Chapter 304 304. A New Helper
After eating the dried fish, the kittens had a much better impression of Yusuke, so they started to gather their companions.

Yusuke was waiting here, time passed bit by bit, there were more and more cats coming from the alley, these cats were very surprised to see the existence of Yusuke, after the explanation of many companions Next, I was a little dubious, but I didn't leave, so I stayed here.

There are more and more cats coming here, 100, 200, 300, 400, and the number is still increasing, densely packed, all kinds of cats are standing on the ground and on the branches. All the cats are looking at Yusuke, hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring at the same time, this pressure is very huge.

But Yusuke has long been used to this kind of staring ceremony, and the hundreds of younger brothers of the crow boss often look at him like this, and Yusuke has long been used to it.

Yusuke also saw the friends of the flower-armed cats. Except for Xiaohuang, Xiaohei, and flower-armed cats, the remaining 4 cats are:
A yellow-striped raccoon cat with yellow cat pupils, the most special thing is that it has a humane smile, and that round smile surprised Yusuke, this smile looks so healing.

A beautiful shorthair cat with a gray pattern, muscular and sharp eyes, it doesn't look like someone to be messed with.

A black and white cat with black spots on the eyes and white fur from the mouth to the belly, black and white, very beautiful.

Finally, there is a cat with a whole body of white, a round head, blue cat eyes, and an elegant figure. It is completely different from Xiao Hei, very beautiful.

Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei had already greeted them, and these cats did not dislike Yusuke's appearance. At this time, they stood in front of Yusuke as representatives, ready to negotiate with Yusuke.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Misawa Yusuke," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Meow (my name is Xiaohua)" said the flower-armed cat, a male cat.

"Meow (my name is Lanlan)" said the American Shorthair Cat, a male cat.

"Meow (my name is Xiaoyuan)" said the raccoon cat, a male cat.

"Meow (my name is puppet)" said the black and white cat, the female cat.

"Meow (my name is Xiaobai)" said the white cat, male cat.

Including Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei who have already quit, there are a total of 7 kittens, five males and two females, and they are the leaders here.

"Meow (I heard that you want to ask us for help, what's the matter?)" the white cat stood up and asked.

"I'm looking for a dog, this dog is missing, I hope you can help me find it, I will pay accordingly"

"Meow meow (but you have to know that we are not professionals)" Lanlan said at this time: "meow meow (finding things is not our strong point)"

"It doesn't matter." Yusuke replied with a smile: "In fact, there are other partners who are helping to find them, but the city is too big and I don't have enough manpower. I hope you can help me."

"Meow (what's the reward)" Madoka said, "Meow (if it doesn't suit us, we will refuse)"

"Of course." Yusuke nodded, "I'm a very fair person, all of this is up to you."

The kittens all nodded, and were very satisfied with Yusuke's attitude. On the one hand, he could understand their language, and on the other hand, Yusuke was able to talk to them calmly, and put them on an equal footing.

After all, this world is a human world.

Some of their partners have been raised by humans before, and they know some of the habits of humans. They are just pets, and their status is incomparable to that of humans. It was beyond their expectation that Yusuke could speak so well, and they had a better impression of Yusuke.

"Every cat that helps has two catties of dried fish, I can pay half of it first"

The kittens were a little agitated, the reward was beyond their imagination, it was really rich.

The kittens discussed it, and with the guarantee from Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei, the kittens chose to trust Yusuke and decided to try the first cooperation.

Seeing that the kittens agreed to cooperate, Yusuke smiled and finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

Yusuke took out the photo he had prepared and pasted it on the wall.

"This is the dog you are looking for. After you find the whereabouts of this dog, notify Xiao Hei or Xiao Huang, and I will confirm the existence of the other party. After the task is completed, I will pay the corresponding reward."

The kittens all nodded, the deal was fair.

"Pleasant to work with"

"Meow (happy cooperation)"

After Yongsuke left, he had to prepare the reward. 1000 catties of dried fish was not a small amount. Yongsuke went to several pet shops, bought up the pet store's inventory, and finally got half of it together. There were dozens of large boxes.

It is really troublesome to move so many things to the holy place of cats, Yusuke thought for a while, and said to Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, can you call Xiao Hua and them over?"

Xiao Hei nodded, and soon, Xiao Hua and the others appeared.

"As you can see, everything is here, but I can't move in so many things, why don't we change the trading place?"

Xiaohua and the others also saw something and were very happy. It seems that this person is keeping his promise!

But what this human being said made sense, it was really troublesome to move so many things inside.

"How about we trade over there by the river?"

It was the place where Yusuke used to shoot, but he seldom went there.

The kittens discussed it and nodded. The place is wide enough and safe enough.

Yusuke called a small truck and pulled all these things to the river. The delivery driver was a little curious, why did he move so many things to the river?
But his professional habits prevented him from asking too much. After unloading the goods, the driver drove away.

Yusuke started to unpack, opened the cans and put them on the ground one by one.

The kittens appeared one after another, and soon a large number of cats gathered here. Fortunately, this place is remote enough, otherwise it would definitely attract the attention of the masses.

It took Yusuke a lot of work just to open the can, but it finally satisfied all the cats. The 500 kittens were very happy to eat, and Xiaohua's impression of Yusuke increased rapidly.

This human is very good at keeping promises!

Human beings keep their promises, and they will keep their promises too.

After eating and drinking enough, the kittens started to work, and the kittens scattered and ran around the city.

Yusuke gave them a deadline of two days. If they find the dog within two days, the task is considered complete. If they can’t find it, then forget it. Even if they can’t find it even after using the power of the sky and the ground, Yusuke has tried his best, so we can only stop here give up.

Soon, there were only a lot of empty cans and cardboard boxes left on the ground. After clearing up the rubbish, Yusuke tidied up the scene, said hello, and took Xiao Hei and them home

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, dispatched so many animals, it was finally rewarding.

On the second morning, Xiao Hei brought good news.

(End of this chapter)

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