Chapter 1 001.soul wearing island

Thick hair, long bangs covering the forehead, black glasses covering most of the face, about 1 meters tall, slightly fat, with a small belly, about 17 years old, with a little immature face.

Ordinary, so ordinary!

This is an ordinary teenager, completely inconspicuous in the crowd.

The boy sighed and confirmed again and again that the boy in the mirror was himself.

I didn't expect that I actually passed through

but it's a good thing
He was electrocuted and died, and it would be nice to be able to live again.

No longer entangled with the problems of the past life, but still concerned about the current situation.

The boy named Misawa Yusuke, an islander, also died of electric shock, and then his body was occupied by an older youth.

The former owner walked away peacefully, leaving only a memory of his life behind. After merging this pile of memories, the traverser fully accepted his new identity.

Either way, being able to survive is a good thing after all.

Time travel has benefits, and Yusuke Misawa is no exception.

Along with all the memories of the original body, there is also the golden finger brought by time travel: a system.

However, after some exploration, Yusuke Misawa discovered that this system is not 100% perfect, or the incomplete version.

The entire interface only shows one's own status. There is no query function, no artificial intelligence, no skill table, and no messy abilities. No matter how you touch or do things, you can't get more information.

This is simply bullshit!

The panel shows:

Host: Yusuke Misawa

Age: 16 years old

Combat power: 4 (combat power of normal people is 5)

Skills: none

What a messy introduction!
Of course, combining all kinds of time-traveling routines, this system may have to meet certain conditions before it can be triggered.

Misawa Yusuke has made various attempts. For example, in a certain system text, as long as you pick up a textbook, you can assume that you have learned this skill. However, Misawa Yusuke turned over all the books in the room After checking it again, the system did not respond at all.

I still think too much, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

Forget it, stop entangled in this matter, having a system is better than nothing.

Only then did Misawa Yusuke take a look at the place he was in.

This is an ordinary Japanese boy's room. There are posters of this kind of comics on the wall, and there are all kinds of messy things beside it, such as a simulated long sword, which is very beautifully made, and it is not fake at all. There are all kinds of messy clothes, comic books and study books on the table, and all kinds of messy headgear.

What the hell is this?
Are normal teenagers like this?

Misawa Yusuke sorted out all the things. Fortunately, he didn't find any strange clothes. If he found some kind of female sailor uniform, it would really make Misawa Yusuke collapse.

Put away all the messy things, put away all kinds of toys, pack them all in boxes, and stuff them in the corners.

No matter what, these are still some remnants of the original body, let's put it away first.

However, the original body's hands-on ability is still quite strong.

Yusuke Misawa picked up the long sword in his hand. I don't know what material this long sword is made of. It is full of weight, very textured, and exquisitely crafted. There are various patterns on the body of the sword. , the handle is a black faucet, which looks extremely majestic and has a very middle-level style.

Some nerds who like plastic villains should like this.

Misawa Yusuke picked up the plastic long sword and swung it a few times, then looked at the system in his mind.

Sure enough, the system didn't give any hints. It seems that I really thought too much. Like some kind of system text, I only need to pick up a long sword and swing it twice to remind you that you have learned the way of swordsmanship. How can there be such a good thing in this world.

Without these messy things, I cleaned the room again. There are no posters on the walls. The beds are also neatly made, clean and tidy, and the quilts are neatly folded. The whole room becomes clean and tidy.

Misawa Yusuke nodded with satisfaction. He has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder and can't see messy things.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother, it's time to eat!"

There was a girl's voice outside the door.

That's my sister, Misawa Aiyi

"Okay, I'll come down right away!"

After tidying up his appearance a little, putting on a set of clean clothes, and making sure everything was safe, Yusuke Misawa took a breath and opened the door.

In the dining room and kitchen on the first floor, a woman in an apron was busy there, and a little girl about seven or eight years old was helping, carrying various ingredients. Seeing Yusuke Misawa, the little girl The girl smiled.

Her eyes are bright and energetic, her face is as cute as an apple, her long hair is black and bright, and her baby fat face has a little blush on her face. She is so cute. That is her younger sister, Aiyi Sansawa.

"Good morning brother"

"Good morning, Aiyi, Mom"

Misawa Yusuke pushed the chair away and sat down, and the woman who was busy turned around at this time, her long black hair was tied with a rubber band and pinned to her head with a hair clip, the woman had a pretty face and a kind smile , age added some charm to her, over there is the original mother Miwa Misawa.

"Yusuke, wait a little longer, you can eat right away"

Yusuke nodded, sitting at the dining table, still reviewing the original memory in his mind.

The original father is Kazuya Sansawa, an ordinary Japanese policeman, and his mother, Miwa Sansawa, is an ordinary housewife. She has a son and a daughter. She is not very rich, but her life is very ordinary and happy. Only her younger sister, Aiyi Sansawa Some water, she is an adopted daughter.

Aiyi was originally the daughter of his father's friend and colleague Nagase Kawatahiko, but an accident happened to Nagasegawa's family, and both parents died in a car accident, leaving only one only daughter, and Sanze Kazu decided to take her in.

Although not biological, Aiyi has been very sensible since she was a child, and she is very pleased with her parents. Even Yusuke Misawa loves her very much. She can be said to be the little pistachio of the family, closer than her own daughter.

After a while, Meihe prepared all the breakfast.

Breakfast is a bowl of rice, fried salmon, a bowl of miso soup, and some stuffed cucumbers. Simple, typical Japanese breakfast.

The amount is small, but the bowls and plates are placed in a large number, which looks very delicate and has a sense of ceremony.

"Let's eat"

The mother and sister clasped their hands together. Yusuke Misawa was a little awkward, but he followed suit. The group of people ate quietly without speaking.

Yusuke Misawa finished the meal in two bites, and the portion was a bit small.

"Do you want more food?"

"Yes, thank you mom"

Meihe took the rice bowl and filled it with a bowl of rice.

Looking at the table, there are not many dishes on the table.

"And some gherkins, would you?"

"Give me some more"

In the end, Yusuke Misawa ate two large bowls of rice, and all the ingredients on the table were eaten clean.

Seeing Yusuke Misawa put down his job, Miwa showed a satisfied smile, and asked, "Yusuke, school will start in two days, have you tidied up here?"

(End of this chapter)

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