Chapter 184 12a.
blurred moonlight,

Bai Yiduo returned to her spiritual pavilion with a trace of grief, and saw a flash of spiritual light. The goddess had already left, leaving behind a glowing talisman floating in the air.

Bai Yiduo stood there blankly for a few seconds, as if she had guessed something, she stretched out her hand to pick it up, and the talisman fell into Bai Yiduo's hand.

The moment he got it, as if he needed to verify Bai Yiduo's identity, a complex text and symbols flashed on the talisman, and then burned into a cluster of flames with a bang,
In the flames, the delicate face of the goddess can be vaguely seen.

As the flames burned, Bai Yiduo saw the goddess in the flames and said to himself: "Your name is Bai Yiduo, right? Thank you for your rescue. If you are destined, you will repay this kindness. You will cherish it!"

It was just a few short words that made Bai Yiduo unable to recover for a long time.

And as the magic talisman burned out, the room fell into darkness again,
In the darkness, a lonely figure remained motionless for a long time.

"Hey! Do you repay only if you meet each other by fate? Does it mean that you don't repay if you don't have a predestined relationship?"

Bai Yiduo frowned, feeling that she had suffered a great loss, and was inexplicably a little emotional.

"However, judging by the tone and expression of her words, the Qing Gu Pill should not be able to completely cure her, and I don't know if she can leave the Western Regions smoothly..."

After all, he was the one who sacrificed his life to save. Although he didn't get what he expected, Bai Yiduo still hoped that the goddess could recover, and the thrilling trip to the South Bank these days was not in vain.

Thinking of the trip to the South Bank, Bai Yiduo suddenly withdrew her thoughts, and glanced at the night that had quietly passed by.

"No, I must leave the South Bank as soon as possible. If I don't go back, the Zongmen may really want to expel me."

The more I thought about it, the more I felt a sense of urgency, so Bai Yiduo took advantage of the night to quietly leave Longxuya,

lush forest,

When Bai Yiduo came to bring the North Embankment of the Miluo River, the dawn had already broken, and a round of red sun flowed upstream from the Miluo River, illuminating the whole world.

Bai Yiduo rubbed her eyes sleepily, glanced at the dew-wet trouser legs, and frowned.

"I don't know if Lin Mo has bought the boat yet. Eighteen thousand silver coins should be able to buy a good ferry!"

Just as Bai Yiduo was dreaming about his luxury cruise ship, a strong man with a scythe in his hand hurried past, carrying a pole and a coil of hemp rope on his shoulders.

The burly man cast a blank glance, didn't ask any more questions, and continued on his way, squandering his sickle.

"It looks like a woodcutter from a nearby village."

After walking a few more steps, Bai Yiduo saw a hunter carrying a sack and a rabbit in his hand.

The hunters did not carry knives and forks, and hunted by traps and other long-term experience in the mountains and forests, which yielded a lot.

Orion and Bai Yiduo met each other, they looked at each other, nodded politely, and passed by.

At this time, Bai Yiduo finally stepped onto the embankment and saw the rolling water of the Miluo River. Not far away, a banyan tree grew by the water with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Seeing the big banyan tree, Bai Yiduo ran over excitedly,
But as he ran, the boy's pace gradually slowed down, and he looked at a 'boat' moored under the banyan tree in disbelief.

"I'm going! The prices on the South Bank are too outrageous, right? Eighteen thousand silver, you can only buy one bamboo raft?"

Looking at the bamboo raft that was half submerged in the water, and then at the choppy river, the young man looked disappointed and helpless.

"Hey! Forget it, it's better than swimming across the river."

Moderately comforting herself, Bai Yiduo sighed, dragging her tired body to the banyan tree,

At this time, a fisherman walked towards him. The fisherman held his stomach and looked very anxious.

"Hey hey hey~" Bai Yiduo stopped the fisherman, glanced at the big banyan tree, and raised the corner of his mouth.

"Uncle, are you in a hurry to go to the convenience?"

Seeing the fisherman in a daze, Bai Yiduo pointed to the big banyan tree again: "Go there quickly, I'll show you."

The fisherman looked at Bai Yiduo strangely, but didn't think much about it, after all, the current situation was more urgent.

Then, Bai Yiduo saw that while the fisherman was enjoying himself, a red shadow rushed out of the tree hole, towards another big tree not far away.

Bai Yiduo saw it clearly, it was a red-haired fox,
I saw the red-haired fox holding the wine jar with one fluffy paw, and covering his nose with the other paw, and ran over with his feet upright.

"Hey~? It's said that the cunning rabbit has three caves, so the fox also has a spare property?"

At this time, the sound of trees falling to the ground came from the woods beside them, and with a loud crash, a group of tits flew into the air.

Seeing the woodcutter, Bai Yiduo's eyes lit up, and he walked over happily and asked, "Uncle, can you cut down that tree first?"

"Eh...why did you cut that tree first?" the woodcutter scratched his neck and asked inexplicably.

Afterwards, Bai Yiduo found a random reason, and the woodcutter didn't think too much about it. After all, it was the same for him to cut down any tree, so he readily agreed.

Then, Bai Yiduo saw the red-haired fox holding the wine jar with both hands, and before the woodcutter's sickle fell, he ran out of the tree hole silently.
I saw the fox looking for it in the woods in a panic, and suddenly his face became happy, and he ran towards a pile of rocky beaches with the wine jar in his hand.

Following quietly, Bai Yiduo's expression froze.

"Good guy, so you still have a masonry house?"

Looking around, Bai Yiduo grabbed Orion who was carrying a sack, and said to him, "Uncle, I just saw a rabbit hiding in a stone trap. You are so powerful, do you have a way to catch it?"

Orion proudly said: "Of course, I am an expert hunter in the village, but child, you are sure that there are rabbits in the stone reef, usually only Sao Fox likes to live in that kind of place."

"Uh...sure, there is really a rabbit, a fat, fat rabbit."

Orion scratched his chin, "That's alright, I'll show you, my title as the number one hunter in Donghuan Village is not for nothing..."

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yiduo saw Orion setting up traps in front of the stone stile, with nooses and animal traps.

And the red-haired fox was not stupid, he poked his head out to take a look, and then sneaked away while Orion was not paying attention.

But no matter where the red-haired fox went, it was caught by Bai Yiduo's keen spiritual sense, and then he called the villagers who had made a living early to interfere.

In this way, early in the morning, the red-haired fox hid in the woods with a wine jar in his hands, and finally collapsed. Seeing a bamboo raft on the river, he jumped on it without thinking.

When Bai Yiduo arrived at the embankment, he saw a red-haired fox standing on the bamboo raft, with the wine jar behind him, and his furry little paws frantically untied the rope tied to the bank.

"Do you need help?" Bai Yiduo smiled and appeared at the bow of the boat with arms folded.

The red-haired fox raised his face in a daze, and when he saw Bai Yiduo, for some unknown reason, two crystal clear teardrops overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"It can be regarded as a friendship. This is my boat. How about I give you a ride?"

The red-haired fox looked at the boy aggrievedly, and wanted to jump ashore to escape, but he was eager to try. Bai Yiduo had already cut the rope before jumping on the bamboo raft, instead of catching the red-haired fox, he picked it up casually. her flagon.

Even if the bamboo raft leaves the shore, the red fox can jump ashore in time and escape.
But Bai Yiduo was so vicious that she took away her wine jar directly,
The red-haired fox turned his head and looked at the young man eagerly, staring at his own wine jar, holding his big loose tail, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

A round of red sun jumps out of the river, the mountains are dense with mist, and the river is surging. On the bamboo raft, a boy and a fox are sitting quietly, drifting slowly with the river...

(End of this chapter)

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