Chapter 218 218. Rewards
Eri couldn't hold back her face, at this moment, she picked up the barbecue that Yusuke had put down, took a bite, and then showed a strange look on her face.

After hesitating for a moment, Eri swallowed the meat in her mouth, put down the barbecue in her hand, and sighed, "Failed."

But soon cheered up again, "It's okay, I will try again, this time it will definitely succeed"

Yusuke wanted to comfort her a few words, but he was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Eri's barbecue is very unpalatable, not only too salty, but also too old to bite.

Yusuke can also see that Eri doesn't know how to cook at all, she's just messing around there, it's fine if you fail once, but who gave you the courage to continue?
At this moment, Ritsuko next to her said, "Where's my share?"

She sat by the side from the beginning and did not do anything. At this time, she didn't see her share, and she was a little angry.

Several girls looked at her in surprise, and even Norio Sakurai looked sideways at her.

"Look at me, I don't know how to cook, just sit and wait for dinner." Ritsuko said calmly, "Wait a minute, it will be more troublesome if you mess up."

Everyone nodded, and they were right.

"Eri, don't go there, come and sit and wait for dinner, you don't even know how to cook, what are you messing around with?"

"Sister Ritsuko!"

Eri shouted unhappily, how can you tear down my platform here?

Ritsuko knocked her on the head, "It's not a big problem if you can't cook, if you can't, you can't, and you can't starve to death."

Eri still wanted to refute, but Yusuke said at this time: "Mr. Ritsuko is right, and I don't know how to cook, so the three of us can just wait here to eat. Seiko, Yui, and Rika, please do it."

The three of them smiled and nodded, now that the matter has come to an end, Eri had no choice but to sit down.

Well, Eri also admits that she doesn't know how to cook, but it's just that everyone is on the stage, and I always feel that I have lost something if I don't.

Sakurai Norio also leaned over at this time: "Yusuke, what about me?"

"You fix yourself"

"I'm so pissed off, I won't give you barbecue, hum!"

Sakurai Norio left in a toot.

Ritsuko next to him said with emotion: "Yusuke, your charm is really great!"

Yusuke shook his head, but didn't answer.

I really don't want this kind of charm!
After eating this dinner for an hour and a half, everyone was satisfied, but because it was a self-service barbecue, everyone also had a lot of charcoal smell.

"I smell all over my body, I'm going to take a bath again later," Yui said while rubbing her hair.

"I know a good place." Norio Sakurai clapped his hands and said at this time, and the eyes of others looked over.

"This hotel has a hot spring, let's go to the hot spring later!"

"Hot springs!"

The eyes of several girls lit up, this is an excellent proposal.

"There are three kinds of hot springs here, one is a male bath, the other is a female bath, and the last one is a mixed bath."

When talking about the last one here, Norio Sakurai kept looking at Yusuke, and several girls also looked over, but the next moment everyone blushed.

Yusuke had a toothache.

Isn't it just to kill you in one round, is it necessary?
Ritsuko said at this time: "Don't think about mixing baths, as a teacher, I will not let you have these improper behaviors."

Having said that, she looked at Yusuke.

The black line on Yusuke's face, let's talk about it, but why are you always looking at me!
"I won't go to the hot springs anymore, I still have something to do in my room, so go ahead" Yusuke said calmly, although he is also interested in the hot springs, but he is not in the mood now.

Everyone nodded, the girls went to the hot springs, and Yusuke went back to the room to rest.

Back in the room, Yusuke watched TV and felt a little bored after a while.

Sure enough, a person's night is really boring.

After thinking about it, I turned on the system and clicked on the function of guessing gold coins.

The last time he failed to guess the gold coin, the result of the punishment was that his charm value was halved, but this punishment was better for Yusuke, and Yusuke wanted to try again.

Click on the function of guessing gold coins, and a gold coin appears in front of you, spinning continuously.

Yusuke chose the word 'positive', and the gold coins stopped soon.

It happens to be the word '正'!

I guessed it right!
Reward: Double the combat power!
Yusuke was shocked, he didn't expect to win this prize, this is his dream reward!

Unfortunately, this is only valid for 7 days.

In an instant, Yusuke felt that his whole body was different, his body was much lighter, and he seemed to have infinite power.

This kind of experience is very novel, and I feel that the whole person has been reborn.His vision is even more astonishing. Standing on a tall building, he can see everyone and every hair on the ground clearly. What is even more surprising is that he still has the function of night vision in this state.

Is this the combat power of 16 points? It's completely different, as if entering a new realm.

Am I going to demonstrate supernatural power in this everyday world?
Yusuke was very excited at this time, he had to find a place to experiment, this is a rare opportunity.

After changing my clothes, I got off the elevator, came to the beach, and found a corner where no one was there.

Yusuke took a deep breath, let's test the speed first!
The next moment, the sand under his feet exploded violently, Yusuke's body rushed forward, and a straight line was instantly drawn on the beach.

A few seconds later, Yusuke's figure appeared on the other side.

This distance is several hundred meters, the explosive power is amazing!

But even so, Yusuke can still feel that there is still potential in his body that has not been stimulated.

Yusuke started to run, faster and faster, and finally turned into a black shadow. His speed continued to increase, as if he had entered a new world. Yusuke felt that all the cells in his body were cheering. A new and unprecedented experience.

There were still tourists walking on the beach, at this moment a black shadow flashed past, and everyone's eyes blurred.

Did something just pass by?what is that?It should be a bird.

The tourists muttered a few words, but they didn't take it seriously, and Yusuke's figure had already left them far behind.

After the excitement, Yusuke slowly lowered his footsteps. Standing here, he could no longer see the location of the hotel, which was already very far away from the hotel.

Yusuke was very excited, this powerful feeling is really very good!
After the speed test, let's test the strength again.

Yusuke stood in front of a huge rock, put his palm on the stone wall, and took a step forward.

The next moment, the huge rock pushed forward.

This boulder weighed at least tens of tons, but Yusuke pushed it forward with one hand.

At this moment, Yusuke turned his palm into a fist and punched out, and the next moment the boulder was broken into several pieces and hit the beach.

This kind of power can already be called Humanoid Gundam.

Ritsuko once said that force is the lowest solution, but when force reaches a certain level, it will override all rules.

But Yusuke is not overheated, this is an ordinary everyday world, once this extraordinary power appears, he is ready to be sliced.

Speaking of which, even having this kind of power is actually not a good thing, after all, no matter how strong it is, it cannot beat the whole world.

After calming down, Yusuke thought seriously.

It seems that the reward of "doubling combat power" is not the best choice for me, unless I can double it all the time, and then be strong enough to blow up the planet with one punch, but the probability is too low.

In this way, it is not as affordable as other abilities. I hope that the next lottery can get some useful abilities.

After the experiment, Yusuke's enthusiasm disappeared, and he was ready to go back.

With his current speed, it only takes a minute to get back to the hotel.

Fortunately, it is night now, so Yusuke can run with all his strength, otherwise during the day, this speed is really shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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