Chapter 906

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Juhu sent the letter out, and after returning to the house, Yue Xi asked.

Juhu sat back and said, "Everyone in Xuzhou hates us, do you know why?"


the people asked.

"The Jiangdong army moved all the people in Xuzhou to Jiangdong, you all know that!"


The crowd nodded.

"But what does this have to do with us? Not to mention that Jiangdong Army's persecution of the people of Xuzhou has nothing to do with us. Even after we conquer Xuzhou, His Majesty will send officials to deal with Xuzhou's government affairs. They should be in charge of this kind of thing! Even if you want to appease the people, you only need to post a list to calm the people, so how can you use the military rations so easily!"

Zhao Yun, who has always had a good temper, also spoke.

"Well, as usual, this matter is indeed out of our control, but the Jiangdong Army spread rumors in Xuzhou, saying that after we took Xuzhou back, we would massacre the city in Xuzhou. Many people were unwilling to follow the Jiangdong Army to retreat to Jiangdong, but after they had After knowing the rumor that we will massacre the city, he immediately followed the Jiangdong army. Now there are only ten people in Xuzhou. They, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled will think that we will really massacre the city, causing panic, and those local rogues may attack our single soldiers and horses. You say, at this time, in addition to making a list to calm the people and distributing some military rations to those who have no People who are able to work, how can our rear be safe."

At the end of Juhu's speech, his words were full of helplessness.

"Damn Jiangdong dog, he is so vicious, forcing the suffering of war on the people!"

The jealous Dian Wei clenched his fists.

"Yeah, if I knew it was like this, His Majesty shouldn't have released Sun Ce back then, and should have locked him up in Hebei forever!"

Zhang He also sighed.

"It's useless to talk too much, it's better to discuss what to do next!"

Zhao Yun saw it most thoroughly, and stopped discussing Juhu's private distribution of military rations, but asked the soldiers to go back to get the map.

The soldiers opened the map, and Zhao Yun led a few people to the side of the map, saying: "Our original plan to take Xuzhou in one month must be abolished. For a city, it is necessary to send people to appease the people, of course it will take a lot of time, but for the stability of Xuzhou, we have to do this!"

"Well, that's right, but we need to ask His Majesty for help. The rations we brought and the rations we will transport later are not enough for us to make such a fuss!"

Juhu interjected.

"Yes, yes, you must ask His Majesty for help. I estimate that at least 50 shi of grain will be needed to help all the people in Xuzhou!"

Dian Wei also spoke.

"Go aside for me!"

Yuexi touched Dianwei's chest, and then said: "You are just farting, do you think the people of Xuzhou have to eat every meal like our soldiers? Your family has so much money that there is nowhere to spend it? "

"Well, Commander Yue is right. To help the victims, you only need to give them porridge, and you don't need to feed them. Moreover, there are not so many victims in Xuzhou now, and most of the people have been relocated!"

Juhu also spoke.

"Okay, then we will act according to the newly formulated plan. We will slowly advance from the south to the east, and appease the people while attacking the city!"

The nine people reached an unanimous point of view, while asking Liu Wei for help, while slowly advancing towards the south of Xuzhou.

Leaving aside Juhu and their Northern Han Army in Xuzhou for the time being, it is only said that after Liu Wei received Juhu's rescue letter, his original hanging heart was finally relieved.

Seeing the smile on Liu Wei's eyebrows, Eunuch Ma asked, "Your Majesty, could it be that General Yue and the others won the battle that made you so happy?"

Liu Wei nodded, then shook his head again: "Winning the battle was within my expectation. They did win a small victory, but it's not enough to make me happy!"

Eunuch Ma asked again: "Then why is Your Majesty happy?"

"Hey, I'm happy that Sun Ce is a fool. He set up a trick in Xuzhou, trying to intercept me in Xuzhou. It's ridiculous. Is it that easy to deal with?"

Liu Wei smiled, and then said: "Isn't it just hundreds of thousands of disaster victims? I think I can't handle it? I have enough money and food! Come, send an order to allocate 20 shi of food and send it to Xuzhou for relief. Victims!"


Eunuch Ma sent someone to draw up the imperial decree. After Liu Wei looked it over, just as he was about to seal the jade seal, Liu Wei's hand holding the jade seal stopped in mid-air.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Eunuch Ma asked openly.

"I said, what if there are wealthy people in Xuzhou who take the opportunity to receive relief food?"

While speaking, Liu Wei put the jade seal back into the tray.

"Your Majesty, it shouldn't be possible. Why do they still need to receive rice porridge for disaster relief when they have enough to eat? Rice porridge is not a good thing!"

Eunuch Ma didn't understand the people, so he spoke.

Liu Wei shook his head: "No, no, no, human nature is greedy, and those common people can take advantage of it. Why don't they take advantage of it? They will definitely take advantage of this little advantage! Ma, do you think there is any way to stop this phenomenon? "

Liu Zhang asked.

"Well, His Majesty can issue an imperial decree to severely punish those people who still receive porridge with surplus food in their families. If they are caught, they will be beheaded for public display. How about that?"

Eunuch Ma asked tentatively.

"Not right, not right!"

Liu Wei shook his head: "There are a lot of people who receive porridge. How do you do this? Do you have to go door to door? Besides, there must be a lot of people who claim the porridge. Sun Ce spread rumors that I would massacre the people of Xuzhou. If you do it, it's no different from directly massacring the people of Xuzhou!"

"Then His Majesty can reduce the sentence and let them serve?"

Eunuch Ma said again.

"No, wait for me to think about it!"

Liu Wei tapped his fingers on the table while sitting thinking of strategies.

Suddenly, Liu Wei thought of a high official in the Qing Dynasty, slammed the table and said, "Yes, I have a solution!"

"Your Majesty, what is the solution?"

Eunuch Ma asked hurriedly.

"Adding sand to the porridge, those old, weak, sick and disabled who haven't eaten for a few days will definitely not dislike the porridge with sand, but those people who have surplus food at home will definitely not eat porridge with sand! This will solve the problem Has someone impersonated the matter of rice porridge!"

Liu Wei said.

"Your Majesty's plan!"

Eunuch Ma also felt that what Liu Wei said was reasonable.

Liu Wei immediately stamped the jade seal on the imperial decree, and then wrote a letter to Juhu, telling Juhu about putting sand in the porridge.

(End of this chapter)

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