Chapter 182 180. Final


Uchida quickly left the field and returned to the team with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Sorry, I failed!"

Kitano Masaaki patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "It's okay, just keep working hard next time."

The second-hander was also a first-year player, and Da Ma also stood up at this time: "I'm on the field!"




Da Ma also left the field very quickly. The strength of the two of them is completely incomparable with Yusuke, and they all ended in a flash.

Although they knew Yusuke's weakness, and used the lower stance and stab attack in a targeted manner, the huge gap in strength could not be made up by these skills.

The faces of the female students are all ugly. They really can't deal with Hechuan Middle School. The girls' group is like this, and the boys' group is also like this. It's really evil!

Yusuke stood on the court with a serious expression on his face. Today's game will be a hard fight, and he did not hold back, and brought out all his strengths.

In the vanguard battle, the second front battle, the backbone battle, and the deputy general battle, the players from Dongchuan High School knelt down four times in a row, and finally only the general Hideki Kitagawa remained.

Kitagawa Hideki put on the armor at this time, and said seriously: "I'm playing!"

His fighting spirit is very high, even if he knows that he is not Yusuke's opponent, but he will not give up lightly, some things need to be tried to know.

Looking at Yusuke standing opposite, he was a little familiar with the domineering aura on the other party. He was humiliated by this guy constantly in Hechuan Middle School last time, and now all those bad memories came back.

Beichuan Hideki took a deep breath and put all these distracting thoughts behind him.

On it!

Yusuke looked at Hideki Kitagawa on the opposite side, he was once defeated, but even so, he was ready to fight.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!


The referee's voice fell, and both sides launched attacks at the same time.

Beichuan Hideki stepped on the floor vigorously with his feet, his body was like a spear, and he stabbed forward in an instant, that fierce momentum seemed to break through the sky.

This guy's speed is faster than last time, it seems that these people have put in a lot of effort, but Yusuke is not without improvement.

Kitagawa Hideki's attack was astonishingly fast, but Yusuke could see his movements clearly, his body changed direction instantly, Kitagawa Hideki's bamboo sword passed by, and the bamboo sword in his hand had already appeared at Kitagawa Hideki The waist of the tree fell, and the sound of fierce beating came.


The figures of the two crossed, and the referee's voice fell: "Score!"

Beichuan Hideki exhaled, this guy's speed and strength are stronger than last time, because of the existence of the rules of the game, he was not beaten up like last time, but he can also feel that the opponent is stronger than last time , Is this guy going to give people a way to survive?
Yusuke also returned to the original position, raised the bamboo sword, and the domineering aura wanted to crush everything.

Facing this astonishing momentum, Kitagawa Hideki did not flinch, stood in his original position, and once again assumed the posture of the next stage of play. This is the last chance, and he must get a point this time!

The figures of the two sides crossed in an instant, and the sound of the bamboo sword hitting came.

Beichuan Hideki stood there in a daze, and finally sighed helplessly.

He lost.

Hechuan Middle School advanced again, and there was a huge cheer from the scene.

"It seems that there is no way to defeat Yusuke Misawa with the next attack and stabbing!" Naoto Daki said with emotion, even if he knew the weakness, but in the face of the huge gap in strength, the strategy was completely useless.

"Senior Dashu" Suzuki Ran asked with some doubts: "Why do you feel like you are looking forward to Yusuke Misawa's defeat?"

Uncle Naoto shook his head: "No, on the contrary, I expect Misawa Yusuke to keep winning!"

Yui and Rie were a little unhappy when they heard Naoto Oki's words just now, but at this time the other party's attitude made them a little confused.

Suzuki Lan was also puzzled. The three of them looked at Naoto Oki and waited for his explanation. Naoto Oki said with a smile:

"Didn't you see the report yesterday? It was written by me!"

It was only then that everyone realized that the report was full of bragging to Jie, completely like a fanatical fan, and it was unexpectedly written by Naoto Oki.

But the other party's current attitude is too confusing. Could it be that they are naturally black when they are deeply fans?
"I have great expectations for Yusuke Misawa. He has amazing potential. Although he also has some shortcomings, haven't you noticed? Yusuke Misawa has a fast learning ability. He was in a hurry under Chiba Kazuki's attack yesterday, but He was able to fight back later, but today, Yusuke Sansawa did not lose the slightest in the face of the moves that focused on him. Although the huge gap in strength between the two sides is one reason, I can feel that Yusuke Sansawa is stronger than yesterday. You have made a lot of progress, think back, how many tricks Misawa Yusuke used against today's players"

Only then did the three of Youyi recall that against today's few players, Yusuke only used one move, but yesterday Yusuke faced those opponents with two or three swords. Could it be that what Daki Naoto said is true, that Yusuke's strength has become stronger?
Yusuke has indeed become stronger, without him, he is familiar with it!
Yesterday, I fought with more than 20 players in a row. These are rich experiences. Under such circumstances, everyone will change, let alone Yusuke's understanding is stronger than ordinary people, and he has more abilities to comprehend.

Finally reached the quarter-finals, Yusuke sat on the waiting seat, the team members gathered around, Saijo Mai massaged his shoulders, Eri and Shoko each massaged an arm, and Yui helped feed them.

Several girls walked around the agency and took a break before Yusuke asked, "Shoko, who is the next opponent?"

"Zhujing High School, the historical achievement is the top eight in the country"

"it is good!"

Yusuke nodded, knowing what he was thinking, and sat there with his eyes closed to rest his mind and recharge his batteries.

Finally, the match started again, Yusuke opened his eyes at this time, sharp eyes, that domineering momentum returned again.

Top eight!

Top four!

Yongsuke made great strides all the way, and finally made it to the final. He blew up the audience with his own strength. This is the strongest player on the Yulong Banner!

Everyone is paying attention to this final, and the cameras have started to record the game. This will be the most meaningful final!
"Xiangzi, who is your next opponent?"

Yusuke was sitting on the waiting seat, with slight sweat on his forehead. These guys were hard to deal with. When they played, they all came up to bite them like hungry wolves. In order to deal with them , Yusuke spent a lot of effort, finally, to the last game.

(End of this chapter)

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