Chapter 210 210. Mountain Climbing
It's rare, but it turned out to be a message from Sakata Osamu. Didn't this guy go back to the country?

"Yusuke, I heard that you won the Jade Dragon Banner champion, congratulations!"

The school must know that Yusuke won the Yulong Banner championship, but the students may not be sure, since it is still summer vacation after all.

But Osamu Sakata did not know where he got the information, so he sent a text message to congratulate him, and Yusuke replied immediately.

"Thank you, how are you doing in the country?"

"It's okay, there are a lot of fun things here"

Sakata was still very resistant before, but he didn't expect to enjoy it now.

"Looking at your appearance, you are doing well in the country. Could it be an affair?"

"I can't say that I had an affair, but I made a few friends"

"Excellent, maybe when I come back, I even have a girlfriend."

"Then we have to work harder!"

"By the way, what about Mu, did their club say they're going to live together in the mountains? Have you come back yet?"

"That guy is back, but later he went on an adventure with his friends."

Yusuke also received a message from Gao Chengmu at this time, and this guy came by coincidence, and soon the three of them came to the chat room and chatted in it.

Gao Chengmu: I have found a new adventure location here, let's explore together when you come back!
Sakata Osamu: No, I can do it once in a place like last time

Gao Chengmu: You guys are too lack of exercise, adventure is a man's romance!

Sakata Osamu: I can't appreciate this kind of romance

Sakata Osamu: And I may not be able to go back in the short term, I guess I will not go back until the beginning of school

Gao Chengmu: I remember that you were not very repulsed in the countryside before?Why did you stay for so long this time?
Yusuke Misawa: Because he had an affair!

Gao Chengmu: Aventure, which woman is blind to fall in love with you?

Sakata Osamu: Do you believe I beat you?Lao Tzu is very handsome!
Gao Chengmu: Let’s talk about reducing the fat on your body
Osamu Sakata: When I lose weight, I will scare you to death. You must know that every fat person is a potential stock!
Gao Chengmu: Don't talk to you anymore, by the way, Yusuke, how about you?
Yusuke Misawa: I'm sleeping with people from the club, so I don't have time now
Gao Chengmu: Where are you going to sleep together?

Yusuke Misawa: We are in Okinawa
Sakata Osamu: Okinawa!so good!Hot summer!beach!Beauty!

Misawa Yusuke: Sorry, I have everything you said here!
Sakata Osamu: Are you showing off, guy?
Yusuke Misawa: Exactly!how do you know?

The three of them were bragging there, and it may have been too long since they had communicated. They chatted until after one o'clock in the middle of the night before everyone went offline.

At five o'clock the next morning, a group of people gathered in the lobby downstairs.

"Why is it so early in the end?" Yui said with a yawn. He had a great time yesterday. Although he went to bed early, he still felt sore when he got up in the morning.

Rika also felt back pain, but Seiko and Eri were alive and well, while Yusuke and Ryoko were unaffected.

"Of course you have to go in the morning to climb the mountain! The air is fresh and the temperature is just right. If it's later, the weather will be too hot!"

Eri said excitedly: "I've made all the arrangements, everyone, let's go now!"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

The mountain to climb is not very far away. It takes about half an hour to get there by bus. It has been developed into a tourist area, and it is very convenient to climb the mountain.

When I came here, there were already people here.

Smelling the fresh air and the cool breeze in the morning, Yui and Rika, who were still a little tired, also regained their spirits at this time.

With an excited face, Eri pointed to the top of the mountain with one hand.

"Our goal is above that apex, let's go!"

The morning sun was not very strong, and the cool breeze in the mountains was very refreshing. The group of people was full of interest, stepping on the dewy stone steps, climbing up step by step.

Everyone is dressed lightly, T-shirts and shorts, youthful and invincible.

"Let's rest here for a while"

Ritsuko said at this time that a group of people had already climbed to the halfway up the mountain. There was a huge square here, and many people were resting here.

A group of people nodded, those who should drink water should drink water, and those who should eat should eat to replenish their physical strength.

"The environment here is very beautiful!" Yui praised, although it is halfway up the mountain, but looking around, you can also see the sea in the distance, and the scenery is also very beautiful.

"Let's take a picture here!" Lixiang took out her mobile phone, and everyone nodded.

What's the point of traveling without taking pictures?

A group of people took a picture together, then each person took a picture alone, then a picture with two people, a picture with three people, and kept changing the order to form various combinations.

Yusuke just took two photos, one alone and one group photo, and then waited beside him for half an hour, watching the girls play various tricks in taking pictures.

This selfie took longer than climbing a mountain!
Finally, the girls were satisfied.

"Let's move on!"

Everyone sorted out their things and continued to climb up, and the scenery became more and more beautiful.

There is also a platform halfway up the mountain, where you can see the beautiful waterfall, so everyone stopped and continued to take pictures.

Yusuke looked at it, and felt that he would have to wait at least half an hour, so he said, "I'll go up first, let's gather at the top of the mountain."

The girls also nodded, and they could tell that Yusuke had no interest in taking pictures, and waiting here was also boring, it might as well climb to the top of the mountain first, anyway, it's a matter of order.

Yusuke took a step first, the sun came out slowly, and the temperature slowly rose.

But in the woods, I still don't feel the heat.

Yusuke climbed directly to the top of the mountain in one breath. There was a large square on the top of the mountain, and several people took pictures here.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the cool breeze blows, it is really different, the scenery on the top of the mountain is even more beautiful.

"I said, we will definitely meet again!"

A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, Yusuke's body froze for a moment, sighed, turned his head, and there was still the smiling woman in front of him.

She was wearing a white T-shirt and shorts, sandals on her feet, and a straw hat on her head. The sun was shining, and her cute smiling face was shining in the sun. She was a beauty.

"We are really destined!" The woman said with a smile.

This must be evil fate!

Is it my bad luck?
"Do you remember the bet yesterday? It's time to tell me your name"

The woman's big eyes looked at Yusuke, and her round eyes were as bright as jewels.

"My name is Yusuke Misawa"

"My name is Sakurai Norio"

Norio Sakurai?This name sounds like a boy.

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Sakurai Norio smiled, "Do you think my name looks like a boy? No way, my father decided on this name before I was born, but I didn't expect to be born. It turned out to be a girl, but Dad still decided to use this name."

Yusuke didn't comment too much on other people's family affairs.

Sakurai Norio asked at this time: "Yusuke, how old are you this year?"

"16 years old"

"I'm only 16 years old, and he's still a high school student, younger than me." Norio Sakurai was a little distressed at this moment, "What should I do? Sister-brother love seems to be somewhat taboo~"

Then he smiled, "But sister, I like this kind of forbidden relationship the most, it's so exciting!"

Yusuke looked at the other party speechlessly, and Yusuke could tell that this guy is the kind of beautiful girl who likes to tell nasty jokes!

"Sorry, I'm not interested in you"

Norio Sakurai seemed to be stimulated, "Then you still approached me yesterday? You heartless man!"

"I don't want to explain to you, believe it or not"

"What you said is irresponsible at all!"

Yusuke rubbed his head, how many brain cells would die talking to this guy!
Sakurai Norio showed a narrow smile at this time, "Do you have a girlfriend? The one from yesterday? She is quite pure and cute. You are so amazing that you have such a beautiful girlfriend." At this time He winked at Yusuke.

It was the first time for Yusuke to see such an obscene smile on a beautiful girl, which really made him refresh his outlook.

What a wonderful island country!
(End of this chapter)

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