Chapter 206 206. Making Movies

"White Rabbit, this is the holy sword of our clan. According to legend, whoever pulls out the holy sword is a legendary warrior. But for thousands of years, no one has been able to do it, but I believe you will be able to do it! "

A cat figure said to a rabbit figure.

The cat doll has cute eyes and a smiling face, and the rabbit doll also has a cute expression.

The rabbit puppet nodded, straightened its legs, stretched out its hand, and grabbed the wooden knife stuck in the watermelon.

The cat puppet next to it clenched its fists nervously.

The next moment, the wooden knife was pulled out, and the blade was pulled out from the watermelon, bringing out red watermelon juice, and the wooden knife pointed to the sky.

"so amazing!"

The cat puppet exclaimed in surprise: "You have pulled out the legendary holy sword, and you are the legendary warrior!"

"With this holy sword, you will definitely be able to defeat the Great Demon King!" The voice of the cat doll was full of excitement and anticipation.

"The legendary warrior? Let me, Big Big Wolf, meet you!"

Just then, a werewolf puppet jumped out from behind the stone, holding a bamboo sword in his hand.

It was a gray wolf doll with a scar over the left eye, a big mouth, and a red tongue sticking out.

Big Big Wolf swung the bamboo sword twice, jumped up and down, the sand under his feet flew around, and finally took a pose.

"Big Big Wolf is here!"

"Oops, it's the devil's subordinate!" The cat puppet took a step back in surprise, and accidentally fell to the ground.

Hui Tailang was holding the bamboo sword in his hand, and at this moment he let out a smug laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha"

The sound was very evil, and at the same time, the tongue moved up and down in its mouth, as if it was licking something, its appearance was very obscene.

"Don't come here!" The cat puppet crawled back a few steps, its voice full of panic.

"You yell, even if you yell and break your throat, no one will take care of you!"

The voice of the big bad wolf became even more vicious, and he walked over step by step with his thighs on his thighs. The cat puppet couldn't help but backed up a few steps in fright. At this time, he covered his face with his hands and screamed.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Big Big Wolf.

The cute and cute expression is the White Rabbit Warrior!

It held the holy sword, pointed at Big Big Wolf, looked at him with cute eyes, and said in a high-pitched voice: "The white rabbit is here, who dares to be presumptuous!"

Big Big Wolf stopped at this moment, crossed his hips, laughed three times, and licked his tongue up and down again.

"A mere white rabbit fighter dares to fight against me. I'll let you see how good I am today. I like eating rabbits the most."

"I will destroy you evildoer today!"

"Sword come!"

The white rabbit warrior yelled, and then the bamboo sword in his hand danced for a while, and then his body turned around, the bamboo sword in his hand was raised high, and one hand was placed obliquely in front of him, forming a V shape.

"White Rabbit Warrior!"

Big Big Wolf put his hands in front of his body at this time, forming a cross, and then swung the bamboo sword in his hand, drawing a trace on the sand, then squatted down, flying his hands backward like an eagle Like wings.

"The big bad wolf is here!"

Then, the two puppets rushed up at the same time, and then there was a crackling fight, and the bamboo swords of the two kept fighting.

The two puppets kept jumping back and forth, the sand was flying, and the scene was very chaotic.

After fighting for a few minutes, the White Rabbit Warrior hit the Big Bad Wolf with his sword. The Big Bad Wolf let out a strange cry and took a step back involuntarily.

The white rabbit warrior rushed forward at this time, and the wooden knife hit Hui Tailang's hand again. Hui Tailang couldn't hold his hand immediately, and the bamboo sword in his hand flew out.

At this time, the white rabbit soldier raised the wooden knife in his hand and shouted loudly.


The wooden knife fell, Hui Tailang let out a strange cry, and then fell to the ground, sticking out his tongue feebly.

At this moment, the White Rabbit Warrior's body turned around, the wooden knife was carried on his shoulder, and one palm was stretched out in front of him.

"I am the White Rabbit Warrior!"

"Card! OK!"

When Eri's voice came, Rika stopped shooting, and Hui Tailang who fell on the ground also got up at this time, took off the hood, and the other two also took off the hood.

The one wearing the Big Big Wolf doll is Yusuke, the cat doll is Yui, and the White Rabbit Warrior is Seiko. They are filming a scripted movie today.

"You guys did a great job!"

Eri gave a thumbs up and praised, and Rika also nodded appreciatively, only Ritsuko next to her looked dazed.

What are you doing?
You call this a performance?
Aren't the movies you made before good?

Why did you suddenly change to such a painting style? What happened to you guys?

The performance, the plot, and the lines are all embarrassing!The performance just now made Lei's heart tender!

Before Yusuke said that Eri's behavior was a bit weird, she didn't take it seriously, but now she is a little shaken, it's not that Eri is weird, it's that you people are too weird!

Ritsuko really wanted to complain, but there were too many bad things, and she didn't know how to complain.

Seeing how serious the performances were by several people, Ritsuko felt that she couldn't watch it anymore. If she continued watching, she was afraid that she would lose her mind.

Ritsuko tries to leave, but is caught by Eri.

"Sister Ritsuko, where are you going? It's your part."

Ritsuko was a little embarrassed, if she had known earlier, she wouldn't have agreed so quickly!

Early in the morning, Yusuke and his team got up to shoot the movie, and Ritsuko was a little curious, so she followed.

When Eri asked her to participate, Ritsuko said that there was no problem. She thought it was like the previous movie, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

How embarrassing, what a shame!

But everything was said, Ritsuko couldn't go back on his word.

She struggled a lot, and finally went on stage. Fortunately, she was wearing a puppet costume, otherwise she would really be ashamed to see people when such a movie was released.

Yusuke took off his puppet costume at this time, the story of Big Big Wolf is over, and he can rest on the sidelines first.

At this time, the clothes on my body were soaked, and the weather was too hot. Wearing a doll costume in such a hot weather was simply a disaster!
The faces of Yui and Seiko, who were still wearing doll costumes, were already covered with sweat.

Lixiang came over with two towels, and the two of them wiped it to make it more comfortable.

"Drink your saliva first, the weather is too hot, don't suffer from heat stroke"

Yusuke took two bottles of water and handed them to the two. They opened the water bottles, drank half of the water in one go, and then exhaled.

Eri also came over at this time, and next to her was Ritsuko in a doll costume. She was a panda doll, and her role was next.

We discussed it and started right away.

"Wait a minute, I haven't read the plot and lines yet?"

Ritsuko said anxiously at this time, if she wants to help, she must also let her read the script, she hasn't read the script until now.

"We're in a hurry, so I'll give you an overview of the plot, Ritsuko-san, you can figure out the lines," Eri said calmly.

Their joint camp was only 7 days, but half of the time was spent playing, and it was only three days of filming, so the progress was very fast.

But they are filming Happy Sand Sculpture Brush, acting skills don’t matter, as long as the lines are read according to the lines, it doesn’t matter if you miss a line or two, even if you forget the lines, you can improvise, as long as it doesn’t affect the general plot, Yusuke They did the same just now.

Hearing those words, Ritsuko had a strange expression on his face.

Are you making a movie or are you playing?

(End of this chapter)

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