The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 212 212. College Student Norio Sakurai

Chapter 212 212. College Student Norio Sakurai

A group of people looked at Yusuke curiously, they thought it was just an ordinary chat, but it seems that this is not the case.

Yusuke pondered for a moment, then introduced everyone to Norio Sakurai.

"You are all so cute!" Norio Sakurai praised with a smile.

"Sakurai sister, you are beautiful too"

"Are you from a club, come out and sleep together?"


"It's so good, I really miss it. When I was in high school, I also went to the dormitory several times. Those days are really nostalgic."

"Sister Sakurai, are you a college student now?" Rika asked curiously, judging by Sakurai Norio's appearance, he should be a college student.

"You can just call me Norio, don't be so polite." Sakurai Norio replied with a smile, "I'm a sophomore at Waseda University now."

"Waseda University!"

Everyone was a little surprised, Waseda also belonged to a famous school, but they didn't expect this delicate girl to be a famous college student.

"Waseda University is nothing, in fact, it's like that." Norio Sakurai waved his hand and said, "Actually, I miss my life in high school even more. University life is too boring."

"How could it be?" Lixiang said at this time: "University life should be colorful"

"You think too much. A colorful life should be in high school. In high school, everyone has dreams. After college, everyone becomes a reality."

"Is it like this?" Lixiang and the others looked at Ritsuko, she has the right to speak.

Ritsuko thought for a moment, then nodded, "That's true!"

After graduating from high school for three years, I either entered the society or continued to study in university, but I continued to study in order to gain more contacts. During this period of university, ideals and enthusiasm have long been exhausted, and the rest is reality.

At this time, Ritsuko continued: "But the university has a university life style, which is equally exciting."

Everyone nodded thoughtfully, and Norio Sakurai nodded in agreement.

"Ryukko is right. When we get to college, everyone is an adult, so we can do some adult sports~"

When it came to the end, her ending lengthened a bit, and the black line on Yusuke's face, he knew that this guy would definitely go racing!
Sure enough, the girls froze for a moment, and then blushed. Everyone understood, and the girls glanced at Yusuke secretly.

But Yusuke didn't notice this, and the girls were relieved, only Ritsuko noticed, with a weird expression.

Norio Sakurai went on to say: "Many clubs are only available in universities, such as rowing boats, only university clubs have them."

At this time, she was serious, and she couldn't see the racing car just now.

This guy definitely did it on purpose!
"By the way, Ms. Sakurai, are you also here to sleep together?"

Eri asked at this time, she always felt that this person was weird.

Sakurai Norio shook his head, "No, I came to travel alone, I met Yusuke yesterday, something happened, and then we got to know each other."

Everyone thought about it, Yusuke said yesterday that someone came over, it should be her.

Speaking of which, they have known each other not long ago!

But why does it feel like the two of you are very familiar?
'Yusuke Yusuke' shouted, this is too intimate!
"Ji Xiong, don't you think it's dangerous to travel alone?" Lixiang asked at this time.

"Life is not only about the present, but also poetry and the distance"

Sakurai Norio suddenly said something that made everyone puzzled, then smiled and replied: "I'm a karate gangster!"

Everyone nodded, it turned out that they had the power to protect themselves.

"And I still have a lot of things." She picked up the small bag beside her and took out a spray from it.

"This is anti-wolf spray, and this, a high-voltage stun gun!"

She flicked the switch, and the electric current crackled, looking very dangerous.

"We girls have to protect ourselves when we go out, we can't just let people strike up a conversation!"

Speaking of this, she glanced at Yusuke, and there was a black line on Yusuke's face.

What is this guy implying?
Eri also noticed the interaction between the two, with a puzzled look on her face, these two definitely have something!
"I still have a lot of stuff, let me show you my equipment"

Lixiang and the others were a little curious, and gathered around, and the girls chatted chatteringly.

Sakurai Norio was demonstrating weapons to them, Ritsuko approached Yusuke at this moment, and asked curiously, "Are you familiar with her?"

The relationship between the two made her a little confused, Yusuke sighed, and replied, "I've only known each other for a day."

Ritsuko was a little surprised, only a day?You guys are so familiar with each other?

If Ritsuko knew that they had only met three times, they would probably be even more surprised.

"Then is she trustworthy?" Ritsuko asked warily, no matter how careful she was when she was out of the house, she couldn't be too careful, especially when a stranger approached them suddenly.

"It should be possible." Yusuke was a little unsure.

She is full of nasty jokes and likes racing cars, but after seeing her ID card and student ID card, her identity is correct, and Yusuke's sense of her is very strange.

Rika and the others also finished watching Norio Sakurai's weapon at this time, and nodded.

The girls decided to configure something like this when they go back.
When going out, safety is the most important thing!

"By the way," Norio Sakurai asked at this moment: "Yusuke said you are making a movie, can I watch it?"

She looked at Eri expectantly. From the communication just now, she knew that Eri was the president of the club.

"That's not a problem," Eri replied. With the way they shoot, it doesn't matter whether there are people watching on the spot.

"But we didn't shoot today, we will have it tomorrow"

"So that's it, then you are here to play today, can I act with you later?" Norio Sakurai looked at Eri expectantly at this moment.

"This one……"

Eri was a little embarrassed. To be honest, she had a very strange sense of Sakurai Norio. Although she didn't hate it, she couldn't say she liked it either. It was always weird to be with her.

Yusuke said at this time: "Sakurai, wait a minute, aren't you going to play at the beach? We have to climb the mountain, and everyone's direction is different"

Yusuke stared at Norio Sakurai, Norio Sakurai froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"It turns out that you still want to play here, so forget it."

Sakurai Norio said with a smile at this time: "Okay, I'm going down the mountain too, goodbye."

He waved his hand, said goodbye to everyone, and left soon.

Only then did Yusuke heave a sigh of relief, this guy finally left!

Several girls looked at each other, always felt that this guy was too strange, he appeared suddenly, and then disappeared suddenly, very strange, they all looked at Yusuke.

"Yusuke, what is your relationship with her?" Eri was really curious.

"People I met on the road and accidentally became friends" Yusuke replied calmly.

Eri looked at Yusuke suspiciously, it was too suspicious, there must be some secret.

But with Yusuke's personality, he can't help but say that she doesn't want to.

"Okay, ignore her." Yusuke said at this moment, "The scenery there is nice, let's take some photos."

(End of this chapter)

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