Chapter 171 3a.
The evening wind hit, and the south bank at dusk was soaked in red and yellow, which brought a trace of depression and urgency to the young man's heart.

"There are still four days until the shipwreck trial, Senior Brother Su, are you ready?"

Hearing the conversation passing by the door, Bai Yiduo frowned slightly.

After receiving Sun Biyao's full spiritual energy, the Baizi sapling in Bai Yiduo's body grew rapidly, and could be promoted to the later stage of Qi training at any time.

It's just that a single aura attribute is not enough for one's cultivation to reach the Great Perfection of Qi Training.

In other words, even without the matter of refining Fengdan, Bai Yiduo urgently needs to improve his cultivation,
The most important thing to improve one's cultivation is to obtain spiritual energy.

"This group of people... did it on purpose?" Looking outside the door, the young man frowns!

All afternoon, Bai Yiduo stood guard in front of the door and observed the passers-by in the street, hoping to find some troubles and absorb a wave of spiritual energy,
However, since Sun Biyao was wounded, everyone seems to be jealous of this place. When passing by Bai Yiduo's door, they either avoid walking or tiptoe cautiously.
Even if Bai Yiduo goes to find fault, no one is willing to use force with him. They all admit to being cowardly if they can, and run away if they can't.

"The disciples of Lingyan Sect are too disappointing!"

Bai Yiduo suddenly felt the loneliness of a master,
Thinking that this is the old enemy of the sect, he is so good that no one who wants to find a fight can find it.

"No, I have to take the initiative." Looking at the sleeping goddess on the bed, the boy's eyes became more determined.

"I don't believe that there is not a single bone in the huge Hulu Summit!",

Someone once said that as long as you are arrogant enough, you will definitely be beaten,
So, the boy flicked his hair, kicked open the door and rushed out of the street,

Walking onto the street, seeing the pedestrians coming and going in the market, Bai Yiduo was suddenly excited,

Randomly locked on a burly man with a big knife, pressed his shoulder, and shouted loudly: "So it's you?"

The burly man had a hideous face, looked at Bai Yiduo, and asked doubtfully, "Hey, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"That's right, it's you!" Bai Yiduo stared at the big man with hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Let's end the hatred of that day today!"

As he spoke, the young man took a step back, opened his posture, and held up a golden abacus,
The beads are rolling, and there seems to be aura moving, deterring all directions.

Seeing this battle, the burly man scratched his cheeks, instinctively clenched the handle of the knife,
"May I ask..."

"Stop talking too much, let's fight!"

Fearing that the burly man would ask more questions, Bai Yiduo gritted his teeth like a vengeful angry youth, his eyes filled with unworldly hatred.

But just when the burly man raised his sword in a daze, suddenly a boy wearing a dragon-patterned Taoist robe rushed over and whispered something in the burly man's ear,
The burly man's face darkened, he glanced at Bai Yiduo, and hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "Junior Brother Bai, there is a fire in my house, let's make an appointment another day..."

After finishing speaking, the burly man threw away his saber and ran away, looking at his posture, as if his house was really on fire.

The night wind blows, the lights on both sides of the street are dim, but the figure of the young man is lonely and cold.


In the spiritual hall,

Gongsun Hao took out a elixir and personally put it into Sun Biyao's mouth,

Seeing the girl's raised brows after taking the elixir, Gongsun Hao let out a long breath.

"Hey! The dignified acting head, the dignified Nascent Soul powerhouse, unexpectedly..."

Having said that, Gongsun Hao shook his head suddenly with a wry smile, looked at the medicine boy beside him, and asked, "Has the announcement been made?"

Yaotong lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the entire Gulu Peak has been informed that no one will challenge Bai Yiduo."

After finishing speaking, Yaotong asked a little angrily: "Your Majesty, why is there such a belligerent person like Bai Yiduo? This person is too scary. He spends the whole afternoon picking faults and fighting, even the acting head. Is it a lunatic?"

This question stopped Gongsun Hao from asking,

Scratching the beard on his face, Gongsun Hao turned around solemnly, looked at a landscape painting on the wall,
In landscape painting and ink, a simple figure, rampant like a living thing,

It's just that everyone is in danger wherever they go, and they quickly avoid it, and the picture is particularly weird.

Looking at Hua Mo, Gongsun Hao smiled wryly and shook his head, "Maybe... he wants to stand up?"

Yaotong frowned and asked: "Your Majesty, he is so arrogant, won't you punish him?"

"This arrogant arrogance is a bit like the deity's back then!" Gongsun Hao admired it, but soon he was worried and picked his chin: "Since the entire Kunlu Peak has been notified, I am not afraid that he will cause any trouble. As long as... ..."

Gongsun Hao thought to himself, as long as he doesn't provoke Gongsun Wanyu, the problem should be fine.

On the street, looking at the fairy pavilions that would turn off the lights as soon as he approached, Bai Yiduo looked confused.

Gradually, he also discovered that as long as he approached, all the disciples of the Immortal Domain would either take a detour, or say that there was a fire at home, leaving him helpless.

"Can't these people find a reason to be fresher?"

Looking up at the hazy moonlight, Bai Yiduo's face was full of frustration.

"It seems that there will be no harvest today!"

Just when the boy sighed and dragged his tired body back,
Suddenly, a graceful figure appeared in front of him,
On the dimly lit Qingshi street, a beautiful figure in a fine attire flashed by, carrying a burst of body fragrance, which lingered in the evening wind for a long time.


Bai Yiduo was surprised to find that in the middle of the night, that Gongsun Wanyu whom he recognized as his teacher's wife had jumped into a deep alley like a thief.
The whereabouts are very suspicious!

"Well, you Gongsun Wanyu, my master's body is still..."

Suddenly Bai Yiduo realized something was wrong again, he was just borrowing Ye Zhongtian's remaining name to find an identity for himself, they were not a master-student relationship, and Gongsun Wanyu was not his teacher-wife, either.
Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo sighed, and found that he had no reason to meddle in other people's business, so he could only spit into the deep alley: "Bah, you don't obey women's ways,"

But just when Bai Yiduo turned to leave, suddenly a seductive voice came from the alley:

"Uncle Sun, Yu'er can only rely on you for the Dragon Deed!"

Immediately afterwards, a playful and obscene voice said with a chuckle: "Wanyu, you can just call me Brother Sun, why are you so out of bounds? Brother Ye and I are brothers and sisters. He is dead. I will not finish the unfinished business." Everything will be done for him, including..."

The latter words are a bit unsettling.

Suddenly, there was a snap, a crisp slap,
Gongsun Wanyu shouted in panic, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" The man snorted coldly and said, "Gongsun Wanyu, didn't you marry Ye Zhongtian because of the Long Qi? Now, no one can help you except me, but you have to show some sincerity, my Sun Youdao is not That idiot Ye Zhongtian, even if he is dead, he won't even get close to Fangze, right?..."

Bai Yiduo squatted outside the alley with strange eyes.

He didn't want to hear about these troubles, but after all, it was related to Ye Zhongtian, and he had the name of Ye Zhongtian's personal disciple, no matter how he looked at it, he felt awkward.

Seeing Sun Youdao's threatening words, Gongsun Wanyu suddenly changed her tone, and said coquettishly and perfunctorily, "Eh, hehehe~, Uncle Sun, Yu'er didn't mean that, it's just... this is Lulu Peak, my father's mural..."

"Don't be afraid, since I dare to come, I'm not afraid of being discovered by anyone." Before Gongsun Wanyu could finish speaking, Sun Youdao suddenly smiled lewdly.

At this time, Bai Yiduo also keenly noticed that the alley in front of him was torn apart by force and appeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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