The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 208 208. This guy is definitely not an ordinary person

Chapter 208 208. This guy is definitely not an ordinary person
Yusuke was a little confused, did he succeed so easily?This is too fast!
Seeing Yusuke's silly look, the woman smiled, stretched out her hand, and held Yusuke's palm

Am I being manipulated again?


The gun I made an appointment with...

wrong!Not yet! was my own initiative, so it's not easy to let go at this time.

The woman came over and held Yusuke's arm. Yusuke could feel two bouncy things sticking to his arm, and his body stiffened suddenly.

This is too enthusiastic!
The woman also felt the change in Yusuke's body, and whispered in her ear:
"You are so tough~"

Yusuke almost spurted blood, this is too old a driver!
Yusuke glanced at the girl, the girl showed a bright smile, her round eyes were smiling, and she couldn't imagine that she was the one who said the wolf-hug words just now

To be honest, Yusuke was a little scared.

This guy is definitely not an ordinary person!

But right now, in order to take care of the overall situation, he can only follow her.

Yui and the others also changed their clothes, and put the wet clothes and doll clothes in two big bags.

"Yusuke, we changed!"

Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of Yusuke.

"Where did Yusuke go?" Yui asked curiously.

"Could it be back to the hotel?" Shengzi replied after thinking for a while.

"Impossible. Yusuke just said that someone is coming, so he should have stopped him." Eri shook his head and said, while Lixiang thought for a moment, and said, "Could something have happened? Yusuke went to stop the other party, no Let the other party come over, and then there was a conflict?"

"However, there are no traces of fighting around here," Shengzi replied after scanning the surrounding area.

"No matter what, let's find out where Yusuke is first." Ritsuko said at this time: "Whether it's a boy or a girl, you should be careful when you go out."

Everyone nodded.

Yusuke and the woman were walking on the beach at this time, this place was far away from the original place, but the woman was still holding Yusuke's arm, and Yusuke could feel the two bouncing things.

This girl is very predictable!
This scale is comparable to Yui, even stronger than her!

This is a woman who can't be controlled by one hand!

Yusuke's body was a little stiff at first, but then slowly returned to normal.

Sensing Yusuke's change, the woman leaned over at this moment, exhaling Ruolan.

"It's getting soft so soon~"

There was a black line on Yusuke's face immediately, looking at her smiling eyes, Yusuke knew that she definitely did it on purpose!

Seeing Yusuke's face, the woman let go of her arms at this moment, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, your goal should have been achieved, aren't you trying to lure me away from that place?"

Yusuke exhaled and adjusted his mood.

That woman is very shrewd, those previous actions were intentional, but no matter what, the purpose has been achieved.

"Thank you for interrupting!"

Yusuke turned around and wanted to leave.

"Are you leaving like this?" The woman's voice came again, "Didn't you say you wanted to buy me tea? Just leave like this, you heartless man!"

Yusuke sighed, stopped in his tracks, turned around, and said, "You also know my purpose, and there will be no result if you keep pestering me now."

"You ruthless man, you took so much advantage of me just now, and you want to leave now?"

"That's what you held me by yourself"

"But I saw that you seemed very happy just now, and deliberately rubbed against me twice, I know it all."

"Don't talk nonsense, I have never acted"

"That means you have this plan!"

Yusuke rubbed his head, this girl is a bit messy, but who is calling himself a cheap mouth?
Sighed, said: "Okay, I'll treat you to tea, and then it's over"

"That's about it, let's go"

The woman didn't come up to hold Yusuke's arm this time, and the two walked in tandem.

"By the way, what's behind that rock?"

The woman walking in front turned her head to ask at this time, her big smiling eyes were full of curiosity.


"Okay, how did it feel just now?"

"What do you feel?"

The woman gave Yusuke a meaningful look, her eyes full of teasing.

"What do you say?"

This expression is really...

Female drivers are the deadliest drivers!
"Hahaha, your expression is so funny!" The woman laughed loudly at this moment.

"Are you kidding me, are you angry?"


Yusuke shook his head helplessly, this guy's skill is not something he can provoke now.

The two came to the tea stall on the side of the road.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Oolong Tea"

"Two Cups of Oolong Tea"

Taking the oolong tea from the clerk, Yusuke handed one of the cups to the woman, who took the oolong tea, took a sip, and nodded.

"Okay, that's it, let's meet again"

The woman waved her hand and left.

Only then did Yusuke heave a sigh of relief, this female driver is really scary!
But the woman stopped after taking two steps, turned her head, and looked at Yusuke with smiling eyes.

"I have a hunch that we will meet again~"

Ignoring Yusuke's reaction, the woman hummed a little song and left.

What a wonderful island country!
After adjusting his mood, Yusuke went back in the original direction, and met Yui on the way.

"Yusuke, where have you been?"

"Something happened just now, let's go"

Yusuke never wants to recall this kind of weirdness.

Yui nodded, without asking too much, it would be no problem to find someone.

Soon, everyone was back together again.

"You bastard! Why did you leave suddenly!" Eri said with some dissatisfaction, Yusuke shook his head, "It's hard to say!"

"Did something happen?" Ritsuko was a little curious, she had already solved those little bastards yesterday, is there a new problem?
But Yusuke didn't explain too much, and everyone stopped asking.

"Then let's go eat"

Eri said at this time, everyone nodded, since they were busy in the morning until now, everyone has only drank a few bottles of water, and they are already exhausted.

In the restaurant, everyone sat and rested after ordering food, while Yusuke went to change clothes.

When he came out of the bathroom, he met someone he didn't want to see at the door.

Still the woman in the white swimsuit.

She was coming out of the women's restroom next door when the two appeared at the same time.

The two were stunned at the same time, and the woman smiled at this time and said, "I'm right, we met again."

Yusuke was speechless, this guy must be following him, right?
Seemingly understanding Yusuke's thoughts, the woman said at this time: "I didn't follow you, all this is the arrangement of fate, the two of us are destined."

Yusuke had a headache, he didn't expect to meet someone he didn't want to meet here.

After looking at where Yui and the others were sitting, it happened to be at the corner of the restaurant, and they couldn't see this side, so they breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he said: "I'm sorry about that incident just now, please pretend that you don't know me from now on!"

(End of this chapter)

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