Chapter 175? 5,

Lingquanzong, Quanyifeng,
On the top of Wei Wei's towering Dragon Beard Cliff, Bai Yiduo stubbornly knocked on the door knocker, and the solid door wall made muffled bang bang bang bang.

On the Immortal Palace, the old man with a long beard smiled wryly and shook his head: "What kind of monstrous apprentice did Ye Zhongtian take in? Isn't it too stupid?"

The moonlight was like silk, and the strong figure of the young man was like a demon, solemn and lonely, full of killing intent.

Knocking, knocking, suddenly a cluster of dark green spots floated like will-o'-the-wisps, and fell silently into Shi Qilin's eyebrows,
Bai Yiduo didn't notice anything, but saw that Shi Qilin suddenly shook his body, stretched his legs and swayed his hips lazily, and his eyes were bright green.

One second, Bai Yiduo was still beating on the door arrogantly, and the next moment, she swayed and saw the stone-carved unicorn come to life, shaking her neck, like a pet dog pleasing its master, looking up eagerly,
Bai Yiduo's movements froze, her breathing suddenly suffocated...

"Live... alive?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when Shi Qilin raised his face, he suddenly saw him smiling at him, the smile was particularly weird.

Just when Bai Yiduo was dumbfounded, Shi Qilin shook his body, suddenly stepped back a few steps, and hit the door wall of the fairy gate with two running steps.

The fairy gate is a realm of spirit foundation, indestructible,

But it was such an impenetrable fairy gate that was directly smashed into pieces by Shi Qilin, scattered in all directions.

There was a loud bang, like thunder that shook the sky, and the earth trembled.

Bai Yiduo's eyes widened,

What surprised Bai Yiduo even more was that after the fairy gate was knocked open, the densely packed disciples of Yifeng Peak,

In the same way, seeing the celestial gate shattered, all the monks of Yifeng nervously clenched their fists.However, when the dust cleared, what appeared in front of him was the figure of a frail young man...

For a time, everyone was stunned!

There is silence all around,

The cool wind swept across the sky, blowing away the dust, and also the arrogance of the young man.

And the thousands of monks in the Immortal Territory were stupefied,
Didn't you mean enemy attack?

Could it be that the enemy is the boy in front of him?
At this time, Bai Yiduo looked back, seeing Shi Qilin limping back to his original position after smashing the fairy gate,
Shi Qilin turned his neck to look at Bai Yiduo, wagging his tail as if to invite credit, and then remained motionless, turning back to the original stone sculpture.

I don't know why, but seeing it limping and walking, I always feel a sense of familiarity.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Bai Yiduo suddenly realized something was wrong,
The fairy gate is opened, and what he will face are thousands of disciples of Yifeng Peak.

But Shi Qilin was just a cold stone, as if the strange scene just now hadn't happened, the stone sculpture stood tall and its foundation was like a rock.

"I didn't break the door, you should explain it to me."

Patted Shi Qilin's forehead, hard and cold,

It was only then that Bai Yiduo realized that he had been pitted by a stone.

In fairyland,
At the moment when everyone was stunned, a voice shouted anxiously from the palace: "Stop him, don't let him in, he's a lunatic..."

The monks all looked in the direction of the palace, not understanding what happened.
The moonlight was like water, shining on the young man's thin figure, which was lonely but bloodthirsty, giving people an inexplicable coercion.

"He was the one who injured the owner?"

"Who is he? He dares to go to the Yifeng Peak alone at night, how arrogant he is!"

"Don't be fooled by his appearance. If he can seriously injure Pavilion Master Sun, he must be powerful. Don't take it lightly..."

As if they had just been relieved, a group of monks were indignant and clamored everywhere, and even a few disciples in the late stage of foundation establishment flew out with their swords, approaching Bai Yiduo.

"I am Zhang Xiaobei, a disciple of Yifeng Peak, a daring lunatic, don't be presumptuous..."

"Tang Yishang, a disciple of Yifeng Peak, came to enlighten me..."

Seeing two monks, a man and a woman, approaching with swords, the young man's expression was condensed, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Bai Yiduo originally planned to escape, after all, the scene in front of him was out of control, even with the help of the chessboard in his body, it would be difficult for him to fight against the entire Immortal Realm disciples.

However, Zhang Xiaobei and Tang Yishang's killing intent was full of fear, and before Bai Yiduo could understand it, a flower appeared in front of them, and the white Taoist robe reflected in the bright white moonlight came hunting.

Because they didn't know Bai Yiduo's background, Zhang Xiaobei and Tang Yishang didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, and one strike was a killer move, with great momentum.

Just a bang,
The moment the sword edge touched Bai Yiduo's chest, a wave of spiritual power rippled in all directions, shining brilliantly in the dark night.

Everyone's eyes widened, but it seemed reasonable, and there was a hint of panic in their surprised eyes.

"Zhang Xiaobei is in the late stage of foundation establishment, so he was defeated with one blow?"

"Who is this boy? Zhang Xiaobei and Tang Yishang were both defeated without seeing him fight back. What kind of strength is it to do it?"

For a while, there was a lot of noise, and panic spread among the crowd like a virus.

But what they didn't know was that at this moment, Bai Yiduo was also afraid for a while,
Seeing the fire and wood spiritual energy absorbed by the chessboard palace, Bai Yiduo was not very happy, and knew in his heart that if any disciple attacked him again, his death would be terrible.

Because facing thousands of Immortal Realm disciples, he couldn't summon the Ice Curtain and Fire Wall at all,
Thinking of this, Bai Yiduo judged the situation, took a step forward, stepped on the broken ruins of the fairy gate, and clasped his fists: "Brothers and sisters, I am Bai Yiduo, Ye Zhongtian's personal disciple, and I did not have any malicious intentions when I came to Kunyi Peak tonight. Shameless, he insulted my teacher's wife, I will not report this hatred, Bai can't sleep at night, please forgive me..."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay,
"Has the owner gone to tease Gongsun Wanyu?"

"That is not true, is it?"

"Everyone has come to the door, it seems that there is no mistake!"

"How can the owner do this? It's too embarrassing for us!"

"It's just his one-sided words. I believe the owner of the museum is not such a person..."

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion and noise.

Some people knew about Sun Youdao's character, and they immediately believed it.

But some people don't believe what they say, insisting that it is slander and lies,

However, knowing the cause of the incident, no one would act without authorization. After all, it was a fact that Bai Yiduo repelled the two late stage Foundation Establishment before he made a move.

"Bai Yiduo, you keep saying that the owner of the pavilion insulted Gongsun Wanyu, and that Gongsun Wanyu is Gongsunhao's daughter. If there is such a thing, it's not your turn to ask for it, right?" A female disciple asked in confusion.

Bai Yiduo was taken aback, logically speaking, if such a thing really happened, the father should be even more furious.
Just when Bai Yiduo didn't know how to answer.

Suddenly there was a burst of wind behind him,

"Why? Do you want the deity to come in person so that you can try your cultivation?"

I saw Gongsun Hao stepping into the air with his hands behind his back, his laughter was up and down, like a thunder that shook the sky.

Seeing Gongsun Hao, all the disciples were silent, and they all lowered their faces, not daring to make mistakes.

But Sun Youdao in the hall was overjoyed, and said sadly: "Senior brother Gongsun, it is really a misunderstanding, you should take Bai Yiduo away quickly, brother please."

The master of a domain begged like this, which made people surprised.

Gongsun Hao landed lightly, followed by Gongsun Wanyu.

Gongsun Wanyu glanced at Bai Yiduo with a pale face, and explained aloud, "Uncle Sun is right, it's just a misunderstanding, and it's Bai Yiduo's fault."

"Ah?" Bai Yiduo was taken aback, and was about to argue when she saw Gongsun Wanyu glaring coldly, walked to her side and whispered, "Bai Yiduo, do you want to ruin my reputation as a fairy?"

This was something Bai Yiduo had never thought of.

Glancing at the fairy pavilion in the distance unwillingly, the young man's eyebrows twitched,

If you miss this opportunity, it will be very difficult to absorb Sun Youdao's aura.

Taking another look at Gongsun Hao, accepting a look of supreme dignity, Bai Yiduo had no choice but to compromise, nodded, turned around solemnly,
It wasn't until Bai Yiduo turned and left that Sun Youdao and even the entire Quan Yi Peak disciples breathed a sigh of relief.


After leaving Yiduo Peak, Gongsun Hao's attitude towards Bai Yiduo has changed, and he intentionally or unintentionally tested Bai Yiduo's cultivation level.

Bai Yiduo, on the other hand, was far away from home along the way, sorting out the spiritual energy collected during the day.

At this time, Gongsun Hao suddenly asked:
"Bai Yiduo, do you know Long Qi?"

Seeing the young man shaking his head, Gongsun Hao and his daughter looked at each other and said,

"There is a dragon pond in the center of Yushan Lake. The dragon pond is opened every [-] years. Every woman can enter the longan eye to sign the dragon ancestor. The dragon ancestor has lived for a hundred years and has not awakened. It is precisely because no one has succeeded in the dragon lease for a hundred years."

Speaking of this, Gongsun Hao glanced at Gongsun Wanyu, cleared his throat, and said, "Tomorrow is the day of the Dragon Contract. Your teacher will meet with Sun Youdao alone today, just to get his help."

Hearing this, Bai Yiduo nodded knowingly, and looked at Gongsun Wanyu.

The latter's pretty face was slightly red, and she pulled the corners of her lips secretly, and said, "Bai Yiduo, I didn't expect Sun Youdao to be so dirty, thank you for what happened today."

"Master, you are being polite!" Bai Yiduo said.

Gongsun Wanyu lowered her face slightly.

"However, because of this matter, Sun Youdao will definitely not help me again, I don't know you..."

Gongsun Wanyu bit her lip, and asked tentatively: "If you can help me complete the Dragon Deed, my Gongsun family owes you a great favor, and I will definitely repay you generously in the future."

"Um... Teacher's wife is out of bounds," Bai Yiduo smiled, "However, I don't think I have time to help you, tomorrow..."

Seeing that Bai Yiduo was looking for an excuse to evade, Gongsun Hao coughed lightly, grabbed Bai Yiduo's arm, avoided Gongsun Wanyu,

"Bai Yiduo, what do you think of Yu'er's appearance?"

"Master's beauty and fragrance are overwhelming the country and the city..."

"Actually, the marriage contract between Wanyu and your master is just a cover, and the purpose is also for the Long Qi, she is still a virgin!"

"Ah?" Bai Yiduo froze, dumbfounded.

"Cough~" Gongsun Hao coughed lightly, and continued: "Although the age gap between you is a bit big, people who cultivate immortals don't pay attention to these things. As long as you are willing, everything is possible."

I don't know if Gongsun Wanyu heard the conversation here, but when Bai Yiduo looked at her in surprise, Gongsun Wanyu tugged at her collar, revealing her gray shoulders, her curvy and correct body Even more charming and ecstasy under the moonlight,
"Let me go, this father and daughter are cruel enough!"

While speaking, the three of them had already arrived at Gulu Mountain,

The moon is shining brightly, adding a bit of charm to the night.

Seeing that Bai Yiduo didn't agree immediately, Gongsun Hao was not in a hurry, he hugged his shoulder affectionately and said, "Bai Yiduo, go to my spiritual training hall and have a drink, I have excellent wine there."

Gongsun Hao himself is a rough and strong man, he is addicted to alcohol and spends money, and treats others frankly.

People like him didn't like Bai Yiduo originally, but after what happened today, he gradually changed his attitude.

So, under Bai Yiduo's half-push, the two came to the Lingxiu Hall,

"Bai Yiduo, come, drink again~"

In front of the steps of the hall, there is a large beach of wine jars lying here and there. Gongsun Hao, who intends to get Bai Yiduo drunk, is overwhelmed with alcohol, and holds the young man's arms in a drunken way: "Bai Yiduo, from now on, call me big brother, we two brothers." ...Slightly~..."

The boy's face was blushing, although he secretly put most of the drinks into Heizi Palace, he was still a little drunk,
"Master, I can't drink any more, I'll get drunk if I drink any more."

"What's wrong with being drunk? Didn't you say that today we brothers will not return drunk....Come on, drink again..."

The drunk-eyed Bai Yiduo shook her head, and wobbled the wine cup to her mouth, more than half of the wine dripped down her chin onto her chest.

At this time, Gongsun Wanyu walked into the hall, glanced at her eyes, and slightly frowned.

"Father, you are drunk."

Gongsun Hao glanced at Gongsun Wanyu, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and pulled up Bai Yiduo:
"Bai Yiduo, brother has decided to betroth Wanyu to you,"

"Master, you are drunk!"

"I'm not drunk!" Gongsun Hao said as he grabbed Bai Yiduo's wrist, walked crookedly to Gongsun Wanyu, and stretched out his hand to grab her wrist again.

Leading the two of them, Gongsun Hao walked a little bit, took them to a bedroom, pointed to the bed and said: "Come on, you are going to the bridal chamber now, I will watch."

Hearing what he meant, it seems to mean that if you don't know anything on the way, I can guide you on the spot.

"Father, you're drunk!" Gongsun Wanyu shook his hand vigorously, her little face turned red.

But Bai Yiduo smiled drunkenly, suddenly her body tilted and fell asleep on the bed.


The next day, the sunlight pierced through the window, and Bai Yiduo woke up sleepily, feeling dry mouth and splitting headache.


The boy covered his head and sat up. At this time, a maid came to wash the washbasin and stood respectfully to one side,
The drug boy Lin Mo Dengdeng ran in, and hurriedly said: "Brother Bai, I heard that you went to the Yifeng Peak alone yesterday? You are so domineering!"

Bai Yiduo wasn't quite sober yet, rubbing her forehead, looked around and asked, "Where is this? Why am I here?"

"You were drunk last night, this is the owner's mansion."

Bai Yiduo tried her best to recall, but she still had no impression, so she pursed her dry lips and asked, "Junior Brother Lin, what time is it?"

"It's almost noon!" Lin Mo said, seeming a little anxious, "The owner of the hall took Senior Sister Wanyu to Longtan. Today is the day of the Dragon Contract once in a hundred years..."

"Long Qi?" Bai Yiduo frowned, and suddenly Gongsun Hao's words appeared in his mind, which made him startled.

"Brother Bai, you slept too deeply. The owner of the pavilion told me that when you wake up, please go to Longtankou to help Senior Sister Wanyu."

"Ah? Did I sleep so dead?"

Bai Yiduo was surprised, she was dragged by Lin Mo towards the core of Yushan Lake before she got out of bed and had no time to wash up.

(End of this chapter)

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