The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 150. Chapter 150. Finally the day of departure

Chapter 150. Chapter 150. Finally the day of departure

Finally, when the game day came, Yusuke took the suitcase and said goodbye to his family.

"Mom, Aiyi, I'm leaving"

"Brother, bring back a champion," Aiyi said seriously.

"No problem, brother is sure to win!" Yusuke smiled and went out.

Yusuke told both his parents about his being a video blogger and the Yulong Banner. His father Sanzewa was also a little surprised. He is a little proud and emotional for his father.

It was also from this day that both parents officially admitted that Yusuke has the ability to survive on his own.

After waiting at Miyajima's house for a while, Yui came out pushing the suitcase
"Let's go, Yusuke"

The two rushed towards the station.

Everyone made an appointment to gather at the Shinkansen station.

There were many people at the station, but Yusuke's eyes were sharp, and he quickly spotted Rie Komiya walking over with a suitcase.

Rie Komiya was wearing a light blue dress and a straw hat on her head. Her beautiful features and tall figure attracted the attention of many people along the way.

The school beauty is indeed a school beauty, she looks beautiful in any clothes, especially her temperament and aura are completely different from other people's, these are two completely different styles of painting.

"Rie!" Yusuke raised his hand.

Rie also saw Yusuke and the two, walked over with a smile, and they said hello.

"Rie, are you ready?" Yui asked excitedly, and Rie nodded.

"Everything is ready. I have planned all the routes. After watching Yusuke's game, let's go play together. Yusuke, you have to work hard. When you win the championship, we will celebrate for you."

"Okay, let's get ready for dinner."

"Are you so confident?"

"I'm sure of the championship!"

"By the way, where are the others?" Rie asked at this time, Yusuke looked at the time and said, "It should be here soon."

And then the phone rang.

"Yusuke, where are you?"

This is Eri on the phone.

"We're already inside the station"

"We're at the door, come in now"

After a while, a group of people walked in mightily, there were men and women, a total of more than a dozen people, it was Kendo Club and Eri and the others.

Yusuke said to the two, "Let's go there."

The three of them walked over with their suitcases.

"It's Yusuke!" Yui also found Yusuke at this time, waved excitedly, and then saw the two girls behind Yusuke with a look of surprise.


Yusuke greeted everyone, and then introduced Yui and Rie who were traveling together.

"This is my childhood sweetheart, Miyajima Yui, and this is my good friend, Komiya Rie"

"Hello!" Yui and Rie nodded with a smile.

"Hi!" Everyone nodded in response.

However, Yusuke found that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit weird, especially the people in Eri, who looked at Yui and Rie from time to time, and Yui and Rie were also looking at each other.

Eri glanced at Yui, turned her eyes to Yusuke, and then turned her eyes to Yui, then said with a smile:

"Yusuke said earlier that he had two friends who wanted to travel together. We thought they were male classmates, but we didn't expect them to be two cute female classmates."

Although Eri was smiling, Yusuke always felt that her smile was very strange.

"It seems that Yusuke didn't make it clear to you, really, Yusuke's sloppy habit has not changed since he was a child." Yui replied with a smile, and the same smile made Yusuke a little strange.

Yusuke has a toothache. The two seem to dislike each other. Isn't this the first time they meet?Is it the so-called incompatibility?
"You two are childhood sweethearts. You must have a very good relationship. This is the first time I have seen a childhood sweetheart with such a good relationship. I even ran all the way to cheer him up."

"We have known each other for more than ten years, and we are like family members. Of course, Yusuke is going to come over to cheer him up for such an important competition."

Yusuke had some headaches, and he was not a fool, so he could see the disagreement between the two at a glance.

They will still be together in the next few days, and Yusuke feels that troubles will continue.

But surprisingly, the two of them stopped talking and didn't continue talking.

The struggle of girls is really incomprehensible.

"Sasaki, Ishihara, hello." Yui waved to the two of them, and Yui also waved with a smile. Seiko nodded and responded, "Hello."

Eri raised her eyebrows at this moment, and asked curiously, "Do you know each other?"

"We met before," Yui replied with a smile, and Gao Shan Xiangzi and Xi Chengwu had already come over with their tickets.

"You can get in the car now," Xiangzi said at this moment, looked at the atmosphere at the scene, and asked strangely, "What's the matter?"

Eri shook her head and said, "It's okay, let's get in the car then."

"Oh, I forgot to take the ticket." Yuyi said embarrassingly when she remembered.

"Then let's go get it now," Rie next to him responded, and Yusuke also said, "I'll go with you, I'll help you carry your luggage."

Turning around, he said to Xiangzi and his party, "Get in the car first, and I'll be there in a while."


Shoko nodded, and at this moment, he found that Eri was looking at the direction where Yusuke and the three left, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Eri, what are you looking at?"

Eri shook her head, "It's nothing, let's go."

Gao Shan Xiangzi was confused, and asked the boys next to him: "What happened just now?"

The sighs of the boys made Xiangzi even more confused.

The three of Yusuke went to get the tickets, and Eri and his party got on the bus first.

The seats were arranged by Shoko Takayama, the men sat at the same table, the women at the same table, and the six girls sat together.

At this moment, Lixiang asked Eri who was sitting next to her: "Eri, why did you have such a weird face just now?"


Rika smiled, keeping her eyes on Eri, who waved her hands helplessly and sighed.

"Well, I can't hide it from you." Eri said at this time: "It's nothing, I just feel a little upset."

"Because Yusuke was snatched away!"

Shengzi said from the side at this time, everyone present was startled by this sentence, Eri was stunned, and Xicheng Wu was gossip, she seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

"Suddenly seeing Yusuke so close to other girls, I feel a little upset, I understand." Seiko nodded calmly.

"Here, Holy Son, have you misunderstood something?"

Eri explained at this time: "Yusuke and I are just ordinary friends."

Shengzi continued: "There is no misunderstanding. The feeling I said is like a child's toy being snatched away by others suddenly. It feels very awkward, doesn't it?"

Eri thought about it, and it really felt like this!

"Eri, your desire to control is too strong!" Rika said from the side: "I can see it very clearly. When Eri talked to Yusuke, your childhood sweetheart, you were full of gunpowder. It seemed like you were jealous."


Eri shook her head "Impossible, Yusuke is not my type"

"Then what type do you like?" Yui was also curious.

"Strong, confident, brave, and of course not too ugly"

Eri said seriously: "This is my ideal object."

Yui thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "Isn't this Yusuke's standard!"

"Then I'll add one more, older than me"

"This condition can be added randomly?" Yui complained beside him.

"Of course, people change."

With a serious face, Eri looked at Yui and Seiko at this moment, and asked:
"By the way, how did you know each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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