Chapter 203 203. Understood
"Don't look at me like that. I'm a teacher, but I'm also Eri's cousin, and she's also a woman. As long as I can protect my own safety, I can use any method. You are too immature!"

Ritsuko said calmly, Eri and the others thought about it for a while, and then nodded.

Their impression of Ritsuko Ishima has also changed a lot. She is not that kind of pedantic teacher.

"Okay, that's the end of the preaching, don't let this matter affect your mood"

Ritsuko smiled at this time, she is also a beautiful woman, that bright smile, the cold aura just now disappeared in an instant.

"Teacher Ritsuko is so handsome!"

Yui whispered at this time, the aura was completely different, and Rika nodded in agreement.

The four of them were not in the mood to play ball at this time, and Yui said, "Let's go swimming."

The girls quickly went into the water to play, and Yusuke also stood up at this time.

"Mr. Yijima, I'll leave for a while"

"Are you going to deal with them?"

Ritsuko Ishima said calmly, her eyes were looking at Eri and the others who were playing in the water, when she turned her head, her eyes were very bright.

Like Eri, Ritsuko Ishima also has beautiful eyes, looking at Yusuke as if trying to see through him.

"You are too impulsive!"

"Ryuko-sensei, you are right," Yusuke replied calmly, "But after thinking about it for a long time, I still think this is the best way."

Yusuke became serious now.

"Cut the grass and get rid of the roots!"

Yusuke has seen this kind of rubbish a lot, he can guarantee that they will definitely come to trouble later, in order to avoid these troubles, Yusuke decided to beat them again, until they can't take care of themselves, only when it hurts, they will be afraid .

As for whether you will commit a crime, it is not a crime if you don’t get caught!
And they will definitely not go to the police. Little bastards like them, how can the people in the police station care about you!
All things considered, it is the easiest way to hit them until they cannot take care of themselves.

Yusuke also explained these words to Ritsuko. Based on Ritsuko's speech just now, she is by no means a rigid person.

"So you're going to do it alone?"

"The fewer people who know, the better"

Ritsuko nodded and said, "Although the method is crude, it is correct, but it would be wrong not to discuss it with me."

Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "What advice does Ritsuko have?"

"There are many ways to deal with the enemy. Force is the most inferior way. It is the best way for you at this stage, but you have forgotten that you still have other people who can help you. Jiang Zhihua is a famous and powerful family. You have extremely powerful connections, you must be good at using the power of your connections.”

Ritsuko stood up at this moment and said, "Come with me."

Yusuke followed, and the two walked side by side.

"You are different from ordinary boys, so I don't mind teaching you more. There are many ways to solve things in this world. Wealth, connections, and power are all ways."

"Power refers to force. It basically refers to your own power. The large-scale one refers to the power of an organization. It looks very powerful and very violent. It is the lowest method."

"The second type, connections, your friends, your classmates, the people you make friends with, these are your strengths, people need each other, you need him, he needs you, these are mutual transactions , then you seem to be in big trouble, maybe your good friend can solve it with a phone call, in a word, connections are everything.”

"And the last one, money, is also the highest level, and it is also a common law all over the world. Money can pass through the gods, and money is power!"

Yusuke listened carefully beside him, this was a class he had never come into contact with.


Everyone has heard of it, but no one has seen it.

This is an invisible ceiling in front of everyone, and it is not easy to break the class.

Taking the 5 people in the club as an example, Yusuke and Yui belong to one class, while Li Xiang and Seiko belong to another class.Originally, Yusuke thought that Eri was also among them, but seeing Ritsuko's performance today, Yusuke felt a little underestimated. It seems that Enoka's family background is very powerful.

Although everyone's status in school is equal, once they graduate, everyone immediately embarks on different paths, and their status immediately becomes high or low.

This is not something that hard work and achievements can make up for. If you want to climb to a higher level, if you are lucky, you can work hard for a few years. If you are not lucky, you will never be able to climb up.

Class solidification, a solid ceiling that blocks everyone.

On the other hand, Yusuke is in the class of the common people and is now advancing to the next level. Although he has achieved certain achievements now, he is still as weak as an ant in front of the big consortium.

Breaking through the class requires luck, hard work, and opportunity, and this is a bloody road.

Yusuke is confident that his starting point is higher than anyone else's. This is a cheating device. If he can't beat other people, it will really embarrass the traverser!

Ritsuko continued: "You are using force to solve the problem now. For you, this is the best way, but using violence to control violence will eventually bring more trouble. Although you have suppressed them today, But they also have friends and family members. This is a powerful force. It is impossible to settle all of them. Then, things will fall into a bigger vortex, and you will find things even more troublesome.

In fact, it is very simple to solve this kind of thing. Standing at a higher level, it is actually very easy to solve. To deal with these people, if Eri is willing to use his family relationship, a phone call will do.

Force can suppress the enemy, but it will eventually hurt yourself. You need to be good at using various resources to solve things, rather than letting yourself fall into a quagmire."

Yusuke nodded thoughtfully.

"You are very powerful. Among my peers, I dare say that you are the best, even Eri is not as good as you, but you have to know that sometimes, some people stand at the top right from birth, and their destiny is so unfair”

Yusuke stopped at this moment and asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Ritsuko also stopped in her tracks, turned her head, and looked at Yusuke.

"Because I want you to know how big the gap is between you and Eri"

Ritsuko looked into Yusuke's eyes with an extremely serious attitude.

"I said so, you should understand"

Yusuke nodded.

Understood, Yusuke understood everything.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder Ritsuko would tell him so many things, it was all to pave the way for his psychology.

Ritsuko said very seriously: "You and Eri can be friends, but"

"Don't shoot at Eri!"

(End of this chapter)

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