Chapter 143 143. Concern
Jessica's eyes opened, and a golden light bloomed!

Yi Wenjielin and Semei covered their eyes with their hands and screamed, and took a few steps back.

Yusuke was a little curious, observed carefully, and there was a small light bulb on Jessica's finger, which was shining brightly.

You are also talented enough!
These light bulbs have been played with various tricks by you!
"Damn, you despicable dark dwellers"!
Yiwen Jielin said with a righteous expression on her face, "Come on, Knight of Light, our Light Envoys are about to dispatch!"

At this time, the two ran to the small tree, put their schoolbags away, took out the props from under the shrine, and ran back.

"Bright Gather!"

Ewen Jielin took out a water gun and held it high.

Semi ran to her side, raised the bamboo sword, and made a pose.

"I am the knight of light, and I will defend the light to the death!"

At this moment, the water gun in Evangeline's hand shot towards the sky, and water droplets fell from the sky. Under the sunlight, the water droplets glistened.

"I am Ewen Jielin, Holy Maiden of Light!"

"We are the endorsement of the God of Light, the guardians of the Holy Light, and the messengers of the Light!" X2
Familiar picture, familiar style, familiar middle school two, the corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, some dare not look at it.

Jessica also took out the black automatic umbrella at this time, ran to Yusuke's side, then turned her body, and the automatic umbrella opened at the same time.

Her posture has changed at this time, holding an umbrella in one hand, and posing a scissors hand in the corner of her eyes with the other, her golden pupils are shining with light.

"I am a dark magician!"

Then, he pointed his eyes at Yusuke.

Why is this scene so familiar?
Oh yes, I've played it so many times...

Yusuke was taken aback!
No, didn't I say that I would no longer be in Secondary School?How do you play so engrossed?
Looking at Yusuke who was lost in thought, Jessica was a little anxious at this moment.

"Almost, Yusuke, everyone is waiting for you," Jessica urged softly.

The three people present still kept their original postures unchanged, waiting for Yusuke's transformation.

"I'm not playing anymore!"

Yusuke waved his hand and said, it was clearly agreed that he would leave the Second Secondary School, so why has he been getting more and more involved in the Secondary Secondary School recently.

This can't be done!
The three girls present were startled suddenly, and then they stopped posing, and they all gathered around with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Yusuke, are you sick?"

"The weather is so hot, it must be heat stroke."

"It's possible that he was talking nonsense just now."

"I didn't." Yusuke shook his head, wanting to explain, but he was already pushed away by the three of them.

"People with heat stroke don't talk, let's sit in a cool place"

The three couldn't help but Yusuke objected, pushed him to the bottom of the woods, and pushed him to sit on the ground.

"Ewen Jielin, Jessica, you two help Yusuke fan the wind, I have water in my schoolbag, I'll get it" Semi ordered, and ran to get water.

"What do you use to fan the wind?" Ewen Jielin looked at her hands, they were empty without tools.

Jessica thought for a while, "Use a skirt"

"Wait a minute!" Yusuke was taken aback, and quickly stopped him.

"It's fine, as long as Yusuke is fine"

"Yes, a small sacrifice is nothing"

The two grabbed the hem of their skirts and were about to fan the wind when Yusuke immediately got up from the ground.

This is no joke!
"Here, Yusuke, the water is here"

At this moment, a jug was slammed into Yusuke's mouth, and the water poured in, almost choking him to death.

Yusuke quickly took the kettle away, and he was relieved.

"Yusuke, are you alright?"

The three of them looked at Yusuke with concerned eyes, making Yusuke unable to say any words of reproach.

Well, they also care about themselves, but in a wrong way.

Yusuke sighed, forget it, let it be like this, let nature take its course.

"I'm all right"

"That's good." All three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then shall we continue?" The three of them looked at Yusuke expectantly, Yusuke hesitated, nodded, walked to the side of the shrine, picked up his exclusive weapon, and walked over.

"Through the night, come from the abyss, appear! The true eye of the devil!"

The golden colored contact lenses appeared on Yusuke's left eye, and an evil and handsome aura came over his face.

"I am the Fallen Angel, King of the Night, tremble, mortals! I shall rule the world!"

After playing the game, the four sat in front of the shrine to rest.

"By the way, Dark Mage, how was your final exam result this time?"

Yiwen Jielin asked at this time, although she tried her best to pretend she didn't care, but the smug eyes had already betrayed her.

"Hehehe, don't scare your jaw off"

Jessica smiled smugly, and took out the report card from her schoolbag.

"Look, I have 90 points"

"Only 90 points, so-so!"

After reading Jessica's report card, Yiwen Jielin was even more proud, and took out the report card from her school bag, which was 95 points.

"It's just winning me once, what's there to be proud of?" Jessica curled her lips in disdain.

"Win once is also a win!"

Yiwen Jielin said proudly, her appearance was very arrogant.

"Damn it, I won't lose to you next time"

"Then I will beat you next time"

"Impossible, I beat you"

"I beat you!"

The two little girls bickered, and after a while, the two stopped this childish cycle.

"By the way, Bright Knight, how are your grades?"

Yiwen Jielin asked at this time, but everyone saw that Semi's body froze suddenly, and the result was already very obvious.

Jessica was proud at this time, "It seems that the lackey of the God of Light is nothing more than that."

"It's just a mistake, it's not a big deal," Yiwen Jielin retorted stiffly.

"Let you see how powerful our Dark Lord is, fallen angel, and show off your achievements."

"Bright Knight, show your achievements too, let's compare."

Semi sighed helplessly, and took out the report card from her school bag, Yusuke also took out the report card, Yusuke got 80 points, and Semi's score was very bad, only 34 points, such a bad score shocked everyone present people.
"How did this happen?" Yiwen Jielin couldn't believe it, while Semei was a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'm not good at studying," Semi explained softly.

"I said your grades are so bad, will you repeat the grade?" Jessica complained at this moment, Semei's face froze immediately, and she said nervously, "Probably not."

"It's okay, Knight of Light, we will be in the same semester then, we can study together" Ewen Jielin comforted from the side, which made Semi's face even uglier.

These are not words of comfort!

Yusuke shook his head and said, "Semi, you still have to work harder, otherwise with your grades, there is a really high chance of repeating the grade."

"Okay." Semi sighed and said, "I'll go to a cram school during the summer vacation and make up for my grades."

(End of this chapter)

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