Chapter 261

"In a panic, how decent!"

Lu Bu glared at the panicked soldier and asked, "Why are you so panicked!"

"Reporting to Marquis Wen, Liu Bei opened the south gate and let Cao Jun enter the city. Generals Hou Cheng, Wei Xu, and Hao Meng were all captured. Only General Cao Xing escaped. General, retreat quickly, Cao Jun is about to come Killed here!"

After the soldier finished speaking in panic.He couldn't afford to kneel.

"Big-eared thief, you are too deceitful!"

When Lu Bu heard the news, he stood up angrily and kicked over the chair.

"What's the use of Fengxian scolding that guy at this time, just evacuate here with me!"

Chen Gong grabbed Lu Bu, and then dragged him down the city gate.

At this moment, Zhang Liao also got the news, ran to Lu Bu, knelt down on the ground, and said, "Marquis Wen, please evacuate quickly, I am willing to cut off the heir for Marquis Wen!"

"Liu Bei, I swear to kill you! I swear to kill you!"

Lu Bu yelled angrily, but followed Chen Gong and Zhang Liao and retreated from the city gate.

It turned out that when the Xiahou brothers led the army to storm the south gate, Liu Bei brought hundreds of people to the gate of the city. Due to the fierce fighting on the city, Hou Cheng and others did not notice what Liu Bei was doing.

As a result, Liu Bei ran to the city, ordered the soldiers to remove the huge stone at the gate of the city outside the mansion, and let Cao Jun enter the city.

Zhang Fei also stopped Liu Bei: "Brother, sister-in-law and the others are still in Lu Bu's hands. If brother does this at this time, I'm afraid sister-in-law and their lives will be lost!"

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei reprimanded Zhang Fei: "Brothers are like siblings, women are like clothes. If the clothes are torn, they can be patched up, but if the brothers are broken, An Neng can pick them up. What's more, Mi Huan and I are just engaged in a marriage contract." If I don't open this city gate today, Yun Chang's life will be in danger, don't talk about idle work, quickly open the city gate for me, and let Cao Jun enter the city!"

Seeing that Liu Bei was so stubborn, Zhang Fei had no choice but to order someone to open the city gate. As soon as the city gate opened, Cao Jun outside the city rushed up and rushed into Pengcheng.

Hou Cheng in the city hurriedly ordered Cao Xing to go down to the city to see why he was flustered, but when Cao Xing was halfway there, Xiahou Dun had already rushed in first.In a panic, Cao Xing drew his bow and set an arrow, and hit Xiahou Dun's left eye with an arrow, but because Cao Xing shot the arrow in a panic, the arrow didn't go deep enough to kill Xiahou Dun, it just blinded him. This annoyed Xiahou Dun. He pulled out the arrow in his eye, jumped off his horse, and killed the city gate with a big knife called Qilinya in his hand.

And this Cao Xing was light and nimble, he leaped and grabbed Xiahou Dun, rode on Xiahou Dun's horse and ran away. The people on the city gate were not so lucky. They climbed up along the top of the city. Cao Jun, followed by Cao Jun brought by Xiahou Dun, couldn't escape. Xiahou Dun, who lost one eye, showed his fierce face. He shot Hou Cheng's spear flying, and then kicked Wei Xu over.The rest of the generals were also captured alive by the swarming Cao Jun.

Xiahou Dun's anger subsided a lot, and he escorted these people to the west gate, preparing to capture Lv Bu alive, so that they could go to Cao Cao together to ask for credit.

However, at this time, Lu Bu had already returned to his mansion with Chen Gong, Zhang Liao and others, and was preparing to escape with his family, the three brothers and sisters of the Yami family.

This frightened Mi Zhu, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Marquis Wen, hasn't my brother-in-law already taken refuge with you? Why do you still treat my brothers and sisters like this?"

If Mi Zhu doesn't mention it, this statement immediately drew Lu Bu's anger out, punched Mi Zhu in the face, knocked Mi Zhu to the ground, and then Lu Bu grabbed Mi Zhu's collar and cursed in a deep voice: "Do you still have the face to mention Liu Daer to me? The reason why I am in such a mess is because your good brother-in-law, the big-eared thief, opened the city gate to let Cao Jun enter the city. You still have the face to mention him to me! You don't know Dare to say him, be careful I will kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Bu let go of his hand, threw Mi Zhu to the ground again, and then shouted: "Tie the three of them to me, and retreat from the north gate!"

After speaking, Lu Bu led his family to retreat from the north gate.

Lu Bu's wife, Yan Shi, and Lu Bu's beloved daughter, Lu Lingqi, rode in a BMW together.Lu Bu tied the two concubines to his body, and then hurriedly tried to escape through the north gate.

As soon as Lv Bu left the north gate, he heard Cao Jun's shouts of killing behind him: "Don't leave Lv Bu, the chariot general has an order to reward those who capture Lv Bu alive with a thousand pieces of gold and seal up a thousand households in the city! Kill Lv Bu and seize him!" The leader will be rewarded with a thousand gold, and a hundred households in the city will be sealed off! Whoever seizes his body and limbs will be rewarded with a hundred gold!"

Seeing that the pursuers were so tight, Zhang Liao, Zang Ba, and Song Xian all got off their horses and said to Lu Bu: "Please Wen Hou go ahead, I will buy time for Wen Hou to end the heir."

At this time, Lv Bu was like a frightened bird. When he heard that his generals were willing to die for him, Lv Bu was overjoyed and shouted repeatedly: "Okay, okay, after you three lead all the soldiers and horses, I only need to bring a hundred or so soldiers to break through!"

After saying that, Lu Bu didn't care so much, he gave the Chituma under his crotch a whip, and then ran all the way north...

Zhang Liao and his men led the remaining few thousand soldiers and horses, and formed a formation, ready to defend against the enemy.

The Cao army in the city rushed out nearly tens of thousands of people, and then surrounded Zhang Liao and the others, waiting for Cao Cao to leave the city. As long as Cao Cao gave an order, they would tear this group of people to pieces.

After a while, Cao Cao rode out of the city on a sweaty BMW. Seeing thousands of people surrounded by his soldiers and horses, Cao Cao couldn't help but became interested, and asked Liu Bei next to him, "Xuande?" , Who are these generals, they have such courage!"

Liu Bei rode out and replied slowly to Cao Cao: "The man holding the crescent halberd, his surname is Zhang, his name is Liao, his name is Wen Yuan, he is from Mayi, Yanmen, and he is Lu Bu's number one fierce general. The man holding a long knife, his surname is Zang Ming Xuan Gao, the word Ba, is a native of Hua County, Taishan County. He was originally a bandit from Mount Tai, but he surrendered to Lv Bu. As for the one who wields the spear, his surname is Song Mingxian, and he is a native of Jiuyuan, Lu Bu's hometown!"

"Oh, so that's the case, these three people are brave people, I should use them!"

After Cao Cao heard what Liu Bei had said, he rode his horse to the front of the formation, and shouted to the three people in front of him: "Lu Bu has been defeated, why don't you surrender sooner!"

Hearing Cao Cao's words, both Zang Ba and Song Xian showed joy.ready to surrender.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao shouted loudly: "Cao thief, you don't want me to surrender. Today, Marquis Wen has broken through the siege, and he will come back to behead you in the future! When I am lucky enough to kill the empress for Marquis Wen, there is no need to fear death! "

When Zhang Liao spoke, his face was fearless, and he glared at Cao Cao.

"Hahahaha, since you are so loyal, well, Zhang Wenyuan, if the three of you surrender to me today, I will not send anyone to chase and kill Lu Bu, otherwise, even if I chase to the ends of the earth, I will take down Lu Bu Head!"

Cao Cao threatened, then stared at the three people in front of him.


Zhang Liao looked at Cao Cao and couldn't help feeling a little flustered. As Cao Cao said, Lu Bu brought his family and only a few hundred followers. If Cao Cao sent tens of thousands of troops to pursue Lu Bu, it would be easy to catch up with him. .

"Wen Yuan, why don't we surrender!"

"Yes, for the sake of Marquis Wen, we have no choice but to surrender now!"

Both Zang Ba and Song Xian wanted to surrender, so they both persuaded Zhang Liao.

(End of this chapter)

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