, burning his eyebrows and hair;
The medicine boy who was refining alchemy lost his mind, the furnace trembled, and the elixir turned into bursts of poisonous smoke, which scattered in all directions, filling the entire sky with black smoke.

Even the uncle who was sweeping the floor lost his mind, lost his stride, and fell down from Longxu Cliff with a scream...


A fleshy male disciple stared wide-eyed, as if seeing a woman for the first time in his life, he gulped and spit out excitedly.

Bai Yiduo seemed to have sensed the strange gazes around her, and caught up with Lin Mo timidly, and asked, "Junior Brother Lin, where are we going?"

The drug boy named Lin Mo said kindly: "The Sixth Elder has explained that Senior Brother Bai was once the direct disciple of Hall Master Ye. When he came to Shangfeng, he naturally wanted to join Master Yu's family."

"Gongsun Wanyu?" Bai Yiduo was a little surprised.
Suddenly, an unfriendly cold snort came from above the high platform and pavilion.

Soon, with a gust of fragrant wind blowing, a tall and graceful figure descended from the sky,

It was Gongsun Wanyu who came.

"Don't you practice today?"

I saw Gongsun Wanyu staring at her phoenix eyes. She had a pretty and charming face, but she showed a bit of viciousness and meanness.

The monks who were curious about Bai Yiduo and the woman on his back who were walking around on both sides, when they saw Gongsun Wanyu, they all averted their eyes and disappeared silently, as if they had seen a malevolent star.

And Bai Yiduo in the middle of the road looked up at the seductive young woman descending from the sky, and swallowed jerkyly,

But when he thought of what the Sixth Elder had said, he quickly lowered his head, not daring to look any further.

"It turns out that Gongsun Wanyu is so fierce, and he doesn't know why Ye Zhongtian likes her!"

After the crowd dispersed, Gongsun Wanyu's stern gaze fell on Bai Yiduo, and then at the unconscious goddess.

Maybe women are naturally hostile to women who are more beautiful than themselves, Gongsun Wanyu breathed a little more heavily, glared at Bai Yiduo and asked:
"Your name is Bai Yiduo?"

Bai Yiduo was startled, nodded hastily, and cupped her hands in a bow: "I've seen Master."

Hearing this address, Gongsun Wanyu's originally fierce face became even paler, her chest heaved violently, and finally suppressed her anger,

Lifting her haughty chin and flicking her long sleeves, Gongsun Wanyu turned around solemnly: "Come with me!"


In the Lingxiu Hall, a strong man with his hands behind his back is observing a landscape painting on the wall.

And in the painting that looks like green pine and flowing water, a swordsman wearing a bamboo hat is waving a sharp sword in his hand, sometimes stepping into the air, sometimes slashing, sometimes using tricks, and sometimes killing the enemy...

Suddenly, the sound of tightly-knit footsteps came from the empty hall, and an intimate and rather delicate voice said:
"Father! I brought Bai Yiduo,"

Under the hall, Gongsun Wanyu raised his hand and glanced at the young man: "He is Bai Yiduo, Ye Zhongtian's direct disciple."

As if his thoughts were interrupted, the muscular man shook his body imperceptibly,
With his god shaking, the phantom of the swordsman in the mural flickered, and the sharp sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a real sword fell to the ground with a crash.

The muscular man picked up the sword on the ground, wiped his cuffs, turned around and pressed it on the table.

At this moment, Bai Yiduo raised his face, and took a step forward with the goddess behind his back: "Younger Bai Yiduo, I have met the master Gongsun."

Bai Yiduo always thought that Gongsun Hao was the kind who was old, old, and immortal.

But after looking at his appearance, he realized that he looks so...down-to-earth!

Looks like Zhang butcher who sells butcher on the street,

But this ordinary appearance does not make people relax their vigilance.

Looking at the strong and straight middle-aged man in front of him, Bai Yiduo was filled with fear and trepidation.

"He is the master of the Shangfeng Pavilion, Gongsun Hao, who the Sixth Elder said was narrow-minded, moody, and forbids his disciples to talk about love?"

I don't know why, but after seeing Gongsun Hao's vulgar appearance, Bai Yiduo would subconsciously sneak a glance at Gongsun Wanyu,
"Fortunately, Gongsun Wanyu didn't inherit his father's dignity, otherwise, he would be resentful for the rest of his life."

I saw Gongsun Hao standing proudly, his eyes swept over Bai Yiduo, and then fell on the woman in the red dress on his back.

"I have already heard about Ye Zhongtian's matter!" Gongsun Hao said with a sigh, slightly turned his eyes, and looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back:
"Speaking of which, Ye Zhongtian can be regarded as my son-in-law in name. Since yours is his direct disciple, I should take care of you."

Gongsun Hao hesitated for a moment, then quickly turned around, looked at Bai Yiduo and asked, "I heard that Ye Zhongtian told you to come and find Wanyu before he died?"

Bai Yiduo thought for a while, and it would be best to establish a little relationship, so she nodded heavily.

"Before the master died, he asked the younger generation to stay with the mistress and take care of the mistress."

Hearing this, Gongsun Wanyu who was at the side was about to be overwhelmed with anger, stamped his feet, and said, "Father, this man's talent is not good, he doesn't deserve to stay with a woman."

At this time, Gongsun Hao also secretly glanced at the small porcelain bottle in the sleeve that had been painted purple by the sixth elder, his face twitched slightly,

"That's right! That kid Ye Zhongtian, how could he choose a person with such poor talent to be his personal disciple? It's really puzzling!"

Bai Yiduo looked at Gongsun Wanyu in surprise,

Since she can reject herself mercilessly, Bai Yiduo has nothing to be hypocritical about.
Pretending to be sad, he looked at Gongsun Wanyu, clasped his hands and bowed: "Master, although the master's order is hard to disobey, this junior respects the decision of the master. In this case, please take care of the master."

Bai Yiduo clasped his hands and bowed, making a gesture to leave.

"Just wait..."

Seeing that Bai Yiduo was so knowledgeable, the resentment on Gongsun Wanyu's face also eased a little. She frowned slightly, glanced at the fainted goddess, and asked, "Then... do you have any more requests? Just mention it, and treat it as if it were yours." I went up to the peak to compensate you."

(End of this chapter)

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