Chapter 156. 156. First Battle
Today is the women's competition, and today the top 16 will be divided, so there will be a total of 5 games.

More than 500 teams from all over the country competed together, using lottery. As the president, Shoko Takayama stepped forward to draw lots. Although she was very excited, her luck was very bad. She even won the runner-up of this year's national kendo competition. Jimei High School, this luck is bad enough.

Shoko Takayama had an unlucky face, meeting such a powerful opponent at the beginning.

At this time, Eri comforted from the side: "It's okay, we can make our own reputation in the first battle, and let everyone look at us with admiration!"

Xiangzi also quickly adjusted his mentality and said, "Okay, let's wash away the previous shame!"

The women's team began to prepare for the competition, while the boys were in charge of playing next to them.

On the side of Jimei High School, the contestants looked serious. Although they were facing an unknown team, they were still waiting for it.

"Do you know what happened to the other party?"

Jimei High School, the president of the kendo club, Nagano Camellia asked the club manager next to him, and the club manager quickly found the information of Hechuan Middle School.

"They were the top four in the country last year, but this year's results were so bad that they couldn't even make it to the national competition"

Nagano Camellia nodded, already had a measure in mind, and said at this time: "Although the other party's grades are terrible, we can't relax. What is our goal?"

"Jade Dragon Banner!"

Everyone said in unison, the voice was loud, and the surrounding teams all looked sideways, this fighting spirit is too high!

Many people also began to look for their information, and when they learned that they were the national runner-up, they all showed shocking expressions.

Jimei High School must be a strong enemy!
Yui and Rie who were sitting in the auditorium were also taken aback.

"It feels like everyone is so passionate!" Rie said in surprise, and Yui nodded.

"Rie, you have never participated in a sports club. Sports clubs are like this. Everyone wants to get the first place. If it is not the first place, it is meaningless!"

"It's extreme!"

Rie sighed, and then asked: "The other party looks very strong, how about Seiko and the others?"

"Don't worry." Youyi said seriously: "The Holy Son is stronger than them!"

"Have you met?"

"I've seen the match between Yusuke and Seiko, both of them are too strong."

"Awesome!" Li Hui showed a surprised look.

"The game has started, let's watch the game" Yuyi said at this time, both of them cheered up and began to watch the game.

The two teams entered the arena, each standing on one side, bowing to each other.

After the ceremony, everyone returned to the waiting seats.

"Holy Son, get ready to play." Xiangzi said softly, "It's up to you!"

The Holy Son opened his eyes at this moment, and in an instant, two rays of light burst out from his eyes.

Xiangzi was a little surprised. For a moment, she wondered if she was dazzled.

Shengzi picked up the bamboo sword and stood up. As she stood up, the momentum on her body climbed up step by step. At that moment, her petite body quickly rose up like a mountain.

The momentum was so strong that the people around were dumbfounded. At this moment, they really thought that standing here was Yusuke Misawa!

That momentum is too similar!

Xiangzi standing next to him was the most shocked. Behind the protective armor, there seemed to be a bottomless darkness, and two dazzling rays of light burst out of the darkness.

That's like a ghost!


Shoko trembled, it was trembling of excitement, it was the excitement when he saw Yusuke show off his power, it was the excitement to the extreme.

"You little thief, I will destroy it with one sword!"

The Holy Son stepped forward step by step, and the referees looked sideways at that powerful aura. It was only felt by the famous swordsman. momentum.

The referee was a little emotional, the kids nowadays are really amazing, how big is this!

The vanguard of Jimei High School opposite was frightened. She looked at Shengzi as if she was looking at a man-eating ghost. Her aura overwhelmed her, and her hands and feet were a little stiff.

It's not that the opponent is an unknown bad team, how come they are such a strong character as soon as they appear on the stage!She can guarantee that this guy's aura is stronger than that of the president. Where did this monster come from!
Standing in front of the other party, she always has a feeling that the other party will rush over at any time and tear her into pieces!
The female student in the vanguard battle swallowed her saliva, and suddenly felt that kendo was not so fun anymore.


Following the referee's voice, she also came back to her senses at this time, and subconsciously yelled.

But at the next moment, her eyes blurred, and a black figure struck from her eyes. She couldn't react at all, and then her body trembled violently.


I got hit?
The female classmate is still in a dazed state, how long has it been, one second?
He was hit by the opponent in an instant before he even made a sound?
This action is too fast!

Shengzi's attack was clean and neat. As soon as the referee's voice fell, she hit the opponent with a sword, instantly killing the opponent. The speed was so fast that even the referee was a little surprised.

The people in Jimei High School were also taken aback. Isn't the opponent a bad team?How come he is such a powerful character as soon as he comes on stage!

At this time, the club manager began to check the information of Hechuan High School again.

Shengzi took down a book first, and the two returned to their original positions.


The referee's voice fell again, and Jimei High School's vanguard was in full swing.

But the Holy Son moved faster than her, her eyes blurred, and her body was shaken violently.


Shengzi scored again, and the pioneer of Jimei High School was still in a state of confusion. This is too fast!

But the outcome was already decided, so he couldn't just sit on the field at this time, so he had to end in resentment.

"Sorry President, I failed"

The female classmate of the vanguard said apologetically, and as the president, Nagano Camellia comforted: "It's okay, it's just a vanguard, we still have a chance"

At this time, I asked the club manager next to me: "Have you found the other party's information?"

"Wait a minute!"

The club manager said anxiously that the game ended too quickly, even faster than she checked the information, and the opponent's information had not been found yet.


At this time, Nagano Camellia told the players in the second front: "You have to be careful, the opponent's speed is very fast, he should be a speed player."

The female classmate at the second front nodded and then went on stage.




The sound of two attacks in a row made the female classmate of the second front fight stunned, it ended too soon!She didn't react at all!

Nagano Camellia's face was ugly.

The difference in strength between the two sides is really too big, it's like an adult teasing a child.

At this time, the manager of the club came over sweating profusely, "I'm sorry, the president, but I couldn't find her information. It seems that the other party is participating in the competition for the first time."

(End of this chapter)

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