Brother is really tough

Chapter 169 2a. Battle with Sun Baguio

Chapter 169 2a. Battle with Sun Baguio
On the street, Bai Yiduo sensed the strange gazes around her, her fingers trembled slightly,

"Hiss... something is wrong!"

Thinking in his heart, his face was full of anger, and he said, "Of course I know who you are, but so what?"

Bai Yiduo withdrew her gaze, glanced at Zhu Chiyuan who was at a loss with blood hanging from the corner of her mouth in the distance, and said solemnly:

"Senior Sister Sun, I think you are a womanizer, I, Bai Yiduo, don't want to hurt you, so let's go!"

At this moment, the surrounding eyes became more and more strange,
"Is this man stupid?"

"Dare to speak to Sun Biyao like this, won't he consider the consequences?"

"I heard that he is the direct disciple of Zhongfeng Ye Zhongtian, but isn't that too arrogant?"

For a moment, there was an uproar, but it was Sun Biyao who looked at Hao Nian playfully, raised his sword and took a step forward: "Your name is Bai Yiduo? Well, it's rare for my Spiritual Sect to have such a fearless cultivator like you," he said , the woman raised her fist and touched Dabai's chest: "I admire you!"

Bai Yiduo swayed her body, looked at the girl in the colorful dress in front of her, and fixed her eyes vigilantly,
"Bai Yiduo, since this fairy stepped into the Nascent Soul, this is the first time someone has dared to provoke her. Speaking of which, she is quite excited."

"You are Nascent Soul monster?" Bai Yiduo blurted out subconsciously while being surprised.

After finishing speaking, I found that my tone was wrong, so I corrected it in time, and laughed up to the sky pretending to be joking:

"Don't say that you are a Nascent Soul monster, even if you are a celestial being, I, Bai Yiduo, are not afraid of you."

This arrogant arrogance,

This madness,

This fearless aura,

Even Sun Biyao's phoenix eyes were fixed, and his heart was bright.

"You... really want to fight Fairy Ben?"

Bai Yiduo hesitated in his heart, and in a split second, he was in a dilemma.

If there is no war, isn't the arrogance just now a joke?

Thinking for a while, Bai Yiduo turned his heart and thought to himself, "Isn't it the strong Nascent Soul? It's not like I, Bai Yiduo, have never fought before."

Suddenly, I thought of Li Suyang, the Heiyazi. Although he only bluffed the opponent at the time, he had a successful case.
So, Bai Yiduo straightened her body, frowned, and snorted coldly: "I've said it all, I, Bai Yiduo, don't want to bully women, you can leave now."

"Oh? What if I don't want to go?" Sun Biyao joked.

"Senior Sister Sun insists on causing trouble, I, Bai Yiduo, must teach you some lessons!" Bai Yiduo said indifferently with cold eyes.

When she came to Lingyan Sect, Bai Yiduo always maintained an arrogant and solemn image,
This doesn't match his own personality, but it's understandable. After all, he is an enemy sect, and he always has to pretend to be himself.

But there must be a template for camouflage,

Speaking of indifference and arrogance, nothing impressed Bai Yiduo more than Ouyang Jie,

So, subtly, Bai Yiduo began to imitate Ouyang Jie's coldness and arrogance.

"Senior Sister Sun, I, Bai Yiduo, don't want to cause trouble, but you are aggressive and bullying too much. I, Bai Yiduo, am a five-foot man, and I don't want to get along!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yiduo pushed away a step, casually raised the golden abacus, and sternly shouted at Sun Biyao: "So, let's fight!"

Seeing this battle, the onlookers were full of surprise,

"What's going on? I can clearly perceive that Bai Yiduo's cultivation is at the level of Qi training, and Qi training is against Yuanying. Isn't this a joke!"

"Could it be that Bai Yiduo is hiding her true strength?"

"No matter how you hide it, the other party is a strong Nascent Soul. The battle of the gods is imminent, and all the Nascent Soul realms in the sect have been recruited to Tiantuo Strait, and the only strong Nascent Soul that her head insists on keeping..."

Since the Yunlei Daoji Sect launched the battle of gods, apart from a few Zhenzong elders and coaches, there are almost no strong people above the Nascent Soul Realm among the five major sects.

But Sun Biyao was an exception, because of a certain relationship, she stayed in the sect,

Because of this, Sun Biyao is the most powerful person below the entire Lingkang sect's fairy book, and even Sun Hao, the owner of the hall, is difficult to be hostile.

"Bai Yiduo, are you sure you want to fight me? I'm the deputy head. If you beat me to death, you will have a terrible fight." Sun Biyao raised her eyebrows and said jokingly.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that there was a supreme pressure coming out of thin air.

The girl was holding a sword, pretentiously, and said lazily: "The Sixth Elder came to me this morning and said that there is a young man named Bai Yiduo who is suspected to be Ye Zhongtian's personal disciple and asked to use Long Yi to treat a relative's injury. Yes. I agreed on behalf of the head."

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo finally realized that he was afraid, his throat rolled and his breathing became disordered.

But in the eyes of everyone, the young man also wants to save face, he hesitated for a moment, and solemnly clasped his fists and said: "Bai Yiduo is very grateful for the matter of Long Huang. It's just..."

"So, do you think the crimes you threw at Fairy Ben are justified?"

Sun Biyao tilted her face and smiled lightly. The breeze blew by, and her shoulders and temples swayed and fell.

"However, I'm really curious, what kind of support does Ye Zhongtian's apprentice have to dare to challenge the Nascent Soul Realm."

After finishing speaking, a trace of solemnity flashed across Sun Biyao's smiling face, the sword came out of his body, and the sky changed dramatically.

It's just a movement of twitching the sword, as if the space has become distorted, the wind and clouds are surging, and the waves are treacherous.

In the Lingxiu Hall, Gongsun Hao looked at everything in the mural, frowned, subconsciously wanted to rush in,

But he still hesitated, scratched his beard, and murmured to himself: "Biyao, this girl should not be serious with an ignorant junior, she is just teaching Bai Yiduo, she can't use real hands..."

Thinking of this, Gongsun Hao sighed, turned around and took a cup of tea, put it near his mouth and blew, the mist was dense.


Just in the middle of a thought, the heaven and the earth changed instantly, and the supreme power was wrapped in a wave of domineering air, rolling in.

Sun Biyao hadn't made a move yet, but the person whose murderous aura was overwhelmed couldn't breathe,

"It turns out that this is Nascent Soul!"

Bai Yiduo suddenly felt that Heiyazi Li Suyang might be a fake Nascent Soul, and he was completely different.

But now, the boy has no way out.

"Grandma, don't say you are a Nascent Soul, believe it or not, I have fought against Heavenly Venerable?"

Cursing furiously in her heart, Bai Yiduo hurriedly summoned the little Youlong in the chessboard world, holding the golden abacus tightly in her hands.

"Senior Sister Sun, don't come here for such a hypocrite, if you have the ability, if you do your best, I will lose if Bai Yiduo blinks."

It was still the trick to scare Li Suyang,
However, Bai Yiduo knew that only if Sun Biyao hit with all his strength and half of the attacking energy was absorbed by the chessboard, would he have any hope of winning.

It's just that this clamor directly made the crowd of onlookers gasp.
Thinking to himself, does this count as committing suicide by the hand of Sun Biyao?

In the Spiritual Cultivation Hall, the teacup in Gongsun Hao's hand shook violently, splashing tea stains.

"Is this kid looking for death? How dare you be so arrogant at this time?"

But Sun Biyao was only joking, and looked at the golden abacus in the young man's hand with disdain, and said coldly: "So you are a Qi Qi spiritual cultivator, how pitiful! A waste who doesn't even have a spiritual vein, you dare to be so arrogant and domineering. It seems that this fairy should really teach you a lesson, so that you can have a long memory..."

After finishing speaking, Sun Biyao unsheathed her sword light, swung it towards the air, and sparks scattered all over the sky.

Sun Biyao is not a spiritual cultivator of the fire element, but at her level, she can activate aura to transform into spiritual power of different attributes.

However, this converted spiritual power is far from the majesty of the original spiritual power, and it is only used to restrain the five elements when encountering a spiritual vein that needs to be restrained.

Therefore, when seeing Bai Yiduo take out the metallic astronomical amulet, Sun Biyao instinctively thought that he was just a contracted cultivator with a metallic spiritual weapon,

However, all this was as early as the boy expected.

Seeing the sky filled with fire and rain coming towards Xumi, the young man retreated coldly. Although he held up the abacus in his hand, he recited the formula in his mouth: "Pagoda Yushui Jue~"

Following Bai Yiduo's chanting, the sky filled with water rose from the ground, and a pagoda shrouded in Buddha's light came out of nothingness, facing the water curtain waterfall, and it swelled rapidly.

This scene directly made everyone dumbfounded,
"It turns out that he is a water-type spiritual vein?"

Just when everyone was surprised, the corners of Sun Biyao's mouth twitched, his eyes brightened,


(End of this chapter)

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