Chapter 306 306. A Special Husky

This husky actually wanted to commit suicide?
What a dog with personality!
"Wow, woof, woof (don't stop me, let me die, what's the point of my life?)"

The black line on Yusuke's face, this guy must have watched too many romance TV dramas, why can you say this kind of lines, you are a dog!
"Wow woof (I love it so much, I go to the garbage every day to feed it to eat, but it still betrays me, I am so disappointed!)"

Huskies roared loudly, Yusuke looked calm, and really didn't know how to complain.

After thinking for a while, he took out a ham sausage from the backpack behind him.

"Come on, eat something and calm down"

With tears in his eyes, the husky bit off the ham sausage in one bite.

"Wang (I want more)"

"another one"

Finally, the husky was comforted. One person, one dog, and two cats sat on the side of the road.

After eating a few ham sausages, Husky finally stabilized his mood.

"Okay, let's go home then"

The husky nodded, and this time he didn't refuse anymore. He was heartbroken by love, so he could only return to the embrace of his rich owner, and be a dog waiting to die.

Such a dog's life, it recognizes it!
But after two steps, Huskies stopped.

"Wow woof (can you let me say goodbye to my friends?)"

Yusuke nodded, "Then let's go there together"

Yusuke followed the husky to a remote corner in a nearby small park.

There are some paper and messy things piled up here, and it looks like it should be the place where the husky sleeps.

Yusuke looked around, but found no other dogs.

"what about your friends?"

"Wow (it should go out to find food)"

"Come back later"

"Woof (no, it's my most important friend)"

Huskies looked resolute, there was no other way, Yusuke had to wait here with Huskies.

"What happened after the quarrel that day?"

Yusuke is a little curious, this dog's journey is really rich!
"Wow woof woof (after I had a fight with the owner that day, I ran all the way, and then I got lost, and if I hadn't met my friend, I would have starved to death, so I had to say goodbye to it)"

Yusuke nodded, it turned out to be the case.

"Wow woof (Is there any ham sausage? I want my friend to try it)"

"No, I'm going to buy some"

"Wow (thank you)"

When Yusuke and Husky came back from buying ham sausages, there was already a puppy lying there.

It is also a juvenile husky, not very tall, and looks a little malnourished, and its biggest feature is that its two ears are round, like Mickey Mouse.

Yusuke was a little surprised, it was so rare!

Seeing his friend coming back, Husky ran over immediately, and the two dogs communicated there.

After learning that his good friend was going back to be a rich man's dog again, the round-eared husky seemed a bit disappointed, but he was his friend after all, and the round-eared husky was still happy for him.

Yusuke came over, the round-eared husky was a little scared, and immediately hid behind his companion.

"Wang (don't be afraid, this is a good man)" the companion comforted.

Yusuke took out the sausage from his backpack, unpacked it, and shook it.

The round-eared husky looked at it, a little moved, but did not act.

"Don't worry, these are edible" Yusuke said, the round-eared husky looked at Yusuke, then at his companion, who was already eating ham sausage.

After thinking for a while, he walked over, bit the ham sausage, and ate it in small bites.

"Wow (thank you)"

"It's ok"

Hearing Yusuke's words, the round-eared husky pricked up his ears in surprise. Its ears are like Mickey Mouse, very conspicuous.

"Woof (can you understand me?)"

"I understand"

The round-eared husky was a little surprised, it was the first time he saw such a human being, and in an instant, his impression of Yusuke was much better.

Yusuke also had some interest in this husky, so he squatted there and chatted with it for a while.

Soon, Yusuke learned everything about the husky.

This husky originally had a happy family, but unfortunately, because of its weird ears, it was abandoned by its mother.

A bitch can give birth to seven or eight puppies in one litter, but not all puppies can survive, and the round-eared husky, which looks different from other dogs, has a higher mortality rate. Its mother has such a choice Not surprisingly.

But surprisingly, the dog survived.

But even so, it also lived a very hard life, because it was different, it was difficult for it to mix into the circle of stray dogs, and it has always been a dog living carefully.

And it was completely accidental that it saved Husky, because Husky was hungry and fainted on the road at that time.

It's very strange, it's even taller than it, yet it doesn't know any foraging skills, and it's so big that it's useless at all!
However, such a dog must be different, it is the same as it, so it was saved.

Yusuke admires the tenacity of this husky, this dog is very strong!

Suddenly, Yusuke had a good idea, didn't the Son ask him to find a pet?The husky in front of me is not suitable, and its ears like Mickey Mouse are very recognizable.

After thinking about it, Yusuke extended an invitation to it.

"Would you like to be a human pet?"

"Wang (with you?)"

The round-eared husky looked at Yusuke. It communicated with Yusuke for a while, and its favorability for Yusuke rose rapidly. If it was Yusuke, he would not refuse.

Yusuke shook his head, "She is a friend of mine, but I can assure you that she is a very nice person"

The round-eared husky pondered, but Yusuke didn't urge him. After all, this is a life-long decision. If he really becomes a pet, he will be bound to a human being.

Finally, the round-eared husky nodded, he didn't want to experience this lonely life again.

When it didn't meet its companions before, it didn't feel much, but now that its companions are leaving, it's the only one left. It's not used to this feeling.

Maybe it's time to change your life.

Yusuke smiled and touched its head.

"Okay, let's go then"

"Wang (good)"

The round-eared husky stood up. Now that he had made up his mind, he straightened his mind immediately.

Yusuke led the two huskies back to Sakura Ryoko's clinic. Sakura Ryoko was a little surprised, but nothing unexpected.

Yusuke is still omnipotent!
Yoshiko Sakura checked the two huskies. The husky who ran away from home was very healthy, while the other husky was just malnourished and had no physical problems.

Ryoko Sakura locked the found husky into a cage, and then looked at the other husky with sparkling eyes.

This husky's ears are so special!

Like Mickey Mouse, it looks very happy.

"Yusuke, where did this husky come from?"

"I met on the road, and then we came together"

Sakura Ryoko was very interested, "Can you give it to me?"

"Sorry, my friend already asked for it"

Ryoko Sakura felt a little regretful, and said, "I knew this before, and I told you in advance, next time you have a good pet, remember to leave one for me."


Ryoko Sakura has always wanted a special pet as a signboard. She fell in love with Xiao Hui before, but Xiao Hui disagreed. Now she has her eyes on this round-eared husky, but this husky has already been reserved by Shengzi , which disappointed her.

(End of this chapter)

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