Chapter 177 177. The game is in progress

There was a burst of applause from the auditorium. This applause was not only for Yusuke, but also for Dagongtian High School. They saw an extremely exciting game. This is the real sportsmanship!
Yui and Rie also clapped their hands excitedly. The two of them were very worried just now, but they finally won, and they were even more overjoyed at this time.

Naoto Oki felt a little pity, and he also looked at Dagongtian High School with admiration. Without the existence of Yusuke Misawa, they would definitely be the biggest dark horse in this competition. What a pity...

Sometimes fate is such a cheat!
Players from both sides entered the arena. The five players from Dagongtian High School were in tears. Their summer was over.

But this is competitive sports, the winner is king!
Both sides bowed and saluted.

Yusuke returned to the line, ignored the cheers from the girl above, sat on the waiting seat, took off his hood, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xicheng Wuci came over and asked softly: "Senior Sanze, let me give you a massage."

At this time, she was no longer as shy as before, and Yusuke was a little tired, so he nodded.

Saijou put two small hands on Yusuke's shoulders.

"Yusuke, here is chocolate and water"

Yui came over with food, Yusuke took a sip of chocolate, drank a sip of water, and rested next to him. There were still two games left. In order to prevent any perverted players like Dagongtian High School from appearing again, he had to keep his energy up all the time Just save up.

In the auditorium, Nishi Kujo and Semi also returned to Dongchuan High School at this time. Seeing everyone's expectant eyes, Nishi Kujo opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

You are doomed to lose the game!

Although this is the truth, it always feels too hurtful to say it, and it is impossible to speak nonsense without conscience!
Seeing the expressions of the two, Kitano Masaaki immediately understood, and said, "Let's just say it, we are already mentally prepared."

"Then I'll just say it straight." Xi Kutiao thought for a while and recounted the situation at the scene.

Sure enough, after listening, everyone was silent for a while, and Kitano Masaaki stood up and said:
"Da Jintian High School is a respectable opponent. Our strength is similar to that of Da Jintian High School. They played their own style today and won everyone's respect. We can't be worse than them. The game is always unknown. We work hard The game, let us have no regrets!"


The members of the Kendo Club replied seriously, and their morale was also boosted.

Some things have to be done after all.

On the side of the Kendo Club, Xiangzi was giving a report.

"The next opponent is Shengyuan High School, and their results are the top 16 in the country"

Yusuke nodded, knowing it well, and at Shengyuan High School, the five players had already quarreled. They also saw the match between Yusuke and Dajintian High School. They were all shocked. This is really a high school student. Contest?Why is there such a big gap in everyone's strength!
A group of people panicked and made a lot of noise, unable to think of a good solution at all. In the end, they just came to a conclusion: fight with him!

After all, Shengyuan High School was only in the top 16, and it was incomparable with Dajintian High School in the top 4. Yusuke easily won 5 wins by himself, setting a new record.

At this moment, the audience was shocked. This scene was exactly the same as the game the day before yesterday. This is the rhythm of winning the grand slam!

The camera also just left the lens to Yusuke, and Yusuke's figure appeared on the big screen for the first time.

That handsome face, sharp eyes, and domineering temperament completely fit the audience's beautiful imagination of ancient warriors!
The female audience immediately had a good impression of this contestant. He is so handsome and strong. This is definitely the best boyfriend choice.

The male audience was a little upset. Yusuke Misawa is so handsome, such a handsome boy with strong strength, such a comparison...

No, I can't take it anymore!

The contestants in the competition are paying attention to this place. This is the first 20-person dare-to-fight award. The information about Yusuke Misawa is immediately in front of us. Influenced by the women's champion, everyone paid attention to this place early in the morning. Basically, everyone watched every game, so each team got detailed information, and all teams were analyzing and discussing.

Winning five people, Yongsuke returned to the waiting seat, and the female members gathered around, feeding and massaging, and Yongsuke also received the same treatment as Seiko.

And the boys were not idle, they began to collect information about the teams they played in. Although they were here to hug their thighs, they should not be too ugly, and they should help if they should.

"Xiangzi, who is your next opponent?"

At this time, Xiangzi took out the battle table and said seriously: "The next one is Lingnan High School, and the result is the top four in the country."

It was the top 4 in the country again, and Yusuke did not dare to be careless at all. Dagongtian High School is a good example. It is also the top 4 in the country. They must have extraordinary means.

And at Ayano High School, a meeting against Yusuke Misawa is going on.

President Kazuki Chiba is giving an order: "This match, everyone should play it as the final match. The opponent is very strong, so don't think about holding back!"

Chiba Kazuki's expression was very serious, and he said solemnly: "Even if you are injured, you must kill him. You can be treated if you are injured, but you only have one chance. If you fail, we will not have this summer!"

"Yes!" X4
All the contestants nodded solemnly, victory is in front of them, no one will give up!

A group of people encouraged each other, and soon, the vanguard battle was about to begin.

At this time, the camera also turned to this side, Yusuke Misawa is very likely to create the same brilliance as the women's team, this is the most important game!
The happiest thing is the Yulong Banner Committee. This year, many masters have emerged. Whether it is the strength of the players or the topicality, this year is very interesting. This is very beneficial to the promotion of the Yulong Banner.

This is the last game of the day.

Yui and Rie are a little nervous, and Naoto Oki is also looking forward to it. Will the boy be able to create a miracle?

As for Dongchuan High School, Nishikujo and Semimon ran back to watch the game, but they couldn't hold back their curiosity after all, and the other players were also paying attention.

Whether the Great Demon King will be born in today's game, everyone will wait and see.

Yusuke stood up, his eyes were extremely serious, at this moment, the cold temperament infected everyone.

"Senior Sanze, come on!" Xi Chengwu cheered from the side.

"Yusuke, it's up to you!" Yui and the others were also full of expectations.

"Don't worry!" Yusuke's voice came, the fighting spirit at this moment was extremely high, it was the courageous momentum!
"Watch me crush them!"



The fifth game begins!

(End of this chapter)

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